Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day #186 - Ding Dong the Witch is Dead...

One of the News Anchors said tonight, "Like 9/11 you will always remember where you were when you heard the news Osama Bin Laden is dead". He was killed by USA special OPS on President Obama's orders. I was home laying on my couch watching a recording of the other big news this week - the wedding of the Prince of England when Travis came out to the loft and told me about the News Break.

I think it is ironic that just Friday I was thinking how a single event has the ability to put most of the world on the same page emotionally - I was thinking of William and Kate's wedding. I haven't really paid attention until this week and then I got a little caught up in all the tradition, "what will her dress look like" and wondering what hat I would have picked for the occasion - there were some REALLY odd ones - so I decided to record it. Kate did look beautiful.

Now I sit here after hearing all the celebration over the death of a terrorist and it feels sort of awkward to me. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad the dude is dead, but it seems strange to me to see hundreds of people out celebrating in the street. It is certainly a different kind of unity. I do hope the world will be a better place without such a man in it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."  


  1. Man....I hate to admit, but this is the first I had heard of Bin Laden. I just don't have the t.v. on. I guess I need to read up on my headline news. Pretty big thing to miss. The wedding....I just wasn't into it. Vanessa wanted me to watch some of it....why? Talk about long and drawn out...I did see the prince struggle a bit to get her ring on...that was interesting. I just don't think it is that amazing. Every wedding is a big deal (you know what I mean). I am not sure why I couldn't care less. Love the Diva Quote.

  2. Really? You don't even watch the news? How about facebook...Lot's of comments there. I get the non-interest in the wedding thing. I wasn't all ga ga about it either until I really started to think about it watching the Today Show while I got ready for work. I decided to invest some possitive energy into it, since there is nothing else with Happy Energy going on in the world - what I mean is, there was so much energy focused on that one event I was just hoping some of the negative energy would be released for a minute. The TRULY ironic thing is Bin Laden was killed on the same day as the wedding...weird.

  3. Ha ha... getting caught up on blogs tonight and just read this... It really cracks me up I was saying the same thing today....
