Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day #62 - B-day post #2

WOW - I have been absent for a are the final photos for the 40th B-day party:

We had a lovely night. I took a hint from my sister and tried to decorate a little for the occasion and Trav and I smoked a beef brisket on the new smoker for 10 turned out tough, but the pork ended up delicious. We also made a sauce with 1.5 cups cider vinegar & mustard in it and it was DELICIOUS!! I thought it would be yucky, but it was yummy. We just made some ribs tonight and they turned out AMAZING and we smoked some chicken breasts the other night and they were to DIE for!! I think that smoker was a good buy.

One thing I want to say about the B-day night...I am so glad my brothers and sisters are our friends. This party was just meant to be a friends party and there were no people I wanted to have there more than my brothers and sisters and I know Trav feels the same way. AND...for the was Amy's idea to put M&M's up our noses.

I love you all - thank you for coming and supporting Travis on a landmark Birthday!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest." - Father Larry Lorenzoni

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day #61 - 2 Days of Birthday Posts


Wow...we really are adults aren't we. How strange that it never feels different to be one year older. It is easy to see how we have changed, or not changed, looking backwards through the years. I suppose Trav has changed over the 20 or so years I have known him, but the core things I liked about him way-back-when are still the things I love about him today, the main one being his sense of humor...Travis has an irreverent and clever sense of humor. He does sometimes offend, but more often than not he entertains, hence the birthday gift I gave him today and his comment, "Who are you? Trish?". For anyone that does not know, Trish is my mother who gave us all "funny sayings" T-shirts for Christmas for several years in a row.

Not only did I get him a Bull Shirt T-shirt, I got the sweatshirt too...I think it is funny..I don't think Trav's Mom approved when he wore it to dinner tonight...Oh well. Joleen took us to Lorena's and gave Travis an outdoor temperature gage that looks like a clock - We are going to hang it up on the dinner deck.

Tomorrow I will be cleaning the house like crazy and fixing food for a party I am throwing for him. We are going to cook beef brisket, chicken breasts, a small pork roast in our new smoker for our friends that are coming over for dinner. I will be taking photos so I can post them tomorrow.

I also wanted to post some fall photos tonight...

WOW is it beautiful up here right now. I love driving to and from work during this time of year as the mountains start to turn colors and my own trees turn a vibrant orange that just glow in the sun. I am so blessed.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light and color are their last days."  ~John Burroughs - I would add "until the spring when they are born again" HB

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day #60 - But that's not ALL...

I saved the 2nd half of my Summit experience for today...who can believe so much good stuff gets squeezed into 2 OTHER boss, John, also spoke to us on Tuesday.

It seems all month John has been focused on what we need to do in order to expect the best results from within ourselves...he uses the analogy of an orange...when an orange is squeezed hard enough, with enough pressure, the result is orange juice. No matter how hard or how many ways we squeeze the orange, it just will not produce apple juice.

So it is with us...when we are squeezed hard enough, we produce the results of whatever is within us, so how do we ensure the best results when squeezed?

1 - what we want in life and clarity in what it takes to get it (the path). John likened this to plans for building a house...once the idea gets put on paper and the plans are drawn, it takes the action to then build it. There are most always changes along the way, upgrades, walls are moved, etc. but the plan is detailed and the vision is clear.

2 - Gratitude. Anyone who reads my blog knows I am a big proponent of gratitude, but I liked that John suggested we be grateful for experiences we have had in the past (good & bad), to be grateful for what we have now, to be grateful for the ability to contribute to others and to be grateful for all that is possible.

3 - Experience. Mine - If I've done it before, I can do it again. Yours - If you can do it, I can do it. Drawing upon my own successful experiences in the past and also drawing on your successes can be used to inspire me to be and do better in all areas of my life.

4 - Integrity. Having integrity with others is simple for me. I am not saying I have never lied or not been completely up front in my life, but overall I love mankind and do strive to treat others with honesty and consideration. I cannot say I take the same pains with low a thought this is for me and it is not a new thought to me either. Oh, I am not a bad person, but I have not done myself any favors by breaking the promises I make to myself or by not doing what I know I need to do to execute the plan for my life (at least the parts I HAVE laid out). Ultimately, integrity to oneself is something that will produce that pure orange juice that will spill into all areas of life.

5 - You are not alone...Don't go it alone, it is not necessary.

John shared a story about this past month when he, George and a few agents from the office climbed Kings Peak with their kids. This has become a tradition in the office and I would actually like to go next summer (gulp - sounds like a plan forming). Apparently, John is afraid of heights, so is his 12 year old daughter - the final peak is 13,000 feet or higher; when climbing that high, most people experience altitude sickness (dizziness, shortness of breath, muscle fatigue, nausea) and this hike was no exception. When the children began to experience this altitude sickness, they became frightened and each father was left to deal with their own children and to talk them through this fear.

John talked about how difficult it was for him to not show his own fear to his daughter who looked to him for her own safety and guidance, who had total faith and trust in his leadership. He had to lead her with certainty, despite his fear. John talked about how he was also not alone, having made the journey with those he trusted and who had been through the experience before; he had their guidance and knowledge to lean on.

This is the case with EVERY endeavor we undertake and with EVERY experience we have in life. Whether we are starting a new career, looking to accomplish a new goal, going through relationship crisis, dealing with challenging children, preparing for a presentation, etc. We are not alone, even when we feel alone, we are not alone. I speak of mentors, coaches, friends, family, leaders and, yes, God. If you speak more in understanding from cosmic energy...that too. We are all connected and there is no reason to go it isn't even possible...of this I am certain.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” Chief Seattle 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day #59 - Act with Certainty

It is pretty funny that the last post I wrote was about self-doubt and then today, at the monthly Summit meeting for work, they talked about certainty.

I have heard George tell the story a few times about the surgery he had on his heart just a few years ago. Today he focused mostly on the actual experience of the surgery he had to endure; the fear he confronted and the certainty he trained himself to believe in for a successful outcome. First, he was given the certainty of certain death if he did NOT do the surgery and that alone jolted him into life like nothing else could. He talked about how he would tell himself over and over in the days leading up to his surgery, "I am going to be stronger than before" and other similar mantra's to prepare himself for the successful outcome.

During the surgery George was partially awake for most of the time. The problem with his heart was due to electrical issues and they had to find the problem before they could fix it. This involved adrenaline and a high heart rate of 170 beats per minute and then an instant drop down to 25 beats per minute. George says this was the scariest thing he has ever experienced. The best part of the story was how the anesthesiologist told George afterward that he had to give him more meds to knock him completely out because George had just spent the better part of two hours explaining the purpose of life to him. If you knew George, you would not be surprised and it is actually hilarious.

After surgery George's wife asked him if he was in pain because he had tears running down his face, he said, "No, I am not in pain...I am SO grateful to be alive."

George went on to talk about how being certain has nothing to do with being right. Think about the difference of having a mind set walking into an appointment to win a listing full of self-doubt vs. going in certain you will win the business. In certainty, there are still going to be times you will lose, but odds are there will be more times you will win.

I don't have the exact quote, but one thing I tried to right down was - the greatest challenge of life is living our lives expecting less from ourselves than we are capable of being AND if I change the way I perceive things the things I perceive will change...

The biggest part of being certain seems to be trusting the process, it doesn't matter which process we are talking about (religious, fitness, selling, etc) whatever process you have decided to believe in, the key is to trust the process, be certain it works and then not to allow complacency to kick in once the process gets underway. George challenged us to 100 days of certainty...let's see how it goes.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” Charles F. Kettering

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day #58 - Self Doubt Out

As many guru's, self help books, cd's and classes I have internalized over the years you would think I would be transported in a blink of an eye into the next life. I should be so perfect by now. My energy should be so bright and my purpose so clear I should just karmically (is this a word) be able to skip death altogether and just go on into the next experience.

Instead, my husband asked me "why are you so mean?" this morning, I ate Taco Bell for lunch instead of the healthy lunch I brought, my hair has this weird, rather distracting bump in it I only noticed at 4 p.m., I became the moron that thought I couldn't unlock my car door because the clicker ran out of batteries, I resisted like crazy making 5 prospecting calls and I got called by Subaru collections because I forgot to pay the one bill I have that does not come out of my account automatically for the last 2 months in a row (oops).

That whole paragraph sounds like isn't really, it is just my constant reminder that I can't seem to stop tripping over myself.

In the end, Trav and I made up before I left the house, I made a nice dinner this evening and only had a small portion, my hair IS weird, but I think no one cared, I eventually figured out how to use a real key on my car again and got the clicker battery changed today, I DID make the 5 calls even though it was awkward for me, I called Subaru and received the best, most pleasant service I have received in years. It was almost worth it to talk to Shannon (Mr.) who waived my late fee, gave me empathy as I expressed my frustration in my failed attempts to get auto pay set up and my embarrassment at missing payments and who was so friendly it actually made me want to invite him over for popcorn and a movie on Saturday night.

I believe all the books and self-help guides I have read. There is a pattern of truth that shows up in all of them and they all weave together in an amazing tapestry. Two of my favorite cds I have recently re-listened to in fragments, a little here a little there, and I am amazed at the HUGE difference in philosophy that somehow arrives at the same place in the end. Here is where I know I see truth. I guess my problem comes to light in my own self doubt. I am constantly sabotaging my efforts and setting myself up to fail.

There is a key to releasing my self-doubt...I'll figure it out.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We’ll never survive!”
“Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has.”

William Goldman, The Princess Bride (love that show)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day #57 - Beep, Beep

There are 2 commercials running right now that I absolutely adore. It is actually a miracle we caught them since everything we watch now-a-days has been pre-recorded and are virtually commercial free. Interestingly enough, they are both car commercials (not sure which cars...):

#1 - Two guys on a road trip who only have Spanish learning cd's to listen to. There is a funny instant at the beginning where the passenger is messing up the words and his voice is sarcastic and irritated as he repeats them out loud with his friend - gracious is pronounced "Grace-eee-us". The next scene is at a gas station and they both get out of the car. The passenger gets out and says, in fluent, rapid, perfect Spanish (and some emphatic gesturing) "13 hours in the car without any music, unbelievable." The driver shouts back, as his friend makes his way into the store, also in fluent Spanish, "Get me some chips and a soda"....probably not the exact words, but I'm sure you get it.

I like the idea that I could learn Spanish on a road trip. I have thought about taking Spanish for several years now. I keep gently mentioning it to Travis and sometimes he seems up for it and other times not so much. I wonder if he would go with me if I actually signed us up for it. I wonder if I should just do it myself, but what is fun about learning a language by yourself? Who do you practice with? I also like the idea that we learn even when we are not necessarily interested in learning. That passenger was all uptight about being bored and not listening to music, but he came away with a new language. Think if that happened to would be the most crazy, funny, awesome story and probably a rather useful tool. I like that we learn, often times in spite of ourselves.

#2 - The premise of this next commercial is something along the lines of, "Don't you wish you always had a warning to stop you from making mistakes?" The guy is spraying cologne on his neck and goes to spray it down his pants there is a "beep, beep" sound and he stops. He gets a job offer and stands up to shake the new boss's hand and starts doing some weird hand shake maneuvers "beep, beep", he stops; he then starts to move his poker chips all in on one hand in another scene, "beep, beep", he pulls them back; he gives a girl a chaste kiss at the door after a date, then begins to move in again as his tongue starts to peak out "beep, beep", he pulls back. The commercial is for a feature on a car that lets you know when your tires are filled to pressure "beep, beep" no more air is needed.

The car feature is ok, but I LOVE all those incidents that he was saved from. I guess you can say we all have the "beep, beep" instincts inside of us. I TRY to listen to mine, but often times I don't catch myself in time only to realize later the "beeps" were blaring, I just wasn't paying attention.

I am not sure why I felt compelled to record these two commercials here, but for some reason I like them so well, I don't want to forget them. I also read some deeper meanings into them and maybe that is the point of a good commercial - they should resonate with the consumer, unfortunately both cars were 4-door longer an option for me as long as I live in Summit Park.

If you haven't seen the commercials, you should actually check them out...very funny.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When one loves, one does not calculate." St. Therese of Lisieux

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day #56 - Politics everyone watching the conventions? Is everyone watching the Facebook posts? Geeesh. I find politics very divisive. I find politics very unifying. Politics are personal and they are also every one's business. I find politics interesting and at the same time droll. I get inspired and disgusted. I see hero's and I see hypocrites. How does one reconcile such paradox?

I don't write this post to get into the issues or my stand on them, but just to create my own awareness of the paradox that is politics and to remind myself there are contradictory and absurd expressions in many walks of life that often times strangely lead to certain truths.

One truth I feel for myself, is how grateful I am that I live in this Country. I do not believe I am more worthy than those who do not live here, but I am grateful to have the opportunities this Country has provided to me.

I felt a lot of pride in America as I watched the Olympics recently. I was also moved by the global unity created by the opening ceremony; I was thinking how proud the world was of their own individual countries as well.

In the end, I really believe we are all just people doing our darnedest to live the best lives we can. I also believe this world is getting smaller and smaller with all the technology out there. I have a niece and nephew in grade school that are spending half days speaking only Chinese. Does this mean we should all be looking at speaking a 2nd language? At work, we are constantly talking about Global perspective and how we can provide connectedness to our clients; there are billions of dollars being spent on housing in America by individuals living outside the Country, so do we embrace the world or barricade ourselves in?

Regardless of the right or wrong answers to all the political debates that will go on and on and on over the next 4 months, I admire those that have been called to serve in politics. I respect the effort that must go into any campaign and the incredible amount of knowledge one must possess to take a journey like that on. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to take it all in and be part of the process as well.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.” Mother Teresa