Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Company Time

I just got home from our companies first annual Summer party. It sounded like a great way to get to know some of the new agents that recently joined the company (over 60 to be exact) and to meet some of the agents families that I have been working with over this last year.

I was expecting hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner, but should have known George and John do nothing normal. The food was WONDERFUL. There was a zucchini, bean & olive salad, crab macaroni salad, raspberry/walnut green salad, smokey baked beans with a little spicy kick, raspberry grilled chicken and smoked pork tenderloin w/pineapple habanero sauce. Yum.

There was also two big bouncy houses, tug-o-war (very funny), volleyball, prize packet drawing for a big bucket of family games, face painting, etc. Pretty nice party. I realize I gave the bosses the credit - it was really one of our Broker's that put it all together and she did a VERY nice job.

The best part of the night was all the little kids. There seemed to be 50 two year olds there - all these darling little people, not quite chatty yet, just running all over the place. So cute. I did get a chance to catch up with several of the agents I have gotten to know this year and also spent some time with some of the new agents - it was good.

I was also happy Travis was there with me. There was natural resistance initially, but I love bringing Travis to meet the people I work with. He is so good looking and I love it when people ask how long we have been married and I get to say "18 years" and they always do a double take on Travis. It always makes me laugh inside.

Just today, after Travis left the party, I had several people tell me how good looking he is. I love telling Travis about it later - he gets embarrassed and I am sure it makes him feel good. I like to think it adds some mystery to me in the viewers eyes..."what is so great about Heather that she has a husband like that"? Well, you will just have to get to know me to find out. LOL.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "At every party there are two kinds of people - those who want to go home and those who don't. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other."  Ann Landers

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I finally captured a good picture of a rainbow. We have received quite a bit of rain in the last few weeks. We have also received 3 roof bids and 2 paint bids. This photo reminds me of all the beautiful nights we get to spend outdoors and makes me feel, even with all the money and work to do on this high maintenance house, a sense of gratitude and peace.

Yesterday I was so excited that my sister Melissa, visiting from Florida, had agreed to come down to my new office (yes, I moved again) to assist me with decorating and getting organized. I pictured us doing a bit of carefree shopping, hanging things on the bare walls in a way that actually looks good (thanks to her) and then going out to dinner and having a one on one sister time chat.

Instead, Melissa showed up and had to wait for 30 minutes while I wrapped up some business, we went shopping where I ended up drenched in sweat (man was I HOT), and in between I called my friend back, because she had uncharacteristically sent me two urgent messages, to find out her daughter's baby (she was 26 weeks pregnant) had died in the womb and they had taken her to a hospital near my office so she could deliver him. She ended up getting sent home and will not go back to try again until this weekend - it would be so hard to have that unfinished when the end is known. My friend asked me to go be with her until she could get there from CO or to at least check in on her. Needless to say my sister and I rescheduled.

Just this past weekend I had attended a baby shower for this dear friend. You can picture the excitement, the gifts, the pictures and all the plans that were discussed. Now imagine going to your normal appointment to find out the bad news. Shocked and devastated are only minor words to describe this experience. I cannot even imagine what she must be going through.

I thought it was interesting to note my original and immediate reaction to the news was white hot who? I don't know, just at the situation I think. I have been thinking these last 24 hours about where there might be a silver lining in the situation. I am sure I can and have come up with a few, but I have decided that sometimes there does not need to be a silver lining. Maybe this can just be a sad loss and things like a beautiful rainbow can just bring a moment of peace after the storm.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: “That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt” -- John Green

Monday, July 1, 2013

Three Blind Mice...See How They Run?

Whenever I get a new car or drive a car I am unfamiliar with I always try to be more aware of the blind spots; really do a good wide neck craning to make sure there is no stray, road colored car there that I might have missed, prior to changing lanes. I do this because there are natural blind spots I am unfamiliar with - the windows are a different shape or size, they may be bigger or smaller or have tinting I am not used to.

I am on year four of driving my current car and I have become accustomed to its natural blind spots, but the other day I almost got in a wreck except for a smooth moving car who, luckily, had a lane to move to when I almost side swiped him in my unawareness of his presence and over-reliance on my mirrors. Queue "apologetic wave..."

It made me think about a question our new...not sure what his title is...but he is organizing all of us from the bottom up and will be a decision maker for our company moving forward. His name is Les and he is giving us weekly lessons in smart business practices - I have started to call them "Lesisms". A few weeks ago he asked all the staff if we know where our personal blind spots are...

One of the examples he used was how parents always want to believe the best about their children even when the proof is blatantly clear they have made an error, the parent always wants to believe it is a mistake or there is some other explanation for the incorrect action. I remember an after school special called "Not My Kid" about a high school girl that got addicted to drugs - I don't know why, but I never forgot that show.

I am not sure I can actually name my blind spots, but I'm pretty sure Travis could point some out. I'm pretty sure I may not want to know what they are...that probably isn't true, but perhaps I really DON'T want to know and maybe that is one of my blind spots. How DO we figure out where we need to do a bit more neck craning in certain areas of our lives?

  • Listening - people will tell us in both blunt and subtle ways what we need to hear if we just listen for it. If I have several people telling me the same thing, even in multiple ways, I should probably take a good look over my shoulder and then change lanes. 
  • Asking the "right" people - Travis would never want to hurt me, but I know a few people that want to see me fail. Who would be the better person to ask about my personal blind spots?
  • Reading - Les is very big on reading. Not only do we have our book of the month to get through, he gave us a reading assignment for 2 other books. Les believes he has learned more about business, communication and relationships by reading books than he ever learned in school. Reading broadens our minds and makes us ask questions. 
  • Education - Learning for me comes in many different varieties, but the important thing is to keep learning from experiences, mistakes, reading, observing, etc. These things may also open your eyes to your own blind spots as new information comes into your sphere. 

After reviewing my last several days I feel these may be some of my own blinds spots:

Blind spot #1: Today I kept getting mad because I couldn't get off the phone long enough to get any of my "tasks" done. I think I may have a slight blind spot when it comes to "righteous" anger. Perhaps I feel I am more busy than you are and therefore my time is more valuable or the explanation is not worth the time it will take to review more than once. This is something I must work on and certainly I need to stop sighing so loudly. 

Blind spot #2: I LOVE being sarcastic and joking around, but I wonder if sometimes sarcasm can be hurtful and unintentionally cruel. I need to work on this. 

Blind spot #3: I tend to be a know it all, hard to believe "I know"...enough said. 

I know it is important to recognize our own distressing short comings so we do not hurt others intentionally or otherwise. I am determined to be more patient and kind tomorrow. 

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein