Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day #164 - Pick-up Artist

I took my car in for a service today and Sheryle was good enough to pick me up from the shop, take me to work and get me back to my car after work even though it was completely out of her way.

Sheryle constantly surprises me. She is 2 years away from retirement, which she likes to mention often (me thinks she is looking forward to it) and most of the time she is reserved and mature as one might expect; Then she will say or do something clear out in left field and out of no where that raises the eyebrows a bit.

I remember one time I asked her if she could be anything she wanted to be in the whole world, what would it be and she answered SUPER quickly "a helicopter pilot"...HUH? Really? I suggested we should look into how much it would cost to take a helicopter ride around town and maybe we could give it to her for a retirement gift someday, she answered (again SUPER QUICK) "it costs $99 dollars". Whhhhaaat? You know that? She hasn't gone on a ride yet, but...someday.

Sheryle has a bum knee and will limp a bit when it is sore. Yesterday her husband called her and I picked up her phone since she was away from her desk. He told me he was going to send me a song to play within Sheryle's hearing and wait and see what happens. The song is a camp song called something like "there was a bear". Anyway, when Sheryle got back to her desk I opened the link and turned up the sound on my speakers. That song was barely through the first few bars and she had jumped up and moved around to my cubicle so fast saying adamantly over and over "no, no, no Heather, turn it off!!"  I was almost scared (the good kind of scared). Apparently she hates the song because it stays in her head all day. At the rate she moved - I have to wonder how bad that knee can really be...? That was a funny day.

Another time in a department meeting our boss Jonathan asked us each to share our favorite movie. Jonathan tends to misinterpret things sometimes and the person before Sheryle mentioned how they like Will Smith, the actor, and any movie he is in. Well Sheryle said she liked "The Black Stallion" and Jonathan said - you mean Will Smith? We all just looked at him for a minute and then busted out laughing - who hasn't heard of the movie "The Black Stallion"? Both Jonathan AND Sheryle still get teased about that at times.

Sheryle is my movie critic and is constantly giving me orders on what I should watch on the instant play netflix feature and we both LOVE to watch "Castle" on Monday night. It is usually one of the first things we discuss on Tuesday morning. "this should have happened"..."can you believe he??"..."And then she"..."I knew the brother didn't do it"..."really? you knew?"...on and on.

Anyone at the office would have taken me to get my car - I am blessed to work with great, generous people, but Sheryle took me today and for that...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts" Author unknown

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day #163 - Only One Thing at a Time

Another insight from that book on tape...Have you ever felt overwhelmed by how much there is to do and how little time there is to complete it all? Have you ever felt pride in your ability to "multi-task"? Has your mind been cluttered with information and distracted when you picked up the phone only to realize you have no idea what the person on the other end is saying? OR have you made a call and gotten so distracted by the email you are preparing (or dinner or coupon cutting) to realize you forgot who you called when they pick up on the other end? I have - just today I was realizing I received 20 work orders in 5 days. This might not sound like too much to handle, but let me break it down:

20 initial policy reviews with transferee's
40 calls to 40 agents and emailing work orders to complete a market analysis on the various homes
40 reviews of said BMA's when they come in
20 notices to 20 agents that they didn't receive the listing
20 Listing packets to send out
20 Destination referrals to place
40 Appraisals - 40 appraisal reviews
20 home & termite inspections
20 title orders
20 Final Analysis Reports to send to the Employer
20 calls to transferees with the good/bad and/or ugly news of final values

In the meantime there are monthly updates due for review, information to be entered to tracking systems, offers that need to be negotiated, closings to coordinate, inspection issues to resolve and 20 Transferees and 20 spouses that all want and deserve to feel like my only client. And this does not include the other properties I was managing prior to these new work orders.

It is PERFECT and I feel a lot of gratitude for the opportunity to work on this business (I am also glad I have Sheryle around to help me with some of this).

Today I was happy to acknowledged that I only ever need to do ONE thing at a time. I want to argue that "I can be on the phone and type at the same time", which I have done...A BUNCH, but am I not doing the person on the line an injustice if my focus is fragmented? I can always tell if Travis is looking at the computer when he is talking to me - I bet I am the ONLY person in the world that can discern when I am not the focus of someones attention just by listening to them.  :)

I suggest you look at your day and see if you can really do more than one thing at a time. I have been pretty surprised to realize it is impossible to do more than that one thing...wouldn't it be that much MORE powerful if I gave my whole focus to that one thing? I will try.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure" Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day #162 - Vacuum Treads

I walked up my stairs after I got home from work to change into my slippers and flannels (of course) and noticed the loft looked rather clean for once. I peaked over the side to the family room below and saw the clean, rhythmic marks from the vacuuming I did on Saturday. I walked into the bedroom and looked around for additional treads in there - found them.

I've decided I like Vacuum Treads. It feels almost like an expansion of the space when it has been obviously cleaned. I find it pleasing to the eye when there is a pattern in the carpet. I'm not one of those weirdos who won't walk on a vacuumed floor, but I do like the fresh feeling of a newly vacuumed rug.

Plus I can lay on the floor without picking up half of the cat on my shirt when I get up again (ewe, gross).

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it." William Feather

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day #161 - "CLICK"

I just started listening to a new book on tape. I bought it at the "I Can Do It" conference that I met my two lovely friends (Debi and Kim) at last May. Truly my kind of trip - we hung out TALKING all night long after attending classes/workshops during the day taught by various authors. It was really just a huge book fair, but I learned a lot and met one of my favorite authors and got to take one of her classes, plus I got to learn about some other authors that I am now reading as well. It was cool.

I am just now getting around to listening to this book by Byron Katie (everyone calls her Katie) and the book is "Loving What Is". Debi had attended her workshop and loved the premise of "the work" and so I bought the CD to try it out. In a nutshell, "the work" is all about coming to terms with Reality utilizing a series of questions to get to the truth of ANY statement or thought. Thoughts just ARE. There is never a harmful thought until we attach something/meaning to it, giving it sway in our life, giving it power.

For instance - if I say "you shouldn't judge me" - Is that true? Is there a way for me to absolutely know that is true? I would have to say "no"...I don't really think I can articulate what I am trying to get at, but in the end it turns out there are 3 kinds of "business" - 1) My Business, 2) Your Business, 3) God's Business. The message is - if I am up in any one's business but my own...I am living outside myself - no one is running my ship. If I am telling you what you can and cannot do, I am not manning my post.

I had one of those moments of clarity while I was listening to this book; an insight into what "Reality" really looks like. It slipped away pretty quickly, but I remember and now I am thinking it through. I love it when that happens. It makes life in general seem so much more relevant and interesting when there is something new to discover and explore; some little mystery to look into. It is like trying to picture Eternity on a timeline OR thinking about Nothingness OR finally comprehending an idea or problem when all the pieces finally drop into place - they CLICK.

Now I get to look forward to my drive to work tomorrow...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Eventually you come to see that everything outside you is a reflection of your own thinking. You are the storyteller, the projector of all stories, and the world is the projected image of your thoughts." Byron Katie (Loving What is).

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day #160 - Evidence of Spring

It is the end of March and my 2nd Spring in the Mountains. I am used to seeing my flowers peaking out of the ground and instead it looks like this today:

I think it snowed about 8 inches last night and we are expecting another 8 or so starting at midnight tonight. I have been paying attention, however, and did locate some good signs of Spring today:

I know I am a bit impatient for Spring to arrive. I love seeing Tulips, Daffodils and Iris starting to poke their heads out and by the end of next month it will be beautiful in the valley. I am pretty sure we will have snow trough at least the end of May, but there are some lovely things that happen in my yard and I can't wait to see some of my minor, but exciting plans come about this year - including my high altitude garden I have been researching.

C'mon Spring...come to Mama...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "March comes in like a Lion, what else? Still the snow, never melts." Lyric from a song on Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (one of my fav musicals of all time) - I sing this to myself often during this time of year.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day #159 - Busy Days

Busy Days can be both a blessing AND a curse. The Blessing is how the day goes by so fast, the feeling of job security and the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. The Curse is forgetting to take bathroom breaks until my bladder is the size of China, doing everything I possibly can to be productive in order to finish at least enough work to leave on time and then leaving an hour late anyway even after sacrificing my lunch break and feeling scattered/unorganized.

I would like to be a bit more efficient with my work load so it seems less like crisis management and more like project management. I do enjoy a lot of things about my job and this is the busiest time of year, so I am happy to be busy and know I am needed for at least one more year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky" Buddha

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day #158 - More vs. Less

Today's quote is brought to you by an 8 year old boy and one of the top agents in my office. This agent came over to my cubicle today just as I was scowling at my computer screen reading back a message I was sending making sure it was just serious enough to be firm, but professional while addressing a NON-issue that had become a HUGE Issue...I hate that.

Anyway, I know my eyebrows were drawn down and my forehead was all wrinkled up and tense because the second she stepped into my peripheral vision I had to deliberately unknit them. It was sort of embarrassing being caught in such an obvious emotion.

She just stood there and said "Do you have some constructive criticism for me?" I immediately said, "there is no such thing" and rattled off the quote from a few days ago that my sister commented on and suddenly this agent walked away...I HAD to follow didn't I? I went into her office and she was flipping through a calendar book to a page with writing all over it and proceeded to tell me about this quote she wanted to share with me.

One day said agent was showing a high end Buyer some homes. This Buyer had brought along her 8 year old son and in one house she was talking about "if only it had this, this and that, I would be interested in making an offer - it isn't quite what I need". At that the boy said, "But Mom...The more you ARE...the less you NEED."

What followed was a brief discussion about how everything is an illusion (Buddha), how we judge people the minute we meet them (Human Nature), how true that quote really is (what was in that boy's mind to come up with that anyway) and how darling her outfit was today (truly, very cute!!).

Hopefully, someday, I will need less and less until I realize I already have everything. I think in my heart I DO know that - it is my head that constantly goes a wonderin'.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The More You ARE...The Less You NEED." Unnamed 8-year old

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day #157 - Forgotten???

So, today is my 37th Birthday and I didn't realize it until I received a "Happy B-Day" text at 7:30 a.m. from my husband who had gone to the gym early and let me sleep in. I thought my Birthday was yesterday!!

Last night I sat to do my post at about 10:30 p.m. and thought, "Oh my heck, today is my Birthday...I can't believe I forgot...I can't believe EVERYONE forgot." I sat and thought about it some more and then I thought, "I can't believe I don't care that no one called - this must be a truly unnecessary Birthday this year."

Frankly, I still think this Birthday didn't need to occur...I wish we could just skip it all together. Now that I think on it, that wouldn't make any sense because then I would be 38 and that would stink even worse. PLUS, I heard from so many people today. All my siblings, all my parents, several friends (some I haven't talked to for a long time), all my co-workers, clients and business associates that I work with all the time, even my old boss called me today.

I decided that, even though I wasn't hurt by the missed calls, it was absolutely better to be remembered. Thanks everyone - it is good to be alive.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever"

I picked this quote because Melissa wrote about the difference a second makes on her blog the other day (

I was struck by how true it is that all the seconds matter and one second can change everything...I tried to pay attention to my split second decisions was to pick up a call when I was in the middle of a project. I looked at the number, sort of recognized it and sort of didn't, I sighed deeply and picked up the phone JUST before it went to voice mail. It was my old boss - I worked as her assistant when I first got my real estate license.

I love this person, and for a minute couldn't believe she remembered my Birthday after all these years, then she reminded me that her husband (my other boss) died 9 years ago on my Birthday from cancer. I know that is the main reason she has an easy time remembering, but I think it also gives her a chance to talk about and remember her husband with someone who also knew and loved him.

She is re-married now and very happy - I am so glad. This was a very difficult loss for her and her family and I am glad she has been able to move on and I am also glad I made that split second decision to answer the phone. I was blessed to have known and learned from him - so glad I got to remember him today.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day #156 - Embarrassing Moments

I just read on facebook that my brother Chuck took a spill running up his stairs to his apartment and conked his head...OUCH!! I am waiting to find out if anyone saw him.

Just the other day I was walking back from my car at my Parent's new house and stepped on my jeans then twisted my foot in my recovery attempt and down I went - knee to belly. I seem to have a bad habit of falling at unfortunate moments and always in the way of a Belly Flop.

It is kind of like my crying - wicked ungraceful and ugly. Why can't I be one of those gentle criers with big silent tears rolling down my cheeks instead of the red eyed mouth twisting benders I seem bring on? NO, I didn't cry when I fell on Saturday, but I WANTED TO. I wanted to just lay there and whimper for a minute, but jumped right up to hobble into the garage before anyone noticed me...ESPECIALLY TRAVIS. I would never have heard the end of it if he had witnessed the adventure. Now, at least I can laugh at myself in the retelling of the story.

When Travis and I were first dating he took me in his new car to visit his brother and sister-in-law. They went to take a drive in the gently used Acura Integra and I decided it would be a good idea to wander about their house - just curious. I opened one of the doors and stepped in to turn on the light and...there was NO FLOOR. Down the stairs I went - thank goodness for that pile of dirty laundry at the bottom or I would have cracked my head for sure. Next thing I know my date was looking down at me doing that head shaking thing that I have come to love after 16 years of marriage (he made sure I was ok first, of course).

Then there was the time the crawl space sprung a leak in our old house. To get to the space one has to open a hole in the floor and use a ladder to climb down. It was about 6' deep. I forgot the lid was off and rushed in to grab something from the bathroom...AGAIN - NO FLOOR. I bonked my head pretty good that time, but the best part of the story is I did it AGAIN a few days later after the plumber left from fixing the water line. After that we put the lid just outside the bathroom door so I wouldn't forget it was off.

Then there was that time at Subway - Debi and I were leaving, just chatting happily when the curb gave way to NOTHING - Que ankle twist, chucking of the "to go" cup of Diet Coke in an effort to free my hand for the (you guessed it) immanent belly flop and the most embarrassing roll down the parking lot. Not quite my best moment. Debi seems to think it was pretty good though. I made her pay by sending her back inside for a pity refill on my drink AND to beg a new cup since the bottom of mine blew out on impact.

I can go on and on, but just writing this post and re-living those moments made me laugh. It is one of my favorite things to do with siblings and friends to sit around and "remember when". Sometimes those embarrassing moments can create even better memories later on - Heaven knows we all have them!!

Hope Chuck is OK!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying" Oscar Wilde

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day #155 - CoolPix

WHEW HEW!!! I FOUND MY CAMERA!! Argh - I have been going crazy not knowing what happened to it. Since I started this blog I have been carrying my small camera around in my purse and I was beginning to think I had left it somewhere. I looked EVERYWHERE! Wouldn't you know it was in the last place I looked (what a silly term - of course it was!!).

The funny thing is I wasn't looking for it when I finally found it. I figure I had loaded a bunch of stuff in my "car bag" that I wanted to cart upstairs and then when I was "cleaning" I stuffed the bag in a hidey hole (side table). A few nights ago I was looking for my Bible of all things, Travis and I were arguing (well, having a spirited discussion) about the end of the world so I thought to make my point by pulling out the Book of Revelations, and there was my camera.

I am mainly relieved because Travis was giving me those impossibly irritating looks - you know, the kind that accompany a small head shake. He would ask every few days "Have you found your camera yet?" WHY did I have to tell him I had lost it in the first place? If only I had played it cool for another several weeks (it was missing for quite a while) I would have avoided all those questions. where did I put that Bible?

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Constructive criticism is a stupid concept. To construct means to build up. To criticize is to tear down. Pick one. You can't do both at the same time." Larry Winget

My Camera...Yeah.
I am going to try much harder
to incorporate more photos into this blog
so it isn't so STALE. Even a
boring photo is better than no photo.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day #154 - Scout's Honor

Yesterday we went to our nephew's Eagle Ceremony. Austin is only 14 or 15 years old and has already won the highest scouting honor. We are very proud of him. There were several highlights for me (I even attempted some photos with the crummy camera phone).

FIRST. There were so many people in attendance in support of Austin and the other boys. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandma's, even a Great Aunt and Uncle...Is that what a Grandpa's sibling would be?? Not sure, but it did feel good to have Austin's Grandpa Bill's brother there in his stead when he could not be there with him. Regardless, there were a BUNCH of people there and I hope Austin recognizes how many people love him.

The ceremony started with the presentation of the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance. I don't get many opportunities to pledge my allegiance to the United States and it felt good to recite it and really mean the words - not that I haven't before, but I have learned to respect words mixed with intention over the last several years of my life and I felt grateful for the opportunity to renew my allegiance in public.

At the first of the ceremony all Eagle Scouts were asked to stand - there were a lot, including my honey Travis. I was surprised and pleased to feel proud of his accomplishment and that he got to go sit in the "Eagle's Nest" to the front and side of the podium.

My attempt to capture the "Eagle's Nest" -
I can barely see Trav's head and would point it out if I knew how.

There was a brief ceremony to recognize each boy (there were 3 sharing the day) and then the medals were pinned on them and they got to give honorary pins to both parents and a mentor who had influenced their journey through the Scouting program. Austin chose to honor Grandpa Bill, who passed away a few years back, but had been such an example to him over the years, by giving his pin to his Grandma Joleen. I know this meant so much to her and all those that love and miss Bill.

Austin getting his Eagle

This program was just yesterday and I have already lost the order of how things went, but there was also a live Eagle presentation. Eagles are truly magnificent animals and such a GREAT choice as America's mascot. The presenter shared information about the Eagle, who can live to be 50 years or older, the ladies are larger then the guys, they don't get white heads until they are 5, etc. and lifted her in such a way that encouraged her to spread her huge wings over her head. Then he posed with each boy and made sure they got a wonderful picture to mark the occasion. It was a super way to make the moment memorable for everyone.

Very poor photo of the Bird - I thought I had one of Austin WITH the Bird....?

It is very apparent how much work is involved for the Scout Masters, parents and kids. This is a huge time involvement and the Eagle is a very big commitment for everyone. WAY TO GO AUSTIN!!

Austin with his Dad (Eric) and Uncle's Travis and Matt

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Many fine things can be done in a day if you don't always make that day tomorrow" - I don't know WHO said this, but it was meant for me!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day #153 - Girlfriends

My Debi came into town from CO last night. I picked Debi up from the airport last night, kidnapped her back to my house and kept her over night ALL TO MYSELF!! The last few times she has come to UT I have seen her at family parties or in 10 minute increments and it is difficult NOT to feel jipped.

When Deb comes to town she is always stretched thin trying to catch up with her family AND her friends, so I try not to add to the pressure, but next week is my Birthday, so I decided THAT was my present and refuse to feel bad about it.

The extra bonus is Kim is in town from MA as well to do hair. I was able to eat dinner with Kim on Tuesday night and it was refreshing to JUST be with her. It was great to just focus on us and not worry about the "boys" this time.

I am realizing more and more how important it is to spend time with friends; specifically one-on-one time. This isn't to say I don't like hanging out with my friends and their 2nd halves - I DO - I just don't get to spend a lot of time with girlfriends (especially since they keep moving on me) and it always feels lighter being with someone who gets you.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day #152 - Whiskers

I ran some errands at lunch today. On my way back to the office I was sitting at a stop light and there was this dog in the car next to me. I am a super animal lover and this little guy was so cute. He was small and hairy but had been groomed to look like he had eyebrows and whiskers. He had pushed his nose against the window creating a breath cloud and would pull back his upper lip to show his little teeth. I could tell he was focused on some kids walking home from school (he is a total barker I am sure) and he seemed so intense and fierce. I love that animals have such distinct and varied personalities. They can be such a joy and Whiskers made me smile today..."go get 'em boy".

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes" Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day #151 - Whatchya' Readin'?

One of my favorite things to do is notice someone reading a book in public and sneak a peak to see what it is. Tonight Trav and I went to dinner at Cafe Rio (mmmm salad that can't be good for you) and just on the way out I spotted a lone diner with a book.

It was a middle aged gentleman with thinning Donald Trump type hair eating a salad while reading. He was in the direct path to the door and I slowed down to check it out. The book was paperback, but bigger than a novel size paperback. The book was of average thickness and he was about 1/2 way through it; I always think that means it must be at least a mostly good read. I neared and was walking by doing my best vision out the side of my face without turning my head impression and stopped near the garbage can to turn back just as he set the book face side down....SNAP!! I'll never know what Donald was reading...BUMMER! I thought about it ALL the way home.

I think the next time I notice I will be more diligent and then share what I find out. I actually can't stand it when someone asks what I'm reading and usually just say "It is called 'mind your own business Mr. Nosy McPhee'". No, I don't care THAT much, but I like to look at someone and then look at the book and convince myself that I now have a small insight into that person. This is probably the reason I don't read much in public - HA!!

Maybe next time I will actually "bother" the person trying to enjoy their book. Maybe they are just reading as a pretext to why they might have made the choice to eat alone and might appreciate the company OR maybe it is truly one of those books they can't put down and read at every spare moment. In this case I would really like the name of the book.

Anyway, I am on the prowl for more public reading. out for a follow-up post.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The renaissance of appreciation begins when what is taken for granted is no longer granted." Reader's Digest - Quotable Quotes

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day #150 - Dear Diary

I have zero idea what to write tonight. I actually have been sitting here at post #150 with my head on my crossed arms running through my day for the last 20 you get a Dear Diary day...

Dear Diary -

Today I got to work late-er than usual since I had to stop for gas and REALLY wanted to sleep in this morning, but I decided NOT to take a lunch to make up for it...UNTIL Kay suggested I tag along with her to see her new house. Hmmmm...OK. We had a grand time joking and laughing and the house is really coming together - so proud of and happy for her - then we hit subway for a sandwich. Heck...we might as well sit down even though we used up our lunch hour - so we joked around some more.

Back at the grindstone I worked hard to get caught up and had ANOTHER hour long conversation with this transferee who simply WILL NOT face reality...The conversation always goes something like this:

"Transferee - the average value of the 3 appraisals came in at $228K - we can list your home in the $250K's since both agents suggested this price point, but after the first few weeks, and obtaining agent and buyer feedback, we will need to consider getting closer to the buyout value."

"No - I am NOT giving my house away just so the Company can buy it for the outrageous sum of $228K and then sell it two years later for $250K."


"Transferee...You can choose NOT to sell your home to the Company, frankly they don't WANT to buy your home. This is a generous program made available to you so you can move your family within a reasonable time frame and not end up with a home that won't sell and two mortgages while being separated from your wife and children. The buyout value is JUST a SAFETY net and the WORSE CASE SCENARIO. Also, FYI, the company will NOT be marketing your property at $250K if they buy it for $228K - this is not a money making proposition for your company - they will spend thousands of dollars to get you where they need you to be."

"Well, I won't take less then $250K for the home. I NEED at LEAST that to make the move to the new area OR I CAN'T MOVE."

This went on for EONS and I finally had to tell him that, while I understand what he is saying and I hear how difficult this situation is for his family, it unfortunately doesn't matter what he wants or even what he needs - the BUYER sets the market value on his home. If a Buyer won't pay $250K for his house (including his company) then the house will NOT sell. Then I assured him we will do EVERYTHING we can to aggressively market his home and get the BEST POSSIBLE price for it.

I can't tell you how hard this conversation is to have over and over again all year long...this housing market BLOWS CHUNKS!!! I don't mean it is hard for me either (although I often feel like the devil or the messenger about to be shot) - these families really struggle to keep it together and it has been difficult for so many of them.

After my very arduous (wink) 6 hour work day, I left right at 5:00 and went to the gym...I FINALLY must be a miracle.

So, all-in-all, it was a good, productive day with a little bit of everything in it...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it" Charles R. Swindoll 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day #149 - Death and Taxes

I think it was Benjamin Franklin that said "Nothing is certain in this world but Death and Taxes".

I just sat down to begin my dreaded chore of doing the yearly tax return...I hope we get some money back this year...One thing that is amazing to me is how much interest we have paid on our house (the first full year in our new home)...holy moly!! I am used to having only my little house and we always end up paying taxes or getting very little return due to the low value write offs - this year just the interest equals our normal adjustments...I was happy about this until I realized that actually means we have that much more debt!!! DUH!!

Anyway, I think I am writing this post JUST to avoid the taxes...sigh. I actually support taxes and the need for them. I don't really want it on my food (they are talking about adding a food tax in UT), unless I can become a mega coupon Diva like my sister Melissa and spend only $20 per week on groceries - INSANE!! But I can live with income tax; I don't REALLY miss it during the year since I never have the money to begin with.

There is something pretty cool about getting a tax return - that surprise money that feels like a bonus - like one of those junk emails you get that says "there is money in Nigeria that has not been claimed and we want YOU to have it..." only it's TRUE.

The only problem is all the work involved to get to the return...Ugh...It is probably a good thing that we are REQUIRED to submit a tax return every year on the threat of fees and/or eventual jail time or I would have missed out on thousands of dollars over the years by procrastinating too long to get it done. AH - there is the silver lining...there always is one.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: As per above...Ben Franklin...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day #148 - Negotiation Stratagem

I was listening to a life coach online during lunch the other day and it has me thinking. I am embarrassed to say I don't remember the guys name other than Michael "something" and he apparently has a weekly show on the Haye House network. This week he was talking about the Strategy of Negotiations - How to obtain what you really want.

Michael had read a book on Negotiation and said he almost passed over the most important part of the book, which was to clarify your intention (what you most want to happen) before starting a negotiation. It seems obvious, but there have been many times in the course of doing business that I get caught up in "the principle" of a matter instead of focusing on the end results and what I want to achieve.

Michael shared a few stories about how he had been experimenting with the power of intention before entering into ANY type of negotiation. One was concerning an automatic cancellation fee at the Dentists office - his intention was to not pay a cancellation fee, one was concerning some car repairs - he did not want to feel taken advantage of, one was with his wife - he wanted to feel close to her again after having had an argument...There were also callers and one was actually kind of funny - the lady wanted a new car, but her and her spouse had decided to get out of debt and had been paying all their extra money to that end. Her husbands response to her desire to get a new car was "then you will need a new husband" - She wanted to have a new car AND a happy husband. In the end he would have the callers come up with 3 action items to move the negotiations toward a favorable outcome and a way to be accountable.

Really the main thing I got from it is to be clear on what I want the end result of any negotiation to be BEFORE I engage. It is amazing how "intention" can change the initial approach or create a space for the correct questions to be asked. I am excited to try some of the technique's and to become more clear...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Our intention creates our reality" Wayne Dyer

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day #147 - Pushing it OUT

I am sorry if the title sounds...disgusting, but I had a HILARIOUS experience tonight and HAVE to share it.

I decided I would leave the office and go straight home tonight instead of the gym...I was going to start again today and in typical fashion I put it off ONE MORE DAY...BLAH. Anyway, Trav was excited to find out I would be leaving the office by 5:30 p.m. to come home. WELL...I left at 5:40 due to a long phone call and then had to stop for gas.

One of my ULTRA pet peeves is when I call Travis as a courtesy to tell him I left later than planned and end up getting a lecture...well, I call it a 'lecture', Travis calls it 'being reasonable based on the expectations I set'. Long story short I practically hung up on him with one of my "gotta go's traffic and all that" comments. True to form, Trav waited a while and called me back to make sure I wasn't mad. True to form, I played hard to get and made him mad instead...ah, the games we play. I have to admit it lightened my mood as soon as his turned over, but I immediately regretted putting him where I had been just moments before...sigh.

Anyway, I walk in the door and Trav gets up to greet me - at least that is what I thought, then I realized he was just coming in to ignore me...I see how you are. In the meantime Bart comes skipping in all excited to see me and I ignore him to pester Travis about not being mad. I was laughing and teasing him and said, "c'mon, let's push it out" and got in the stance. You know the game - stand across from each other with legs shoulder width apart, hands up and you try to push your opponent off balance with just your hands as leverage.

It took me forever to convince Trav to play, but he had tried hard to stay mad and finally caved in. So we start to "push it out" and Bart about had a heart attack. He was crying and barking and talking up a storm. I think he thought we were physically "fighting it out" he started to jump up and down and was carrying on something fierce...It was sort of sweet and we were both laughing REALLY HARD. I told Travis Bart was defending me, but truly in my heart I think Bart was defending poor Travis....


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day #146 - Moving the Rents

For those of you who are only as hip as your hair style - "RENTS" is youngster speak for "PARENTS". I am also un-hip, but have Keri and Chuck around to keep me as cool as I can be considering my advancement towards middle age.

Today I took off work to help the Rents move from American Fork (AF) to Fruit Heights. This move occurred for one basic reason - Mom and Dad wanted to live closer to the bulk of their kids and grand kids. They actually moved to Utah County originally to be close to their aging parents. During the almost 20 years they lived in AF their parents passed away and now their priorities have turned a corner.

This move reminds me once again of the circle of life - everything moves so rhythmically in patterns. I felt a great sense of relief moving the Rents so close to my older brother Jason who will be there to help them as they get older. If they have a problem, Jason is 5 minutes away instead of an hour. Amy and Keri can take their kids over to visit via a 10 minute drive and I am sure they will visit often. We teased our niece Josie that she can live in the basement when she gets kicked out in a year or so (she is just turning 16 this year) and told Seth he can start mowing their lawn in the Summer - I don't think he was too keen on the idea.  I know the grand kids will appreciate being close to Grandma and Grandpa - When they are older, I feel they will be grateful for the opportunity to spend time with them.

When we left the old house I tried to feel nostalgic about it. Mom and I had stayed behind to finish the cleaning and as we stood there taking a final look around I asked her if she was sad to be leaving it behind. She shook her head and said, "it is just a house". I suppose it is up to all of us to make our houses into homes and I am confident that is what will happen again for the Rents.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day #145 - Musicology

Saturday night my sister Keri came up with her husband so Golden could work on our computer. They spent the night and most of Sunday with us. We lazed around all day and hung out with their baby, made enchiladas and watched a movie while Golden transferred hundreds of songs onto our computer. Lots of it is stuff we already have, lots of it is stuff we may never listen to and another chunk is stuff we never thought of listening to before and will probably become new favorites.

What I thought about yesterday and today is how amazing music is. Strangely, one of the best acceptance speeches I remember hearing was by Quentin Tarantino - I think it was for best song in a movie and I can't even remember which award ceremony it was, but he talked about how when he was 15 years old he would lay on his bed with headphones on and play out movie scenes to the music he was listening to. It was music that taught him about making movies.

Music has so much power to evoke strong emotions - joy, sorrow, fear, humor...Music also brings memories with it. Today I was talking to Carrie at work and she told me how she sings a "Good Morning" song to her kids each day. She told me her Dad used to sing it to wake them up and they hated it, but when they heard him singing down the hall toward the bathroom, they would jump out of bed because they had learned a cold cup of water would be coming their way next. Now she is creating memories with her own kids. I was telling Carrie that my Mom used to sing "Good Morning Merry Sunshine" to us a lot. I don't remember hating it, but I definitely remember hearing it quite a bit. 

The other thing I miss is my Ipod - it died and I haven't been able to replace it yet. I had a small mix of music that I would take to the Gym with me. It is so much easier to work hard when there is a motivating beat in my head. I used to listen to books on CD at the gym, but I have realized music is so much more motivating and I am looking forward to creating some new work out mixes when I eventually get my new Ipod.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all, together we stand, divided we fall." - Pink Floyd

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day #144 - Cordless Gadget

My Boss finally OK'd the cordless headset I asked for a long time ago. I got it the first of the week, but couldn't get myself to focus on the install instructions for long enough to get it going. Kayleigh also got one and she put hers together right away (she is young and Techie-ish). I was able to coerce her into helping me and now I am cordless baby. WHOOT!

There are still some bugs to work out, but it is super sweet to be at the copier and hear that little beep in my ear...push a little button and never miss a call. No more kinks in the neck from holding the phone to my shoulder with my ear either. I was really starting to get sore after sitting like that all day. No more forgetting the cord attached to my ear and nearly getting whiplash to grab that thing off the printer. No more "hang on, let me go grab that real quick".

It also seems to be high quality - I don't feel like I have to yell into it and no one has told me they can't hear me yet, which happened all the time with the other one when I still bothered to use it.

It is fun to get a new gadget to play with at work...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Why is there always enough time to do it over and never enough time to do it right the first time?" Larry Winget

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day #143 - Experience

Why is it that after 15 years in the Real Estate Industry I still have to be learning things...Why can't I know it all by now? Just when you think ya got it ALL figured out ya miss that knuckle ball and it hits you RIGHT in the chin. I actually had a Broker write me an email today that said "I am legally offended"...HO...Great. I almost wrote back "I am personally offended" but decided against it. I didn't do anything wrong, but it would be nice if I could have caught the issue before it became one for everyone's sake.

I remember the first actual buyer I took out to look at homes when I was a Real Estate Assistant. I knew which house she should make an offer on, but I couldn't figure out how to close the deal or how to get past her objections. I didn't have the confidence to move her forward in a decisive way. I ended up losing the deal, she lost the house and bought a for sale by owner down the street several months later. I like to think that now, 13 years and hundreds of deals later, it would be a different story. Who's to say? Maybe I still stink at closing even though I know how to negotiate a contract.

Maybe EXPERIENCE itself is overrated. I have been passed over for jobs because I "lack" the right experience, but how do you gain experience unless you are given opportunities to grow? Sometimes I guess the actual "experience" is the loss of it or never having a chance. Sometimes the experience is simply the opportunity to try and sometimes to sharpen the saw...I guess, whatever way it shakes out, more experience is always better than less...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There is something about having less of something - less energy, less time, less whatever - that creates a poignant shift in our sense of its value." Maryanne Williamson

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day #142 - Turning a Page

Today is March 1st - The first day of a new month. One of my favorite things to do is turn the page on my calendars. I get a new family calendar page and a new scenic page on my office calendar. It is like pushing the button in the elevator or choosing a fortune cookie; there is a certain anticipation in turning the page on the calendar.

Maybe there is something I like about a new month that also feels like a new beginning. There are no inked in appointments on the page yet - it is just blank space waiting to be written with the odd day here or there set aside as special by permanent print - a Birthday, an Anniversary, a Holiday.

I was thinking today about how to make every day matter as opposed to just getting through another Tuesday without falling too far behind, or making a mistake, or eating too many crackers (I got hungry today) and it occurs to me that maybe that is what I am doing right now. I guess my point is - something amazing doesn't have to occur every day for the day to matter...sometimes all I need to do is turn the page.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back." Harvey MacKay