Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day #163 - Only One Thing at a Time

Another insight from that book on tape...Have you ever felt overwhelmed by how much there is to do and how little time there is to complete it all? Have you ever felt pride in your ability to "multi-task"? Has your mind been cluttered with information and distracted when you picked up the phone only to realize you have no idea what the person on the other end is saying? OR have you made a call and gotten so distracted by the email you are preparing (or dinner or coupon cutting) to realize you forgot who you called when they pick up on the other end? I have - just today I was realizing I received 20 work orders in 5 days. This might not sound like too much to handle, but let me break it down:

20 initial policy reviews with transferee's
40 calls to 40 agents and emailing work orders to complete a market analysis on the various homes
40 reviews of said BMA's when they come in
20 notices to 20 agents that they didn't receive the listing
20 Listing packets to send out
20 Destination referrals to place
40 Appraisals - 40 appraisal reviews
20 home & termite inspections
20 title orders
20 Final Analysis Reports to send to the Employer
20 calls to transferees with the good/bad and/or ugly news of final values

In the meantime there are monthly updates due for review, information to be entered to tracking systems, offers that need to be negotiated, closings to coordinate, inspection issues to resolve and 20 Transferees and 20 spouses that all want and deserve to feel like my only client. And this does not include the other properties I was managing prior to these new work orders.

It is PERFECT and I feel a lot of gratitude for the opportunity to work on this business (I am also glad I have Sheryle around to help me with some of this).

Today I was happy to acknowledged that I only ever need to do ONE thing at a time. I want to argue that "I can be on the phone and type at the same time", which I have done...A BUNCH, but am I not doing the person on the line an injustice if my focus is fragmented? I can always tell if Travis is looking at the computer when he is talking to me - I bet I am the ONLY person in the world that can discern when I am not the focus of someones attention just by listening to them.  :)

I suggest you look at your day and see if you can really do more than one thing at a time. I have been pretty surprised to realize it is impossible to do more than that one thing...wouldn't it be that much MORE powerful if I gave my whole focus to that one thing? I will try.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure" Oprah Winfrey


  1. Man that is lots to do lady. Seems like there needs to be two of you + Sheryle. More power to you though....sounds like you have it under control. I am with you and the phone, I like to focus (usually) on the phone call, have the conversation, and get off. One of my friends always calls, purposely when she is in the middle of doing something else, dishes, dinner, kids, whatever. She is always making fun of me because I stop what I am doing and have our conversation....she would be happy to stay on the phone 10X as long as I would as well. It can be very annoying w/ those multitasking phone talkers.

  2. speaking of phone talking.....are mom and dad settled in? I think I will give them a call today.

  3. Mom seems to feel like she is settling in and I am sure she would love to hear from you so I hope you got to talk to her. I am missing your pressure...:) HB

  4. I know Hug....I am so far behind on my posts. I am going to try to get to it now. Have to decide where to start.
