Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day #314 - What Up Chuck?

Today is my baby brother's birthday - Charles Glenn Dana aka "Chuck". Mom & Dad named him after one of our great grandfathers and were told never to call him by that nic name. When we were growing up in Bountiful everyone called him Charles except my older sister Melissa aka "Mindy"; she called him "Chuckie". Once we moved and Charles grew older the nic name started to stick, now "Chuck" just seems like his 'given' name. Still to this day, when we run into people from the old neighborhood and they inquire about the family, they ask about Charles and it always trows me off a bit, but that old traditional name is there if he ever decides to use it, just as Melissa matured her name to the original over time.

What are 10 things I love about Chuck?

1 - FAMILY MAN - I don't know why I am always surprised to see Chuck at all the family dinners. I guess I look at other single men his age and figure there might be somewhere he would rather be, but he is always there when he can make it, which is most of the time. I know how much it means to my parents to see him often and it is always better to see the ones we love in person when possible. Chuck will come to dinner even though he needs sleep after working a grave yard shift or is about to head to a 12 hour shift, he does date, but still makes time for all of us...this matters and I love him for making time.

2 - FUNNY WORDS - Chuck is so funny and most of the time he uses funny words or abbreviations in his writing and always makes shocking and funny comments...for instance, I pulled this off facebook..."bowled a 246 last night, huzzah!! my new ball is legit!:) last day of this clinical rotation tomorrow, I hope nobody else dies on my watch! haha" I love to read his posts. I think Chuck taught my Dad how to fist bump and blow it up and he pretty much talks the way he writes, which is awesome.

3 - SINCERE - Chuck isn't always funny. We can start having a conversation and it will be light and all in good fun, but then suddenly he will turn serious to explain a comment that may have come across as insincere or flippant. Whenever this happens I see a bit of "Charles" in Chuck...I like catching those glimpses of him. It feels a bit like looking through a lighted window at night. I like the sincere Chuck a lot.

4 - MOJO - I HAVE to use this word in Chuck's list because it is one he is fond of. I know Chuck uses it to refer to his sex appeal (he lovingly calls it 'Dana Mojo') & hearing the word used in a normal, halfway snarky sentence always drives me bonkers. I mean it to reflect Chuck's confidence and style. Chuck takes good care of himself; he is fit and strong. Chuck is a good looking dude and his style is casual scruff - I guess that is how I would say it. He mostly wears levi's when I see him stepping out, but he looks great in a suit. I have learned I am a terrible match maker, but I have often thought about setting up my good looking brother...for the most part I have decided to stay out of my siblings love life.

5 - MOVE IT - This is in reference, not to his own multiple moves over the last few years, but to his willingness to be there for the rest of us. He has helped all of us move. He never complains, he just digs in and asks where things go and how he can help. Chuck knows he is there on family business and he gets some serious stuff done, while having fun at the same time.

6 - UNCLE CHUCK - I think Chuck is a GREAT Uncle. He loves to show off his beautiful nieces..."is this a dating strategy?" you may ask...No, I do not believe it is. Those little nieces have him wrapped around their fingers. He would do anything for them and the nephews.

7 - PAPA CHUCK - Don't be shocked, Chuck has not been multiplying and replenishing the earth (at least to my knowledge), but he has 2 cats and he loves those two SOOOOO much. Chuck lives in apartments and has lugged those cats (Penny & Boss) to many new homes. I like hearing stories about the cats, I like to see him with them (he is so sweet) and he posts their pictures on his facebook page quite often to show them off. Chuck has always had a thing for cats - I distinctly remember a photo of him around age 5 or 6 wearing a Boulton Bulldozer shirt and moon boots while lugging our cat Lardo dangled over one arm. It is touching to see him take such kind care of his animals; I think the way people treat their pets spotlights much about a person's character.

8 - THE BABY - Sorry Chuck, but you are the youngest among 5 siblings and I think it is a good enough reason to list. I have joked around before that I am my parents 6th favorite, well Chuck is 1st favorite. I always tease him about how spoiled he is and how much Mom fonds and frets over him; the funny thing is we all do it - at least the sisters. How can we not fret over our baby brother? The best part is he turned 31 today and I just can't help thinking of him as anything other than that.

9 - SMART GUY - Not just a smart alec, but also VERY smart. It seemed like Chuck was at loose ends for a bit, but now he is going to school to become a Respiratory Therapist. The medical field suites him so well and I am so happy he has zeroed in on a choice. I seem to also remember he enjoyed math and science. At least I think he really excelled in those subjects and for a minute there I thought he would study Math in school. Chuck is also the more techno savvy one out of all of us. Keri and Chuck were the first to really text message and create facebook pages, etc. We have learned a lot from watching them use these tools successfully. I also know if I text Chuck, he will get back to me quickly. It is reassuring to know he will respond to any lame text I send him.

10 - QUEST BUDDY - Chuck and I used to be close as we were growing up. I think we drifted apart once my family moved to American Fork and I stayed in Bountiful to finish my Senior year of High School. We ended up taking a 'self improvement' class together several years ago after two of our siblings had gone through the same class. It was an amazing experience and such an honor to get to know him again on a more personal level. I have many memories of those weeks we spent in class, but I will always remember and be grateful to my brother who held me up, literally and figuratively, during that time. Chuck was my friend, my confidant, my teacher, my example as well as my brother during those weeks. I am proud of him, I trust him and I love him very much.

(Chuck with the Nieces)

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Interesting...Brad Pitt sporting a v-neck under a v-neck... I always felt silly doing this but apparently it's okay...or maybe just for Brad Pitt to do...damn that man!! lol" Chuck Dana

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day #313 - Dish Washer

Soooo glad I have a dishwasher. Sure, it doesn't do pots and big pans, but I love trowing the dirty dishes in there and having them come out clean.

Travis and I bought our first home in July 1997, almost 3 years after we got married. We only looked at only 5 houses before we decided on the one we purchased and the main thing I cared about was that the house had a dishwasher. I told me realtor if the house didn't have a dishwasher, I didn't even want to look at it. I guess 3 years of washing ALL dishes by hand was enough for me. When we moved up here 2 years ago my criteria had changed to dishwasher AND garage, but dishwasher is always on the list for me.

I will say this about washing dishes by hand...the other day when I cooked the turkey breast for our friends and cleaned the kitchen afterward, there was a satisfying pile of pans lined out on towels on the counter. It feels like a great accomplishment to look at the pile of pans used to create a lovely meal...but I would MUCH rather just throw it all in the dishwasher.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "He who wants to change the world should already begin by cleaning the dishes." Paul Carvel

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day #312 - Friendly Dinners

We just got home from dinner at Steve and Jen's house. There were 11 adults there and 2 kids and everyone brought appetizers (except me, I was assigned bread) and Steve made Lentil Soup. It was really yummy. Jen made pumpkin humus and Steve made baguettes w/goat cheese and cranberries. There were a few others, but those were the best.

Everyone at the party was really quite nice and it was a very relaxing evening visiting with friends and meeting a few new people.

To report back on a few outstanding items...Thanksgiving was nice. We went to Trav's Mom's house and dinner was delicious as expected. My yams looked weird, but they tasted ok. I made raspberry Jello w/raspberries inside and, in an effort to be creative for the Holidays, I used some jello molds that I have had since Trav and I got married, but have never used in 17 years. I dumped them out on a plate and then cut up bananas around the plate for garnish with some dollops of whip was pretty funny, but people seemed to like it ok.

My Brother-in-law, Mike, brought the mashed potatoes. They were DELICIOUS, but wait 'til you hear what is in them...Potatoes (duh), lots of butter, cream cheese, cream, half 'n half and then butter on the top and baked to create a crust. No gravy needed for those bad boys. They were very good - Mike called them "Once a year potatoes" - I agree.

The pies were also delightful, but Jolene really does make a lovely pumpkin pie. It is not like the normal pumpkin pies - it is more of a cream pie, but super thick and I love the flavor. I don't really know how to explain it, but it is really the only pumpkin pie I like to eat.

I did manage to forget my camera AND my lame is that? So, no photos this year.

Trav DID end up going to the gym on Thanksgiving Day - I was surprised to hear they were open for 1/2 a day. So all is right with the world.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If I were invited to a dinner party with my characters, I wouldn't show up." Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day #311 - The Shut Down

I LOVE how everything just shuts down at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today at work I got SOOO much done that has been waiting for attention for weeks - too long. There are still things to get to, but it was good to get some of it off my desk. I had 3 voice mails all day and answered maybe 3 other calls. My boss was out of the office this week and he only sent 3 reminders about getting our time cards done - 2 were sent after we had all done it already and Sheryle was out, so I had my quiet little corner all to myself. Now I get a 5 day weekend to enjoy - yes, I have Monday off as well.

This weekend is going to be busy - Thanksgiving day is slotted for tomorrow at Trav's Mom's house. I am bringing the yams and jello salad. Friday we have dinner at Jen's, Saturday we meet at my Mom's to do the Calendar and Saturday night we are meeting with our neighbors, which leaves Sunday to put up the tree. Don't ask when I will find time to clean the house...maybe Friday morning. So much to do and lots of memories to create.

The only bad thing about shut down is the literal shut down of stores when you realize you are missing that one thing you need to make the dish you are assigned to bring. And when is the library going to be open again? I need to get in there this weekend - will it be closed on Friday as well...or Saturday? Will Trav be able to go to the gym tomorrow? Doubts. I guess all will be revealed soon enough.


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks."  ~William Shakespeare

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day #310 - Picture Pile

I printed off a bunch of photos this weekend in preparation of building my two pages of the Family Calendar this year. I was thinking the other day how great photos are and how accessible they are to most everyone these days. I suppose there are plenty of people that do not have easy access to a camera, but in my small corner of the world everyone has a camera or a camera phone.

I can access all kinds of photos at the click of a button on the web - If I don't know who Bradley Cooper is, I can simply look him up and figure it out. If I want ideas on how to wear my hair, I just look it up online. If I want to see what kind of dog my husband wants to get 'some day', I go to Google and check it out. It is pretty amazing and pictures really are worth a thousand words.

I was reading about Katrina (the storm in New Orleans) the other day and I thought about how many people lost their pictures in that storm. The family down the street lost theirs in a fire. A dear friend of mine lost all her photo albums in a storage unit that was repossessed during a really difficult time in her life - all the pictures she had of her kids as babies are just gone. I sometimes think the one thing I would grab in a fire is one of my photo albums...which one? It is unbelievable that I have a whole shelf dedicated to photo albums.

One of the books is JUST the pages from our Family Calendar that we do each year and is really the most updated book I have of my entire family. That would not be the book I would grab though because I have 6 back ups between my parents and my siblings that could be reproduced...I hope they keep them like I do. I think I would grab the green book - that is the start of my life with Travis and I would want to keep those memories the most.

I am just grateful I have the option to take photos anytime I want - maybe I will be able to find a few good ones to share with my family in this picture pile:

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: " A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed" Ansel Adams

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day #309 - Puppy Love

I am tardy on my blogging this week. We had a busy weekend.

Thursday night I got to go see the new Twilight movie. Travis got tickets from his friend for a work thing. We were in row 2, but it was free and it was fun to see it so soon. After the movie we met my friend Debi for dinner since she was in town this week.

Today we decided it was time for a Costco shopping spree...I am in need of some basic cleaning supplies...and since we hadn't met Amy's new puppy, Bingo, I was able to convince Trav to take me up to her house yesterday. I even begged him to turn around after we left the house and drove a few blocks so I could get the camera and take some photos just for you.

He is a puppy alright!! He about bit my thumb off in all the excitement. We get to baby sit him while Amy goes to Florida in January to run her Marathon. It should be interesting and I already foresee some puppy set downs by Grumpy Old Man Bart who might not appreciate the little spaz biting his ears and jumping all over him. I am a little concerned about the cat, but am pretty sure she can hold her own.

Amy's house is looking a bit like a farm or a petting zoo...She seems rather attached to her chickens and they seem to be pretty domesticated which is cool. Beauty came right over to Amy to say Hello when the door opened and Amy picked her up and cooed to her and told her how lovely she was and how much she appreciates the eggs Beauty layed today. It was really sweet.

The Bunny ran by as well and little spaz Bingo started to give chase. Luckily he stopped, but he was very interested. Amy worries for Bingo's nature and the safety of the Bunnies, but all you can do is train them the best you can and see what happens I guess.

After Amy's house I suggested we just drive by Keri's house...'c'mon, it is on the way to Costco and really just down the street, I promise we won't stay, just let me get a picture of her house' we did. I hate pop ins and that is what we did to them, but they didn't seem to mind too terribly bad. Here is a photo of her rental house and the back yard. They still seem to REALLY love it still.

We also had Matt and Kim over last night and they stayed throughout the day today. I made a Turkey Breast, mashed potatoes, veggies and the BEST savory bread pudding Travis pulled out of my Ladies Home Journal. It is a definite keeper - delicious as a special occasion dish, since it is rich and a bit fattening for normal everyday food. Plus it took years to put it least it felt like years.

I had a great weekend, but I am so tired. I keep thinking how great it is to only have 3 days of work to do before we get a loooong weekend and then it is time for the Christmas how time flys.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There's turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Some one needs to tell the turkey, 'man, just be yourself.' " Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day #308 - See Ya Days...

So I decided to stop recording "Days of Our Lives" this last week...I just wasn't watching it and when I did watch it I felt like I was wasting my time. I would record the whole week and then just watch Friday's episode to catch up on the goings on of Salem. I was finally at the point that none of the story lines were intriguing enough to stick around and all the couples were in the relationships they should be in and for the most part they all seemed fairly happy, so I decided to let it go into the sunset. I have started to record Oprah's Life Lessons instead. I just finished watching my first one. It was a good one to start with - all about becoming what you believe. I haven't done visualization for a long time and I like how she shares stories from her past TV shows. I truly get the sense that Oprah is learning right along with her guests. I wish they were only 30 minutes per day instead of a full hour. All of what she said was great, but an hour per day seems like a really long time. I am sure I will learn a lot.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.” Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day #307 - Lady Bountiful

I started this blog as a way to express my gratitude for everyday things. I just started listening to a new book on tape called "the Last Light". I think it is about the end of the world as we know it. So far the electricity has gone out, but also anything electronic or static operated at all so the cars stopped running, no cell phones, no credit card machines, no radios and planes dropped out of the sky when the engines quit.

The people in the book had just landed on the runway at the airport and exited the plane when it happened. They were 16 miles from their house...I was driving to work today and thought about being 40 miles from home if the worst were to happen. It would take me a few days to hoof it from 90th S. to my house in Summit Park.

Books like this one help remind me just how many blessings float around me every day without a bunch of fanfare. I want to acknowledge them now, so it does not take the loss of those blessings to remind me they are there for me. My life is full of miracles and love - I am truly blessed.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Like a child, I ask for everything. God is Bountiful and Beautiful; He never comes up empty" Sir Guru Granth Sahib

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day #306 - 5 Words

My neighbor friend and I were discussing a book on tape I lent her ("Loving What Is") the other night when they came for a visit. She is going through this self discovery phase and has never read a 'self help' type book before....WHAT? Is that even possible? I have to admit this book would not be the one I normally would start with for a self help beginner - it is sort of mind bending. I can't tell if she is more appalled or enthralled by the ideas in the book...but she has been really funny to talk to about it and has been making people at work listen to it as well.

We got to talking about various aspects of the book and Trav joined us and listened for a while and then laughed a bit and said, "Kathy, you are just too cute." She objected lightly to the comment and we suggested he come up with a more interesting adjective. Travis tired of the game immediately, but Kathy challenged us to come up with 5 adjectives to describe ourselves to each other.

I am surprised how hard this was for me. Kathy whipped hers right out: Interesting, Creative, Entertaining, Memorable, the last I said, "you mean 'stubborn' right?" wink...she is pretty stubborn. The whole point was to make ourselves feel good with ONLY praise/positive words...The only one I came up with for myself quickly was "Kind" - I told Kathy she took all the good words and then I redirected the conversation.

I would be interested to know what 5 positive adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Here are mine: Kind, Observant, Inquisitive, All Knowing (JK), Funny and right now SUPER tired.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I'm Sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you." Robin Williams

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day #305 - 40th Birthday - Mel Dana

I will mostly just post the photos for Mel's Birthday party expertly planned by my Brother Jason. We were all to write something to give to Mel to put in a scrap book her two daughter's made for her. I wrote "10 things" for Mel, since that is my thing this year and there was quite a nice stack of letters waiting to be added to the book. Jason went all out - there was a coffin in the front yard with signs on it, balloons inside and outside the house, several cakes and tons of ice cream.

The best cake was made by a lady Mel works with - it was a cruise ship named "chicken of the sea" in honor of Mel's love for her own pet chickens and Jason gave Mel a cruise for her birthday and to celebrate their 20th year of marriage next year.

Jason was so excited - it was really fun to watch him in action as the host of the party and taking charge, making sure everything went as planned. It took Mel a while to figure out that he had bought a cruise for her...she seems very excited. I couldn't really tell at first - I think she was a bit overwhelmed with all the attention, but she kept asking for details and rubbing her hands together later. Here are some other photos of the fam...

There was a great turn out for the party. Mel is a very well loved person and I am REALLY proud that my Brother did such a thoughtful thing for his wife. Mel mentioned to me at the party that she has often thought over the years if her kids would ever do those thoughtful and memorable things for her one day that we have done for our parents over the years (i.e. making a family scrapbook, family calendar, notes, etc.). I guess now she knows...


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected." - Charles Lamb

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day #304 - Good Days

I have been having a lot of strange mood swings lately...can't blame Aunt Flow this time. My temper is quick draw at work and my patience has been wearing thin. I can't blame the work load because this is the slowest time of year for me, but I feel that flash of impatience rocket thru me at the smallest things. I feel my eyes close and I take a deep breath so I can turn my head and smile at the offending party constantly reminding myself that I have love for this person and it is not his/her fault.

I have been doing the same thing with Travis and it is driving me BONKERS. I KNOW better than to take the bate of "the look" or the snarky comment and I KNOW better than to GIVE "the look" or MAKE the snarky comment - it is IRRESISTIBLE!! Oh, but the price is too high; the pie is too humble; the necessary time it takes to make amends - too long. How many times must I teach myself the same blasted lessons?

I am just now deciding I should try to get more sleep, maybe I am just tired. Today was actually a lovely day. I took one of my 10 days off today and did mostly nothing...well, nothing productive. I read a book, loaded the dishwasher, read my book, let the fireplace guys in the house to service the fireplace (which looks fabulous now that it is all clean again), made brownies for Mel's party tomorrow night, forgot to eat lunch (weird), went out to get my nails done (I got a French Manicure for the Holidays) and my toe nails painted (not nearly as good as my sister does, but still), made dinner when I got home (new recipe for chicken cordon bleu casserole) and proceeded to bait my husband into a foul mood to end the evening. Ah, well...all-in-all a pretty good day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around." Bill Watterson

Ah - that explains it...:)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day #303 - Home Sweet Home

It was snowing when I got home tonight and I slid right past my drive way. It was kind of scary. I was being cautious, going slow and there goes my drive way. I JUST got new tires last year and I already feel like I need another set. Tomorrow I am going to get the tire pressure checked and have the tire place look at my treads...I can't imagine I need tires already.

I just got done listening to a book on tape called "Zero Limits". In this book one of the co-authors or main contributors talks about how everything has a name; like a chair is a chair, but it is also "Harry" or "Jill" or something. It sounds weird, but not as weird as me driving my car a week later and thinking "Suseal" over and over in my head. I tried to think of where I have recently heard that name, but can think of no reference, so I have decided "Suseal" is my cars name. I'm going to have a chat with Sue tomorrow morning about snow driving...she must do better and I need to be more diligent about using 4 wheel drive in the snow.

The book "Zero Limits" is REALLY is about the power of love, forgiveness and accountability if you are interested. Today I am just interested in having returned home with, not zero incidents, but close enough. There's no place like home!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms."  ~William J. Bennett

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day #302 - School Clothes

This weekend Travis and I went clothes shopping for him. He HATES shopping almost as much as I dislike it. It did remind me of shopping for school clothes, which I used to love. We would start out with a limit like everyone could pick out 2 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes, etc. and usually end up with more because Mom is Mom and we are her kids. It must have been very expensive to buy school clothes every year for 6 of us.

I remember one outfit very distinctly; not because it was super cool, but because it smelled 'funny' I mean gross, yucky, disgusting. It was a dark blue levi jumper - like culottes. I loved the way it looked, but I couldn't stand how it smelled funny. Even after washing it several times there was something wrong with that thing.

Anyway, we picked up 3 pairs of pants, 3 new shirts and 4 pairs of socks for Trav to wear to work. We went to only one store for all of it and then Trav was D O N E! No problem for me. I love how he is a quick and dirty shopper - "get in, get out and get on with your life" (whose slogan is that?).

I am glad we got it done since we have been talking about it for over a month. He is going to look great and it always feels so good to have new things to wear. That first day of school was ALL NEW, from the undies to the backpack and supplies inside...what a great day that always was. I hope Travis will feel new and improved tomorrow on the job.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: “Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance.” Henry Ward Beecher

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day #301 - Picture Perfect

Rachael married Lin in September. Lin bought the house next door to ours one month after we moved into our home 2 years ago. We saw Lin go through 2 or 3 girlfriends since we've lived here and then he met Rachael - his soul mate. They actually seem to fit quite well with each other. They are both very earth friendly, active, outgoing, nature loving people. This is the first marriage for both of them and they are in their late 30's. I think it is going to go well for them.

Rachael invited me to her shower today, which was super sweet of her and I was excited to go so I could begin to get to know her better. The shower was a "Salvage Shower". The idea is to bring something for the bride from your own home that you no longer use or want. What a strange idea, but brilliant, in a way, and perfect for her.

It took me a while to decide what to give her. I think I mentioned before that when I moved here I got rid of most of my "stuff" or just didn't hang anything up. When I got back from our trip to Denver recently I went into my bedroom and asked Travis if we had been robbed - he said, "no, there was never anything on the walls." Oh, right. It was a weird feeling and since then I have been double thinking my minimalist strategy.

I decided on a set of sconces, that I have never been able to hang straight and therefore did not hang them up when we moved from the other house, and a beautiful coffee table book that I bought a long time ago in Jackson Hole or San Diego or, strangely, maybe Park City somewhere. Lin is a photographer, so I figure he can appreciate the composition and lighting, etc. and they do not own a TV (by choice) so I thought it would at least give them something to look at for 30 minutes.

The book is called "Windows to the World" by John & Debora Scanlan. I looked through the book last night to say 'Good Bye' and had a hard time deciding to let it I took some picture of some of my favorite pages (sneaky, I know) here they are for your viewing pleasure:

I love the colorful, charming buildings & the incredible settings:

 My Personal Favorites - so tranquil:

How would it be to live at the bottom of this Mountain?

I took these so I can look at them once in a while; now I won't miss the book. I remember wanting to buy one of the photographs for my house, but the big ones were pretty pricey so I got the coffee table book instead. Some day I intend to buy a large photograph by Peter Lik to hang in my home...someday.

The shower was small and intimate, but I met 3 new ladies, saw a house that I love looking at from the street when I drive by it and RE-met the neighbor who moved in across the street just this Summer. Rachael said, "I think you have met Danny" and I said "no", Danny said, "yes, we've met", I said, "I don't think so." I have met her...TWICE. Once I realized who she was, I was astonished (and embarrassed) to note her hair is quite a bit darker then the last time we spoke - WAY DARKER...SCHWEW!!! At least I had that going for me!!! Brother - what a lunatic. Oh Well.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Memory itself is an internal rumour."  ~George Santayana

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day #300 - Whooot!

I'm breaking into the 300's...sweet.

It is that time of year that I have to work out the time to take the rest of my vacation days. For some reason my company changed the rules and we now have to utilize ALL our accrued vacation time or we lose it. Not even one day will transfer into the new year. I think this is pretty lame because if I take a vacation in January, I go into negative dumb.

One of the perks of being employed by the same corporation for 15 years is the amount of vacation you accrue in a year. I get two days per month - 24 days; that is basically 5 weeks worth of paid vacation. We also have 12 paid holiday days and 2 personal days. I just figured out that is 304 hours of paid time off...Have I been complaining of all the hours I work? Let's see...52 weeks in the year x 5 x 8 is 2,080 hours, minus 304 hours paid vacation - so that leaves 1,776 hours worked per year. That's still a good chunk of hours, but it makes me glad to realize how many hours I get paid for NOT working.

Anyway, between now and December 31st I have 10 days to take. I can't complain...One thing I absolutely REFUSE to do is lose my earned vacation days!! Nothing bothers me more than someone NOT using an accrued paid day off. Tomorrow I am planning to clean the house in the morning and laze around all afternoon. Saturday will be the real Holiday since my chores will be done and Trav will be around for me to bother all day...SWEET!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in."  ~Robert Orben

Amen Brother!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day #299 - Pandora

I am just about "the old" person at work. Luckily I work with some Gen X's who told me about - I have been listening to my sister's blog music at work. The mix is pretty good and I have enjoyed it for quite a while. I started listening to CD's again and tried to make my own mix of music, but it never really works out. Well...on Pandora I can put in an artist "Regina Spector" and it will play 4 hours of "like" music. I am in love with it and so glad Kay & Carrie told me about it.

Today I heard several songs that I LOVE and didn't know the Artists was pretty fun. I am stoked. It is hard to find the right kind of music to listen to quietly at the office. My office mates wear headphones while they do data entry, etc. but my phone rings too often for that, so I keep music on very low. If the song is a loud one, it turns into more than white noise; it becomes just noise. Pandora picks just the right kind of music when I put in the Artist - if you've never tried it, you should.

M - I would love it if you would make me a mix of your favorite exercise songs. I have an Ipod with 5 THOUSAND songs on it and have a hard time finding something I like while working out...sad, I know.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: ""If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations." - Mark Morford