Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day #308 - See Ya Days...

So I decided to stop recording "Days of Our Lives" this last week...I just wasn't watching it and when I did watch it I felt like I was wasting my time. I would record the whole week and then just watch Friday's episode to catch up on the goings on of Salem. I was finally at the point that none of the story lines were intriguing enough to stick around and all the couples were in the relationships they should be in and for the most part they all seemed fairly happy, so I decided to let it go into the sunset. I have started to record Oprah's Life Lessons instead. I just finished watching my first one. It was a good one to start with - all about becoming what you believe. I haven't done visualization for a long time and I like how she shares stories from her past TV shows. I truly get the sense that Oprah is learning right along with her guests. I wish they were only 30 minutes per day instead of a full hour. All of what she said was great, but an hour per day seems like a really long time. I am sure I will learn a lot.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.” Oprah Winfrey

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, first let me say HALLELUJAH! Good bye "Days" forever. You felt like you were wasting your time because.... you were. The Oprah show sounds pretty good. So that is what her new show is called.....? Oprah's Life Lessons. nice. I have always liked her. She is all about bettering herself and everyone else in the world at the same time. Nothing wrong with that. Do you have her book "Your Best Self" wait it is "Live Your Best Life". If not I will bring it to UT for you, along w/ your work out cd.
