Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day #300 - Whooot!

I'm breaking into the 300's...sweet.

It is that time of year that I have to work out the time to take the rest of my vacation days. For some reason my company changed the rules and we now have to utilize ALL our accrued vacation time or we lose it. Not even one day will transfer into the new year. I think this is pretty lame because if I take a vacation in January, I go into negative dumb.

One of the perks of being employed by the same corporation for 15 years is the amount of vacation you accrue in a year. I get two days per month - 24 days; that is basically 5 weeks worth of paid vacation. We also have 12 paid holiday days and 2 personal days. I just figured out that is 304 hours of paid time off...Have I been complaining of all the hours I work? Let's see...52 weeks in the year x 5 x 8 is 2,080 hours, minus 304 hours paid vacation - so that leaves 1,776 hours worked per year. That's still a good chunk of hours, but it makes me glad to realize how many hours I get paid for NOT working.

Anyway, between now and December 31st I have 10 days to take. I can't complain...One thing I absolutely REFUSE to do is lose my earned vacation days!! Nothing bothers me more than someone NOT using an accrued paid day off. Tomorrow I am planning to clean the house in the morning and laze around all afternoon. Saturday will be the real Holiday since my chores will be done and Trav will be around for me to bother all day...SWEET!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in."  ~Robert Orben

Amen Brother!!


  1. Sweet! Kev has this same "problem" he is well over his limit, he has tons of vacation time.....just one problem, they will never let him take time off. It is like a catch 22 (whatever that means), they are pressuring him to take it, but when it comes down to taking it off, it is never possible. Huh. Dumb. D U M B . Glad you are getting yours in......sounds fabulous.

  2. Feel free to take a vacation day to come clean my house too. :P
