Monday, January 30, 2012

Day #341 - Words w/Friends

Dang that Kathy Mueller...she introduced me to "Words w/Friends" on facebook and now I have one more thing to distract me at night. I am currently playing a game with Kathy and a game with my cousin Devin...seriously thinking about roping Lori and Melissa in for a friendly game...Anyone?

The problem is...I spend so much time looking for the perfect word. I find a word that sounds like it might be a word and then I look it up in the dictionary and if it is truly a word I will often score large points, if it is not a word, I spend 10 more minutes looking for something else.

Example: I could use just "long" or "gone", but no...I have to find "Flong" - the material of which a stereotype mold is made (in case you are wondering).

Who knew?

I figure I can maybe learn some new words while I'm playing the game - perhaps I can impress my new online grammar teacher with my prowess in vocabulary.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Why do boys say someone acts like a girl as if it were an insult?” Tamora Pierce

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day #340 - Out w/the Old - In w/the New

I just started a new online grammar course thru Summit County Library. I can't believe how official it feels. It is free and has assignments, an instructor who grades the assignments, classmates, etc. I just finished my first lesson and now need to go to bed, so I will have to keep working at it and keep you posted.

In the are my parting photos for Todd, lovingly taken by Travis when he turned over the keys (Trav HATES that I call the car Todd, but he refused to give the car a different name so...)

The car actually looked decent except for the hood and bumper...the car served us well. Here is a photo of the new is dirty, which is lame because they washed it spotless the night before...oh well, it is winter.

I forgot to mention the car is a deep blue color...hence the name of my last post...I hope you are all sleeping peacefully right now and wake up rested and ready to face the coming week.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ~ Francis of Assisi

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day #339 - True Blue

Well...we got a new car last night. It might seem boring, but we got another Subaru Outback...what can we say? We love the power and handling of the Subaru, we like all the features that came with it, we like the all wheel drive, we like the reliability of the car...we just like them.

I felt bad because it feels like I am more excited about the car than Travis is and it is his car. The master plan is for me to drive my car for two more years, sell it and then I will drive the Subaru and Trav will get his "dream" car (whatever that is). Part of the problem is Trav was not motivated by any specific car. Maybe if he was dying to get a jeep, or truck, or Harley...but he isn't worried about it. I think tonight I finally felt some satisfaction from him...don't confuse it with excitement, but satisfaction is almost as good. :) It is still pleasure in the purchase.

The one thing I do want to mention - is how Mom and Dad got us out of a fine pickle this past week. I called their house on Friday and both picked up the phone. Mom was upstairs and Dad was downstairs...I said, "Hi Ma, sorry, but i want to chat with Dad today." Dad said, "Oh, you got a problem?"...hmmm...I don't think that is a good sign. In a way it was super funny and in another way I felt super bad that my Dad has to think the only reason I call to talk to him is when I have a problem. I will have to work on that.

Anyway, I asked if we could borrow the truck for a week while we figured out our car situation. Dad insisted we take their new car instead and it was wonderful to drive that while we worked out the details of our new car purchase. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

The best part of driving the car was when we couldn't locate the unlock button inside the car. We looked for a good 5 minutes and finally Travis looked at me and asked, "we aren't stupid...are we?" It was asked with such sincere inquiry that I laughed super hard for a full minute. We finally located the mysterious button on the was pretty funny.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.” Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day #338 - Life is Precious, Handle with Care

Trav and I went to the hospital a few nights ago after receiving news that one of our friends had a brain aneurysm...she is only 37 (6 months younger than me). I was amazed to see how great she is doing after brain surgery. It appears she will make a full recovery.

D was super lucky. She was home alone cooking a pot roast when she got the most terrible headache she has ever experienced in her life. When I read up on brain aneurysm's this was really the only side affect they could give as a warning to get to the hospital. Strangely, D rolled around on the floor for a bit then called her boyfriend of 10 years and told him to get home ASAP. He was on his way from a stadium full of people in a snow storm and had no idea how quickly he could get there.

D ended up driving the 2 miles to the hospital on her own. Matt realized how much pain she must have been in when he rolled into the house late that night to discover the pot roast cooking away in the oven the back door and garage wide open. She ended up having surgery the next day - and so far, so good.

It was so shocking to hear about it - and it really brought home to me how fleeting this life really is; how precious every day should be to us. Enjoy all your moments.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." Mark Twain

- I thought D would appreciate this quote...:)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day #337 - Car Facts

Fun Facts about our 12 year old Subaru:

FACT #1 - If it takes 10 to 15 seconds for your transmission to pop into is likely only a matter of time before the thing dies altogether.  A 10 to 15 second lag time doesn't seem like TOO big a problem until you pull out of your drive way at the same time as your neighbor and they are wondering what you are doing, or until you pull out of the parking space at the store and people start honking at you, or when you think you park far enough away until 3 people come out of the round about and wait for you to move...ugh.

FACT #2 - It is inevitable that the moment you start getting on your feet so you can save to buy a new car, most likely necessary as evidenced by FACT #1, your old car is going to break down before your adequate/desired down payment has been saved.

FACT #3 - The one day of the month you were actually going to make it to work on time, your husband is going to call letting you know he needs you to meet him at the car place because his car is making a LOUD knocking noise.

FACT #4 - It is a no brainer that the dealership you have gone to for the last 10 years to service your car will have moved 2 blocks down the street, 2 months ago, to be noticed only when you pull into the lot as your car stalls. Luckily it started up again (hooray for small miracles).

FACT #5 - You will most likely have a downright dirty drag out fight with your husband after messing up your own schedule to pick him up and get him out of a jam over something TOTALLY STUPID.

FACT #6 - You will HOPE for a $1,000 fix, but the service department will call to tell you BOTH your engine AND your transmission have gone the way of their Maker and will not be back...for less than $7 GRAND....yep, they will not be back.

The car served us well, giving us over 200,000 miles of delight. Travis actually wouldn't ever let me say bad things about the car. Since I started naming inanimate objects of late, I told him his cars name was just fits. Well, I think Travis actually morns poor Todd and is having a tiny bit of a hard time letting him go. He even lamented over him on Saturday informing me Todd would have made it up our snowy hill..."no problem". He is probably right. Goodbye Todd.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works." Bill Vaughan

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day #336 - Finally...Snow!

Well, it finally snowed a bit here in Summit Park.

Travis, as usual, has kept our drive way clear and today he went out and helped un-bury 3 of our neighbors. I was so proud of him for helping out the people we like so well. I was so happy that I actually shoveled the decks so he didn't have to do that also.

Truly, this storm was so bad and so continuous we were really stuck in the house all day yesterday. We tried to leave once to go look at cars...story tomorrow...and couldn't make it up the hill from our house, so watched movies all day instead. Sometimes it is fun to be trapped in the house on a snowy day, but for some reason it stuck in our craw that we couldn't get out.

Today it was cold, but beautiful; the air was so crisp and clean. We made it down the mountain to go eat dinner and watch the big football games at my parents house and it was good to see everyone and hear about their recent trips to Florida and the cruise Jas and Mel went on. It sounds like everyone had a nice time.

Tomorrow it is supposed to snow all day again. I am not excited...I pray for a safe commute, but I suppose we need the water so we can have a lovely yard next year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water." Carl Reiner

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day #335 - P,P & Z

I am listening to an interesting book on tape right now..."Pride & Prejudice & Zombies"...that's right. I have seen it at the library several times and always pick it up, read the description, make a face and put it back on the shelf, but last time I was there I decided I needed to check it out.

If you are familiar with Pride and Prejudice, as anyone who knows me well - knows I am an expert at the story, read on...if not, you won't care for this post and I apologize for boring you.

Elizabeth and her sisters are trained in the Chinese arts as warriors in the slaying of Zombies, who are the result of a strange plague afflicting England. They are well known for their ability to slay many zombies at once and have no fear of brutally beheading one and all. The story is actually the one written by Jane Austen, but there are inserts of zombie adventures added throughout the original. One minute Elizabeth will be speaking of minding your manners and the next she will be throwing Chinese stars, round house kicking and lopping off is rather bazaar.

The thing I had to share with other Jane Austen fans, is the interesting changes made to the story line by the 2nd Author (should probably look up his name - there it is Seth Grahame Smith). Poor Charlotte Lucas is bitten by an undead creature just before she is to marry Mr. Collins. She tells Elizabeth and we watch Poor Charlotte (you must call her must) descend into the undead predicament while Elizabeth is visiting her in Kent. Mr. Collins eventually has to behead Poor Charlotte and then offs himself by rope in a tree at Rosings...WHAT?? Weird...even for an "odious man" this seems a bit harsh...THEN let's turn to Mr. Wickham...I just got to the part where he is going to marry Lydia after their debauched elopement and it turns out he was in a carriage accident and is now paralyzed for life....WHAT? I just shake my head as things spin out.

I am undecided as to how much I like this book - I will say it is interesting and it isn't as violent as I make it sound...well it is, but it is so over the top it is like watching a "B" rated horror film - so fake it isn't scary...know what I mean?

The things people come up with...I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains." Seth Grahame-Smith, Pride & Prejudice and Zombies  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day #334 - Nookie

I am so happy with the Nook Trav gave me for Christmas. I love that I can read it without a light bulb shining down on me. When we are watching football, excuse me, I mean - when Trav is watching football, I can comfortably get some read time in without creating a big glare on the TV and without straining my eyes for lack of light. Plus, the words are in bigger print.

I still went to the library last weekend to get some books on CD and picked up a few library books as well and now I switch from nook to book, but I am loving the nook more and more. The nook also came with my FAVORITE game, Sudoku, on it. I keep playing the "easy" games and can't believe how bad I am at it. I am sure I will get better with time, but I love having it there to play anytime I want to.

The other REALLY cool thing is all the free books you can download. I am still figuring this out, but have managed to download a few from Barnes and Noble and there were over 3,000 free books listed on the web site. I am currently reading the 2nd book in the "Hunger Games" series...the first books sets up the 2nd book so cleanly that you almost feel like you HAVE to read it. There is just too much that needs to be cleared up and too much left undone, I just can't stop at the first book. I did have to buy those books, but soon I plan to "share" my books with other readers. This is also something I need to learn to do, but you can actually get friends and "lend" the books to them and they can lend their books to you. Pretty cool.

I also still need to figure out how to download the library nook books...they download to your nook for 2 weeks and then deactivate. How cool is that?

I also love the case Trav picked out for me. Even though Trav doesn't get why I like to read so much, he acknowledged it and gave me the most thoughtful gift he knew I would use and enjoy. I am a super lucky girl.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Choose an author as you choose a friend." Sir Christopher Wren (on the cover of my Nook)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day #333 - NOEL

I wanted to post about this several week ago, but I had to get confirmation on a few things before I could justify moving forward.

I love getting the Christmas/Holiday cards from friends and family. It is nice to know you have been thought of...this should encourage me to send out cards each year, but I can never quite get it done. I think I could if I prepared a list of address labels that could be printed each year, but that is not something I have managed to do so far...def on the agenda.

Well, one day I received a rather large envelope. Inside I found a hand made, cross-stitched ornament:

I was a bit taken aback because I didn't recognize the giver's name. I had an idea, but the last name didn't match the name I knew the sender by and I wasn't positive of the address and I couldn't IMAGINE I would be on the list to receive such a lovely gift from the giver, etc.

I would sit looking at my tree at night and stare at that ornament...wondering and wondering who this person was. Trav originally thought it was my old High School friends sister, but why would she send me an ornament...I resisted the idea and even tried to investigate through DexOnline, etc. Finally, one day after I exclaimed over it again, Trav suggested I just call my old friend and ask...DUH.

I did call...and all was confirmed. I asked my friend why she didn't put her name on the card...she said, "Well, because I didn't make the ornament". Oh. I asked my friend why her sister's last name is different than hers. "Well, because she changed it 10 years ago." Oh. Christmas Mystery SOLVED.

I just want to say how much I loved receiving this heart felt gift in the mail. I used to do cross stitching in the past and know these types of things take several hours to complete...I am so happy I was the recipient of one of them.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day #332 - Runnin'

Well, my sisters should be done with their marathon by now...I am sitting here thinking about them and what they must be feeling...relief, triumph, satisfaction, camaraderie, gratitude, pain...OY - so much going on for them in this moment.

There are really big things that happen at events like this. When you have a group of people with a common goal come together there is a lot of power in it. I remember the solitude of training; all the great and hard experiences on long distance runs and how internal it all was; then on race day, when thousands of people are gathered at the starting line, a wave of people moving forward as one, how the feeling of being part of something so big is incredible and overwhelming - at least that was my experience so many years ago.

There are many ways to experience this kind of community and partnership. Just last Friday I met with some clients (one of which was one of my 3 blog readers, whew hew, whom I finally got to meet in person - Thanks Chilly) and had a similar feeling of shared experience. I am glad I connected the dots in my own mind so I can appreciate my job and the partnership in a common goal toward serving the people we move. It is easy to get lost in the day to day minutia and forget the larger goal and purpose.

I am headed into the new move season within the next few weeks and pretty soon I will be overwhelmed and wanting to tear my hair out. I think I will take my finish medal to work as a reminder to stay focused on the big picture - I haven't done anything else with it all these years...maybe it can serve a purpose in my daily life.

There was a time I thought about just chucking the's not like I wear it around or put it on display and it was so long ago, but I just couldn't do it. Instead it has been buried within all the other 'stuff' I have accumulated over the years (think I have enough necklaces?). I also kept one of my Grandma Joyce's necklaces in memory of her. I ran the Honolulu Marathon for the Leukemia Society in my late Grandma's name. She was the first Grandparent we lost and died too young from the disease. I am happy to remember her again today.

I am so proud of my sisters and cannot wait to hear all about their experiences on this special day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character” T. Alan Armstrong

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day #331 - BINGO was his Namo...

Yep, we are baby sitting again. This time my sister Amy's new dog while she is in Florida running for her life...well, running her first marathon with our sister Melissa. I am very excited for them both. I know they will finish strong and all their hard training and sacrifice will pay off. I am SUPER stoked to hear/read about it.

Anyway, Bingo is a DARLING little guy. I will say he is needy and wants to be close to us most of the time. Right now he has scooted under my knees and is sitting on my feet. This morning I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and he so quickly sat on the rug next to my feet I didn't notice him and almost tripped. It is like a little shadow following me around. So far we have had one major barf in the kennel, 2 pees and 0 poops in the house...all in all, not too bad.

The last puppy and Bingo have both peed on Trav's watch...I told him he must be the worst puppy sitter of all time...that did not go over well. Not two minutes later I look down and Bingo is chewing away on my new slippers Debi gave me for Christmas...Trav just smirked.

Tomorrow I plan to work with Bingo on the leash for a bit. The leash is "THE DEVIL" - at least that is what Bingo thinks. I remember a time when Bart felt the same way, now it is the best thing in the whole world; It is a special reward. The other thing we have had a struggle with is getting the dog INTO the kennel at night...can't use the leash, can't push him in, can't trick him in...but, surprisingly, once we got him in there, he didn't make a peep ALL night. I was impressed.

I know this is a long post for a dog, but the other CRAZY thing...the cat doesn't mind him at all and he pretty much ignores her. He will look at her if she meows or something and might notice her lurking around, but he has not tried to engage the cat at all - I think it may be due to the bunnies and chickens he lives with in his yard back home.

INSTEAD, Bart is constantly growling at Bingo and has gone in for the attack a few times...what the heck? Can't we all just get along?? Bingo has been a total angel with Bart...he doesn't even jump on him or try very hard to play; poor guy just walks by or looks around the corner to see what we are up to and gets Old Man Bart up in his grill...I think things are starting to cool down, but I am trying to pay close attention.

Very happy to have Bingo visiting...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If you get to thinking you're a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else's dog around."  ~Will Rogers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day #330 - Sibling Luncheon

Yesterday, all my siblings met for lunch one last time before Melissa headed back to Florida this morning. I was sitting there at Jason's Deli and suddenly realized "hey, we are all here". It is so amazing, and wonderful, that we all like each other. I feel so much gratitude when I hear someone tell me they haven't spoken with their brother for years or they can't stand to be around their sister and are so thankful she moved out of state so she doesn't have to be dealt with, etc.

How are we so blessed? Are we just lucky there hasn't been some blow out? Some unforgivable heartbreak? I hope not.

Since I neglected to take a photo at lunch, I went looking through my old family calendar pages to find a specific picture we all took to give to Mom and Dad for Christmas one year. I didn't find it in the calendar pages and then I remembered we did their scrapbooks the year after this photo and then we continued each year with the calendars to update the scrapbook each year after that.

Just thumbing through the pages of the calendars of old I realized we have had some REALLY great times together. These pages also reflect many life changes for a lot of us, although only the good times are captured in the calendar, the images serve as a reminder of the shadow times as well.

I like to think the base of love and acceptance our parents gave us is what keeps us close today; maybe also some accountability for our own issues and feelings. It is hard to imagine NOT loving one of my brothers or sisters. It is hard to imagine they could ever do or say anything that would not be forgivable. I am grateful for this certainty and blessing in my life.

Check out this photo - Josie (the baby girl in front) is now 16 years old to give you perspective.

The spouses of the time are also in this photo - Trav and I square in the middle, my brother Jason to the right w/his hand on wife Melanie, little sister Keri next to Mel and baby bro Chuck behind her next to Jason. To my left is my sister Melissa w/her hand on husband Kevin and next to Kevin is my sister Amy and above her is husband Lance. The two babes are Melissa's Ethan and Jason's Josie.

Mom and Dad loved this photo - one of our best Sibling efforts to please the parents.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you.  ~Kendall Hailey

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day #329 - HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012

Trav and I had been invited to a neighborhood party this year, but decided to spend a quiet night at home instead...until about 9:30 p.m. and then we decided to head over to the party. I am glad we were only there for a few hours, but it was fun to bring in the new year with friends. I knew a lot of the people from our neighbors, but a few I knew from the same party last year. It was funny to reconnect, doing the "hey, I remember you" thing.

On Sunday Trav had invited my Brother's family up to watch a football game. Dallas is Trav's team and the Giants are my nephew Seth's favorite team; whoever won would go to the playoffs and the loser's season would be over. We ended up preparing stew, a recipe I got from one of those "send a recipe to 20 people" things, and fried pickles and jalapenos using the deep fryer Trav's Mom gave us for Christmas last year. I think they turned out really good. Mel brought up some delicious bread and goodies and it was fun to catch up with everyone.

I have to say Dallas did not pull it out this time...sorry babe.

I haven't written out any New Year's Resolutions this year - I feel a little flat in the inspiration department. This does not mean I don't have goals, but it is frustrating to have the same goals every year, make headway and then taper off knowing the same things will come up for me again and again. Sigh, time just marches on regardless.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL 2012 - there is no reason it can't be the best year yet...unless the world ends!! :)

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day." Edith Lovejoy Pierce