Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day #75 - Report

Yesterday was a good day. I did get my hair done and now it is SUPER dark. I'm not sure how I feel about it...I decided to do an all over color over the super blond highlights because the bleach was really starting to make my hair crispy and Keri and I decided doing an all over could start to mellow out the dryness. I knew it would be dark, but it turned out darker than I expected. Oh well, I know I will get used to it eventually and the next time I go the plan is to start adding back in lighter brown highlights. The thing I really dread is going to work and having everyone comment on it. Sigh.

After the hair do, I went to Fashion Bug to get my coat...they were two days away from closing...WHAT?!!! Argh. I bought 2 bras for $8...thought I better stock up. After Fashion Bug I went North to visit my Mom. Found out my Dad just left to go hunting with the Florida family in South Dakota, so Mom and I had a little girls time. I always feel so lucky when I get my Mother to myself. While I was there we got to see Chuck's Halloween ensemble...oh my. He was a 'Sports Enthusiast' - Chuck is certainly enthusiastic about Halloween.

I got home at about 9:00 p.m. dreading the mess I expected to find from Bart...nothin', nada...good boy.

The best part of today was my brother Chuck came up to watch football. He got here and was somehow surprised not to see Travis...HA HA - how else am I supposed to get one on one time with my baby bro? I am super ready to get Travis home. I expected him around 4 or 5 and found out they JUST left at 4...probably won't see him until 9...double sigh.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "How can you know what is missing if you’ve never met it? You must know of something’s existence before you can notice its absence.” --E.L. Konigsburg

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day #74 - Just Kickin' It

Travis is out of town...while I miss my guy, this morning I slept in until 8:30 a.m. and have been reading blogs this last hour. I really am trying to determine where on the scale of 1 to 10 my cleaning mojo is this morning and it seems like it may be at 0. Imagine that.

I have a hair appointment with my sister at 2 p.m. and plan to veg with her for several hours and before I go there I am thinking I will go shopping and buy myself a coat. I also need to go grocery shopping sometime this weekend and make a big pot of white chicken chili for my work party on Monday. Oh, just remembered I need to make sure my crow mask is still around and in working order...I hope I didn't chuck it when we moved...heaven forbid I come up with a new costume for the Halloween party. I would love to get a pedicure...I am starting to think I may not have time to fit everything in...but I am going to enjoy trying.

The best part of today is I only have myself to think about...well, and my 14 year old geriatric dog...poor guy needs a potty break every 3 hours it seems...down go the pads. NOW all I need to think about is myself...:) Sweet.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Do your thing and don't care if they like it.” --Tina Fey, 'Bossypants'

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day #73 - Interest

The 2nd part of Wednesday's presentation was about being interested in your life and how important it is to be curious about people in the sales environment. The more I think about the presentation the more I think the "maybe syndrome" is just another part of the "interest issue". It all has to do with really living in present time and not allowing your mind to be engaged elsewhere when talking/interacting with others.

We live in a time where there are so many distractions. Since my husband and I got the new Samsung 3G phones it is impossible not to feel dismissed when that light blinks on the phone and an "important" alert is blinking at your loved one...OMG, someone posted a new photo on We both do it to each other and it is SUPER irritating. We are not alone...this is the new world; total distraction, but only 100% of the time.

We were asked to make a list of everything we do in our lives that do NOT interest us. My list looks something like this:

* Cleaning
* Paying bills, or more specifically writing checks for bills
* Preparing taxes
* Data Entry (certain kinds)
* Invoicing

I'm sure there are more, but this was what I came up with quickly. The next step in the project is to get rid of the things in our lives that do not interest us. The first thing I see I can take off the list right away is 'paying bills'. If I engage a little time and effort into setting up the last 3 or 4 bills I pay with checks each month on an automatic bill pay system through my bank, this item disappears and I will no longer need to take the time to do something that does not interest me and, instead, focus on those things that do.

Another item, 'cleaning', has been on my list for years. I work full time and it takes me about 4 hours on the weekend to pick-up, dust, vacuum, scrub bathrooms, deep clean the kitchen, and an additional hour or more to do the floors, add to that the laundry and just about 1 full day of my weekend is gone. When we first moved to this house I made a serious effort to do everything once per week - that only lasted a few months.

Now I skip the floors more than I should and I wash the clothes, but don't fold them or I just do a 'pretty good' wipe down of the oven when I should take the thing apart and degrease the burners. I very rarely do the deep cleaning I want to do (blinds, ceiling fans, windows, grout, shower) because I am beat by the time the weekly stuff gets done. I change my sheets every other week (probably should change them weekly, but this is something I loathe doing even though it only takes a few minutes). Recently I missed the 'other' week and I thought almost every morning, "ok, tonight when I get home I will change my sheets" - it didn't happen, but it was on the periphery of my mind all week long. This is a distraction that clutters my ability to really focus in present time. 

So, to get 'rid' of this overwhelming weekly chore I want to look at hiring a service to tackle some of the deep cleaning stuff I can't seem to get to. Wouldn't it be great if someone came in twice a month and did the things I don't have time to do? The trick is - can I afford it and, if I can't, what can I do to make it so I CAN afford it? I think the whole idea is, if we spend the bulk of our time on the things that interest us, instead of worrying about the things that don't interest us, we will be more fruitful in all aspects of our lives because we will be fully present in our business and personal dealings.

I don't know if I have been able to convey the concept clearly or if I am just talking in circles, but I can see the value in considering the idea and at least experimenting with it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Dreaming. -- Either one does not dream at all, or one dreams in an interesting manner. One must learn to be awake in the same fashion: -- either not at all, or in an interesting manner.” --Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day #72 - Maybe

Maybe I will get to that quilt I am making...maybe I will start that diet and wear that 1980's shirt again...maybe I will call those relocation prospects, maybe I will write that book that exists only in my head...

Life is full of maybes...those elusive goals that sit in our minds and take up space. Perhaps you are one of those people that accomplishes everything you set out to do, but if not, your good intentions sit in your mind and fester. While you are out visiting your neighbors you are thinking about cleaning out your closets, while you are at your exercise class you are mentally checking off that task and moving on, in your mind, to cleaning your house. Whatever the situation is, you have those "things" on your list that "need" to get done.

Today we heard from a management coach that gave us several challenges...the first, and the easiest to explain, was to make a list of all the maybes in our lives and make a decisive action on them within the next 48 hours (I will give myself through the weekend). This means if I have a closet full of clothes in a size I cannot wear, I either get rid of them or make a decisive action toward dieting (my intention since I was 12 years old) OR I say to myself "I am NOT going to diet" and then I let it go and get rid of the "maybes" in my closet. HUH, is that possible? Maybe not, but it gives me a different perspective.

The point of the exercise is to acknowledge and take action around the fact that we all have good intentions, BUT we don't always follow through on them. If we follow through, that means we are interested in the alternate outcome...if we don't...we are not ready...why torture yourself on the things you are not ready to accomplish? Move on! If there is a better way for you right now...just move forward. If you do not move on, you will be stuck in the same perspective for the rest of your life, until you do move on or change your perspective.

This is one of those obvious principles that always sound more amazing when talked about in front of a group. I do love thinking...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Things that came apart could be put together again, but never exactly the same.” -- Deb Caletti, 'The Six Rules of Maybe' 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day #71 - Foggy

Have you heard of Florence Chadwick? She was the first woman to swim the English Channel both ways and beat the men's record for swimming the channel in the mid-1900's. She decided she wanted to also swim from Catalina Island to the coast of CA - approximately 20 + miles.

The day Florence started her swim was cold. There were two boats on either side of her making sure to protect her from sharks and other ocean life as she swam. As she started her journey a fog rolled in; it completed obscured the view of the coast line and was so heavy she could barely make out the boats on either side of her. I imagine it felt like she was swimming in place - just standing still and not making any kind of real progress.

After swimming for over 15 hours Florence said she wanted to stop. Flo's mother was in one of the boats and talked her into continuing. After more time passed, she was finally so physically and emotionally exhausted she stopped swimming and they pulled her into the boat. Florence found out she was 1/2 a mile from shore when she gave up.

I was thinking this was a great story until I experienced some fog myself this morning as I was driving down the canyon to work - now it is an amazing story. The fog came on gradually, but eventually got so thick I could barely see the lines in the road and the taillights in front of me. The road I drive daily and know quite well suddenly seemed to hold unfamiliar curves. Luckily there were no issues on the road and the other drivers were slowing down and using caution, but it created a more realistic impression of this story for me. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to be lost in that cloud for hours and hours.

The same can be true for our lives - spiritual and physical. My boss is always talking about clarity; clarity in purpose, clarity in intention, clarity in action; if we don't have this we lose sight of our goals. The more I look at my life, the more I realize I am leaving things to chance - I am a crisis manager, just putting out fires as I go wondering around in the fog. The more clarity and perspective I gain the more I realize I don't need to leave anything to chance.

I believe I have talked about writing down what your life looks like in 1 year, then 5 years, then 10 years - haven't I? My boss has talked about it before and I keep thinking it is a good idea, but then I get busy or start reading or blogging and I don't do it. This week he suggested we write our projection of the next 10 years in three categories - Health, Relationships (spiritual and physical/earthly) and money/career. I have started on year 1 and it is incredibly surprising how many holes there are in my mind of what I expect from my life. How can I expect to experience everything I want to experience when I am just stumbling around in the fog waiting for things to happen to me. Without a clear pathway lined out, it doesn't seem like even a possibility things will happen like I want them to.

In Florence Chadwick's case - she did go back and eventually swim the distance between Catalina Island and the Coast of CA, but the 2nd time she was mentally prepared for the possibility of fog and had set up a strategy to get through it...I'm working on it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When the world says, 'Give up,' Hope whispers, 'Try it one more time.'" --Author Unknown

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day #70 - Keeping it Real

A few weeks ago the West bound Canyon was down to 1 lane of traffic during 2 work days. I'd seen the warning signs for several days and just figured it would be during nighttime hours...not so. One day it took me 1.5 hours to get down the Canyon.

Now, I will be the first to admit I am not known for a natural reticence on the road, I do get a little worked up when other driver's are not as gracious as I am (:0). On this particular day I was doing my best to patiently merge into the middle lane and this big 'ol truck pushed up on the car in front of it so I could not get in. Everyone knows it should be every other car that gets let into a merge situation...I yelled at the car, may have used a swear or two, and did my best Cher in "Moonstruck" impression with the back of my hand gesticulating at the fellow (no finger though).

I stayed worked up for a few more seconds and then moved on. UNTIL, I get to my office and see that exact big truck in MY office parking lot. How do I know it is the same truck? Who else drives around in a huge black truck with a bug visor in the image of the flag of the United States of America?

Now I am worked up for a whole different reason - whose car is this? Who did I Cher gesture on the open road? Did they recognize me? Oh well...I may never know.

I have been working hard to manage my reactions and temper, as you know, but I thought this story was a good reminder that you never really know who is watching mindful.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.” --Scott Cherney, 'Red Asphalt'

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day #69 - Reflections

I was talking to a friend the other day and reached some clarity around the concept of self love and reflection...let me explain.

If I were to sum it up in one sentence I would say that everything happening in our lives, EVERYTHING, is simply a reflection of what is happening inside of us. If I feel I am not being listened to, I am not listening; if I am feeling judged, I am judging; if I do not value myself, others are not valuing me...see how this works?

The other idea that keeps growing for me is how it is not WHAT happens to us in our lives that matters, but rather it is the BELIEFS about what happens to us and the thoughts we attach to that brings about our suffering. If I believe you should not have been mean to me, I feel hurt and angry, which causes me to suffer, not you. I may retaliate, but I know from experience that doesn't relieve my suffering. Only by changing my attachment to the belief that you should or shouldn't DO anything to me, will I be empowered enough to release the thought and not suffer. For instance:

If you say something mean to me and my feelings get hurt, I will think about the experience, tell my husband about it, probably cry a little or think of all the things I should have said back to you...I will spend a lot of time on this one issue. When it comes right down to it - you may have spent less than 1 minute saying the thing that "hurt" me and I have spent over 30 minutes reliving it in my mind...hurting myself. Who do you think does the most damage in this scenario?

If you take this concept and flip it inside out, you may find the same thing is true in the opposite direction. If I love myself and am comfortable with who I am, I am not threatened by others and I treat them the way I feel about myself. If I am insecure, I will react defensively; if I am angry at myself, I will project that anger onto those around me.

It is such a simple concept with some incredible possibilities. I have been trying hard to step back in high emotion situations. In some recent posts you will notice I have been more successful at times than others - let's face it, life long habits are difficult to break. Ultimately, I am attempting to prep myself for the next time I think something like "my husband should listen to me" to stay with the thought and determine whether it may be possible that I should actually listen to my husband to create the reflection I would like to see.

Just a thought...:)

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "“If I speak of myself in different ways, that is because I look at myself in different ways.”
Michel de Montaigne

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day #68 - Force the Issue

Ah, how I like a little team work in this house of mine. Almost every morning I like to snuggle my old dog for a few minutes to make him feel important and loved in his old age. I noticed the other day he had a big bur on his belly. I have tried many times to pull it out, but he nips at my hand so I have just left it there. This morning Travis came in while Bart was getting his belly rub and heard me baby talking to Bart about how we should get that bur off his belly. Trav came over to help out.

I imagine it is a bit like taking a baby to the doctor to get its' shots. I got to hold the fellows head down (speaking gently to him the whole time, of course), while the bur was carefully removed and, although the pain cannot be too terrible, the experience for the patient is made worse by the anticipation or uncertainty of the situation and the feeling of being forced to endure the process. I think it is easy to resist things when we are uncertain of the outcome even if we know it would make things better for us.

I was talking to a new agent today who has been with our company for almost 2 months now. He has been to all the recommended meetings/trainings and has spent 3 to 4 hours per day prospecting on the phone, doing everything the Broker's have taught him to do. I wonder how many times he has been rejected while making his calls. He told me today was the first day he really felt burned out...then he tells me he had 4 leads come up today, has 5 listings on the market, has 7 buyer broker agreements in place and is working on 2 contracts...WHAAAAT? That is FANTASTIC!! He is anxious to begin closing some deals of course, but it is really great to see a new agent doing so well, utilizing the things he has been taught.

I'm sure this agent experienced uncertainty, fear and a little pushed into doing what he didn't really want to do, but he still did it for his own good. I'm so proud of him - what a great example of what endurance, hard work and dedication (alongside a bit of pushy leadership) can accomplish.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” -- Beverly Sills 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day #67 - Rough Week Man

I have been having a rather rough week...only in some respects, but what I realize is the reason I am getting challenged is that things are going well. The more closings we have on the line, the more issues will come up.

I also realize I have a long way to go in the patience arena. Today I had one of those impatient flare ups I tend to have when I get super frustrated. The worst part, when this happens to me, is it is usually over something very minor.

Today my email stopped receiving messages. For some reason I would get them on my phone, but not in my outlook. I asked the IT guy for assistance and he said "call the help desk"..."which help desk"..."the email help desk"...this went back and forth several times and my temper spiked. I "held back" but my version of holding back can be pretty obviously cold and nothing really gets hidden in my expression (unfortunately). I eventually got the number I needed and got the problem handled relatively easily, but I just get so frustrated when I feel brushed off. Don't you?

Travis calls me a prima donna when I act like this...Nick from work laughed at me and told me to "put my big girl pants on and buck up". I just wish I had a better handle on my immediate reactions because I typically can move past something like this very quickly if I have a few minutes to think it through. What I wish I had said to my IT guy is "I would really appreciate it if you would help me locate the correct number to call." That is all I really needed and my feedback to him would be to have the numbers handy for when people come to him with questions. I am used to just doing the job I was hired to do and have, in the past, relied solely on others to assist me with the technical aspects of my job. Unfortunately for me, this is not his is mine, and I need to adjust. The help desk actually works very well and every time I have called it, which hasn't been often, I have gotten exactly what I need in a very quick and efficient manner.

In the end, guess what the huge problem was? I needed to hit the "send/receive" button on my outlook to refresh it. GEEZ - sure glad I overreacted.

I Am Grateful - even for the repeat lessons,

Diva Quote: "If you bring nothing but drama to the table, don't be surprised if everyone else gets up and leaves." unknown

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day #66 - Homonyms

I am sure I learned about Homonyms in school...didn't I? Words that sound the same but have different meanings...The scent of cookies drew me to spend my hard earned cents before I boarded the plane to be sent to school. Cool, yes?

OR - Words that are spelled the same, but sound different...Don't tear up over a tear in your sweater. Just the other day my brother, Chuck, submitted a post on facebook making fun of a bread package that had a "Home Maid" sticker on it. I didn't realize there are so many words like that. Honestly, if I had days to write this post I would find a way to insert as many homonyms as I could...maybe I'll be able to throw a few in here for fun.

I have been keeping an eye on my attitude lately...I realized I have not been as focused on an attitude of gratitude as I used to be. Today I bought a pad of paper and stuck it to the fridge. I wrote something I am grateful for on it...I am hoping Travis takes a minute to notice it and write something he is grateful for as well - there is no right or wrong thing he can write down, so I am hoping he takes the hint. I feel we both can use a dose of "we really do have it good" in our lives. I plan to write a minimum of one new thing per day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.” --Harlan Ellison 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day #65 - Worked Up!

Today Trav and I joined the family at Mom & Dad's for lasagna dinner. It seems like it has been a long time since we have gotten all together so it was really nice to spend the afternoon with those that could make it.

Just as we were all getting ready to sit down to eat, my father offered a prayer over the food. We have joked about and teased my Dad our whole lives about making the dinner prayers more like the family prayers because they are usually quite lengthy, cover a broad spectrum of issues, expressions of gratitude and requests for blessings.

Well, Travis has this habit of not closing his eyes during prayers...this drives me batty. I open my eyes and see him just blatantly looking around at everyone. I have asked him in the past to stop doing that and to PLEASE, at least in public, just respect my request to close his eyes during prayer. When I peaked out today and say him just looking around as usual, I got SO angry. I started thinking about all the blunt things I was going to say to him, I began preparing the lecture I would give him in my head, I could feel my mouth tighten and my arms clench tightly to my body as I began to work myself up to a pretty righteous anger.

All of a sudden the absurdity of the situation struck me for the following reasons:
  • Whether or not Travis wants to, does or does not close his eyes during a prayer is NONE OF MY BUSINESS. This is Trav's business...PERIOD.
  • Attaching to the belief that it somehow matters whether or not Travis closes his eyes during prayer created some stress in my mind AND my body.
  • I realized that I wasn't closing MY eyes when I was noticing Travis wasn't closing his.
  • I know lecturing Travis and being RIGHT all the time very rarely creates warmth and closeness in my marriage.
  • Worrying about what Travis was doing during the prayer distracted me from actively participating in listening to what my Father was saying - I missed out on his prayer because I decided to step outside my own business to worry about my husband's business.
Once I realized what was happening, I was able to take a deep breath, relax my body, let go of the thought "Travis should close his eyes during the prayer" and refocus my attention to where it should have been all along...on my Father.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense.” --Robert Frost

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day #64 - Mag Rant

Over the last few years I have subscribed to 3 different magazines:

Oprah, Good Houskeeping and Ladies Home Journal

I stopped subscribing to magazines a while back because I don't seem to read them when I get them, but when I wasn't getting them I suddenly felt like I was missing out. Then I found myself buying them when I was sitting in line at the grocery store...ah, I am a weakling and apparently an easy, predictable sell. the problem was, I would begin looking at the tabloidish magazines and buy those instead...I admit, every once in a while I can't resist taking a peak at how "celebrities are just like me" and end up buying one.

So, I relented and now receive the 3 magazines each month. I love getting the new magazine in it's plastic wrap, un-peeling it to uncover a surprise celebrity on the front (well, surprising except with O magazine - the only surprise there is how will Oprah's hair look this month?) Now I have a bathroom FULL of magazines...take a look.

Pretty may notice Trav and I both have a magazine open and ready to go in an emergency...Trav's article is on biking (of course), mine is on marriage (go figure). I know it is funny all my magazines are in the bathroom, but I know we are not the only ones that get a good peak at an article here and there in the laboratory.

Anyway, I just gave away many Oprah's to my Mom, but I still have a bunch that I felt have some articles of interest I need/want to get to. I sort of started laughing this evening when I was thinking about what to write and I saw the October issue of O magazine with "101 Best Pieces of Advice EVER!!" Oh..I thought...I should pick a piece of advice to write about...

Well, try to decide which piece of advice you will pick out of the TOP 101 best Pieces Ever...give me a break. Here is some advice...stop buying magazines. It may not be a bad idea after all to just buy the one or two here and there at the grocery store no matter how great a deal the 1 year subscription looks in comparison. At least I won't have a stack of them all over the house...ok...bathroom.

But, in closing, here is a little gem...Best Excuse Ever? "My phone died"...whose gonna buy that? I still cannot help loving Oprah...sigh...I will probably always want her advice no matter how ridiculous it might be or how many magazines I don't read and when I do sit down with a magazine, I admit to enjoying it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The best advice touches the part of you that knows it's true." Oprah

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day #63 - Mind Set

What about mind set? Well, it is only the single most important skill you can develop in your whole life...according to my boss.

When I have thought of mind set in the past, I would think of it as a "state of being", but I can now see it as a "skill" to be developed. I have been doing my best to develop a mind set of gratitude and abundance over the last few years via this blog and, for the most part, I tend to remain in a more positive frame of mind or can shift quickly when I get down. In the course of our meeting today it was discussed how to develop skills by practicing and how mind set is no different than learning to play the piano or basketball - you must practice.

When you were in grade school, do you remember having fire drills? What happened when the fire alarm went off? I remember lining up in single file and following our teacher out to a designated spot where she would take role. It was kind of funny to look back and remember how we were conditioned and trained not to panic, to remain calm, to know where we should end up, not to leave once we were there and accounted for, etc. all while wondering if this time the alarm was a drill or if there was a real fire.

The same holds true for developing good mind set skills and maintaining a good mind set "in case of a fire". Three of the main things my boss talked about as training tools were:'

1: Daily Affirmations
2: Journalling
3: Monitor what you put in your head (TV/Books/Music/CD's, etc.)

I think these things all speak for themselves and need no expansion. There is a whole other list of additional ideas and things that improve mindset (i.e. meditating, diet, exercise, creating a schedule, clarity and purpose, etc.), but really I think starting with a few new things will help me continue on the path to a positive, successful mindset.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If you find yourself easily provoked, then just change the channel.” -- Toba Beta