Monday, October 15, 2012

Day #68 - Force the Issue

Ah, how I like a little team work in this house of mine. Almost every morning I like to snuggle my old dog for a few minutes to make him feel important and loved in his old age. I noticed the other day he had a big bur on his belly. I have tried many times to pull it out, but he nips at my hand so I have just left it there. This morning Travis came in while Bart was getting his belly rub and heard me baby talking to Bart about how we should get that bur off his belly. Trav came over to help out.

I imagine it is a bit like taking a baby to the doctor to get its' shots. I got to hold the fellows head down (speaking gently to him the whole time, of course), while the bur was carefully removed and, although the pain cannot be too terrible, the experience for the patient is made worse by the anticipation or uncertainty of the situation and the feeling of being forced to endure the process. I think it is easy to resist things when we are uncertain of the outcome even if we know it would make things better for us.

I was talking to a new agent today who has been with our company for almost 2 months now. He has been to all the recommended meetings/trainings and has spent 3 to 4 hours per day prospecting on the phone, doing everything the Broker's have taught him to do. I wonder how many times he has been rejected while making his calls. He told me today was the first day he really felt burned out...then he tells me he had 4 leads come up today, has 5 listings on the market, has 7 buyer broker agreements in place and is working on 2 contracts...WHAAAAT? That is FANTASTIC!! He is anxious to begin closing some deals of course, but it is really great to see a new agent doing so well, utilizing the things he has been taught.

I'm sure this agent experienced uncertainty, fear and a little pushed into doing what he didn't really want to do, but he still did it for his own good. I'm so proud of him - what a great example of what endurance, hard work and dedication (alongside a bit of pushy leadership) can accomplish.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” -- Beverly Sills 


  1. That is Awesome about that agent.....but I keep thinking about him being burnt out, meaning he felt worn out from all his hard work? Cuz he would be excited as well with all that great stuff in place. What a fine example of hard, uncomfortable work (in both cases, Bart and the agent), and persistence.

    Glad Bart is going to be more comfortable....and yes, for the record, that is how it is with kids at times.

  2. Yes, he is burned out making calls everyday for 3 hours, being rejected many times daily and not yet having a closing after 2 months...I think he was saying he took a step back, after feeling burned out, and realized it was actually working. I have seen him back on the phones again this week. The new agents that join our office are AMAZING - teachable, gutsy and determined. It has been fun to watch.
