Friday, December 31, 2010

Day #97 - EVE of NEW

I am excited for the new year. I have PLANS of course. I have mad LISTS of course and love the feeling of starting over the new year brings. It is an excuse to wipe the slate clean and begin again; another one of those 52nd chances to use up with fresh motivation.

TONIGHT HOWEVER, is a different story. On the flip side, New Years Eve is an excuse to indulge one more time...start fresh tomorrow. I am on my way downstairs to eat chicken nuggets & mozzarella sticks from the deep fryer Travis got for is Fry Day after all...and then we will laze around and meet friends to bring in the New Year - safely of course.

I am happy to indulge tonight in friends, food and fun. I look forward to making some good changes next year...WHOOT! Have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Men are that they might have joy" Did I get that right?? :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day #96 - Snow, Snow Go Away...

WOW...the storm was so bad yesterday it knocked our Internet cable out last night. I didn't even dare drive down the canyon to go to work and it turned out to be a good thing since it didn't stop snowing ALL DAY. I think it finally let up around 11 p.m. I think we got at least 3 feet.

Today has been better with mostly just flurry's until about 4:00 p.m. when it really started coming down again in Sandy. I actually cut out early to try avoiding the worst of the traffic home. Here are a few photos of our crazy snow...

The snow is almost higher then our fence in the back yard, it is taller then me in some places, the mailbox is almost completely invisible and the poor trees just droop with it. The picture of the driving was actually the "good" conditions of today's drive. I can't begin to imagine what it would have been like to drive to work yesterday...oh wait, yes I can...

Travis decided he wanted to take a drive around 4:30 p.m. to "see what is going on out there". I thought it might not hurt to see how my car drives in this type of storm and agreed to go. I started to have second thoughts as he loaded a shovel into the car. "Just where are you planning to go?," I ask startled. "No where, it is just in case," Travis says while rubbing his hands together. Now picture me driving him crazy with my "going too fasts", round eyed glares and white knuckle grips...I can't help it, I am neurotic about some things.

This story reminds me of my cute sister-in-law Tammie. We met them one night to drive up to Ogden together to attend a viewing. It happened to be snowing quite badly that night, but we were in a huge SUV and Trav's brother Eric was driving. I admit I was uncomfortable and nervous, but Tammie...HOLY COW. By the end of the drive I was about ready to tear HER hair out. She was grabbing onto air handles, making all kinds of unnatural noises, must have said "ERIC!" 3,000 times, I could see her slamming on her passenger break from the back seat and once she even grabbed for the wheel. It was funny for about 10 minutes and then Trav and I could only look at each other with our jaws dropped. Amazingly it didn't seem to faze Eric. He just calmly kept driving along. Travis and I would have been screaming at each other - I was pretty impressed.

Maybe I talk about the snow too much, but it is pretty consuming these days. At least we have a good solid base for our water levels this year and the skiers don't seem to be complaining about it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: I bought this book a while back called Skinny Bitch - I thought it sounded funny and I WAS RIGHT. I was appalled, in the good outrageous way, when I started reading it. Here are few good quotes in honor of setting New Year's Resolutions tomorrow (do not read if you hate "swears"):

"The first thing you need to do is give up your gross vices. Don't act surprised! You cannot keep eating the same shit and expect to get skinny...Soda is liquid Satan...unless you're from Mars, you've heard about the 'eight glasses of water a day' thing...Coffee is for one ever got skinny on junk food. Use your head...Whenever you see the words 'fat-free' or 'low-fat', think of the words 'chemical shit storm'...Give up the notion that you can be sedentary and still lose weight. You need to exercise, you lazy shit."

I had to stop reading about half way through when they go into gory details about the inhumane slaughter of cows, pigs and chickens. I sometimes have to draw the line...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day #95 - Christmas Chaos

This year was the first of many that I was able to embrace the chaos. In an earlier post I mentioned I wanted to enjoy the individuals and I set out to do that on Christmas Eve.

I always enjoy being with my large family and this year was no exception, but I usually feel worn out when we leave and a bit frayed around the edges. This year we still were the first ones out the door to go home, but I felt happy. I know the change was me because it was just as loud, just as chaotic, just as noisy (did I say that already :) but just "being" with it actually felt...empowering.

The kids were pretty good during dinner, the Nativity story and even when the candles were lit there was only one tiny incident when Golden (30+ years old - LOL) dropped his lit candle on the floor. Everyone else held on through the singing. Then it was present time - WOW do kids get excited or what? Usually this is where I start to feel agitated - the noise, the jumping, the throwing of stuff and paper...this year the excitement was infectious.

The best part of the gift opening was when my 15 year old niece Josie opened the cousin exchange present that Melissa obviously put together for her. It had lots of "free" stuff in it that Melissa gets by being the Master Coupon Diva and front and center were two packs of feminine hygiene pads - I saw Josie open the lid and put her arm over it and try to get the lid down before her Mom said "what did you get?" Too Late Josie - next thing you know the packs of pads were being tossed about the room to hooting laughter...I think Josie realized most of the teasing was directed at Melissa in the "what were you thinking" category. Both of them were great sports about it. I think her Dad's face (my older brother) was more red then hers truth be told and one of the nephews asked Josie if they were band aids and what was so funny. Precious.

The last few years my Mom has been infected with the novelty gift. She buys t-shirts for all her kids and spouses. Sometimes she is RIGHT ON with them and they are pretty funny. This year she also got Chuck a bandanna with "flair hair" attached to it. All the boys tried it out, but my Dad couldn't just put it on and smile, he had to make this weird face - here is a picture of some of what I am talking about:

I have such a great family and am so blessed. I am so glad we could all be together for Christmas.

I Am Grateful,
Our Family Photo - December 2010

I think I neglected to write about Trav's family Christmas celebration and will correct that in another post.

Diva Quote: I am listening to a book on tape, a novel called Open House. It is basically about a woman pulling herself together after a divorce. It is not the most inspiring read and I wish it would move along into the 'moving on' section since there is only 1 CD left, but today she said something like, "You live your life and get to ask for things and sometimes they are given to you." I liked that.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day #94 - Snowman

I was planning to blog about Christmas, but it is late and I really want to share this awesome display of old fashioned fun...I have not seen such a great effort in years. I stumbled upon this find, literally almost slid to my backside while I was attempting to walk Bart (and myself) on our snowy streets. He is leaning a bit precariously over the homeowners mailbox. He reminds me a bit of an avenging angel the way his arms are skewed, the hand print in his heart space and his evergreen hat is mostly crooked and about to tumble off his head, but he is something...

Plus you will notice I have attached my first collage...FINALLY...Thanks M.

Sometimes the best things are the simple ones...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A contract isn't about saying what you meant. It is about meaning what you say." Oliver Wendell Holmes

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day #93 - It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Last night we took small gifts to a few of our neighbors...'tis the Season. This morning I have been reflecting on the new people that have come into our lives this past year. It is an interesting experience inserting myself into a new area. We lived over 12 years in our last house and felt very comfortable with our neighbors; it was one thing I was loath to leave behind. I have felt mostly lucky in our new acquaintances - Neighbor John, Lynn, The Muellers...these are the people we have come to care about in our new place.

Neighbor John was the first person to talk to us when we moved in. We call him that because there are actually quite a few John's in our life and we didn't know his last name when we first moved in - the nic name stuck and it is clear who we are talking about when something new happens. The first time I met John he told me he was using his facilities late at night when he noticed our motion light come on across the street. When he looked out his window he saw a HUGE cat by our stairs. He thought it was a small cougar/mtn. lion as it was too big to be a house cat. Now we are not sure what he saw, but that was the first meeting with him and it is a funny and good memory.

Lynn moved into the house next door about one month after we moved in. We actually looked at the possibility of purchasing his house when we bought ours. Lynn is crazy friendly. He threw his own welcome party, oh he might call it a neighborhood party, but he took it on himself to strongly assert himself into his new area. I admire him for it - he basically worked his way up and down the street to meet all the new neighbors. He is a little like an old school free love and peace type hippie - minus the promiscuous sex and drugs that sometimes follow the title. I feel lucky to be his neighbor and know he would help in any way we might need him if asked.

The Mueller's have lived in the neighborhood the longest of our new friends. They moved here from Sugarhouse and seem to love it snow and all. They always invite us over when they are having a party and even to play games and just hang out. Whenever we have gone we usually end up singing Karaoke - hard to resist the set up they have over there. They are very fun and down to earth people.

Just like in the old neighborhood our new neighbors are very different in personality, age, situation in life and just like in the old neighborhood we have begun to find our unique place as well. I thought today would be a good chance to honor them and Thank them for their friendship over the past year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation." from The Alchemist

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day #92 - Dinner & a Movie

Two very ordinary things, but something to really enjoy and relax into. I had a hectic, frantic paced day today. It was a mad scramble to fit everything in that needed to get done. I am supposedly on vacation this week, but went in for a "few" hours today to catch up on a few items left undone last week and go to lunch with the gang from work on the bosses dime (very nice). A few hours turned into almost 4 and I still left feeling scattered. Needless to say by the time I got home, just to turn around and head back to Salt Lake, my upper back was in knots.

We decided to meet up with Matt and Kim to catch an early movie. Travis and I used to go to movies all the time. Mostly we would hit the Matinee on Saturday and sometimes we would catch a double feature. Today we just wanted to do something low key.

It was lovely to just sit there and absorb the show. Movies are great for letting the mind drift into unimportant focus. It is pretty difficult to think of anything besides the movie when the senses are so thoroughly engaged. It is too loud to talk, there is no pause feature and all the light is in front of you so all else seems blocked out (although Travis noticed 4 people walk out - I guess that doesn't bode well for our movie choice "Fighter". I can't think why people left unless it was not as fast paced as a fight movie is expected to be??). I loved just sitting there disengaging from the rest of the day.

After the movie we caught dinner and enjoyed our friends one more night before Matt goes back to Boston with Kim following in a few days. I think this week is going to go by fast. Thinking forward I believe most days are pretty full. It is good to have people to be with.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Every thought of yours is a real thing - a force." Prentice Mulford

Day #91 - Safe

I just drove home in our first nighttime snow storm. Parley's Canyon is spooky when snowy. I am so grateful to have GREAT tires. It makes a WORLD of difference and gives me the confidence that is necessary to drive in snow. It wasn't too bad until I got to the top of the canyon and then I had no idea where the lines were or where the exit started. The plows do a pretty good job, but I am sure it is hard to stay on top of it.

Already today we (meaning Travis) helped dislodge a car from a snow drift (burm...there is a word for it...snow bank?) and snow plowed twice. The snow is super heavy today - really wet. Travis said the snow blower just pushed it instead of blew it away.

It is beautiful and peaceful if you can stay put, but I do not like to drive in it if I don't have to. We could have stayed at our friends house if we wanted to sacrifice our carpet to the dog, but we made it home, get to sleep in our own bed tonight and Bart held on until we got here. Good Boy. Many thanks tonight.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." Carl Jung

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day #90 - The Visitors

Some days are harder then others to find time to blog...I have the best excuse the last two days. Matt and Kim are visiting from Boston and they are staying with us. It feels like they were never gone. I have decided this is one of the best weeks of my year...not only are Matt and Kim here, my sister Melissa and her family will be here all next week from Florida and my Debi will be visiting from Denver next weekend.

What this week points out, yet again, is sometimes you have to miss something to realize how great it is. It also points out how things just keep changing; nothing stays the same so it is important to appreciate the every day gifts that are relationships...not only appreciate, but recognize them as the gifts they are.

This Holiday I am going to focus specifically on the people around me. In all honesty when the whole family gets together it can be distracting - lots of noise and chaos happening all around. I am hoping to create opportunities to focus on the individuals.

For instance, my sister Keri called me tonight and in conversation mentioned she wants to come up to Park City next week and shop at the outlet mall. I really do not enjoy shopping for shopping's sake, but I decided to go for it so I get to spend some time with her. I know it will be hectic busy and baby Seerie will be interesting to cart around, but I am really looking forward to spending some time with Keri doing what she enjoys.

Another opportunity will be with Melissa, her kids and hopefully Kevin to go watch the Sunday broadcast at Temple Square. It will be inconvenient to travel to downtown for a short program, but it is something she is really looking forward to attending and I want to experience that time with her.

These things may or may not happen depending on what comes up for everyone, but these are the type of opportunities I hope to capitalize on - I'm looking forward to it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Take the first step in Faith. You don't need to see the whole staircase just to take the first step." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day #89 - Role Reversal

This might not be the most kosher subject, but lately I have been thinking how funny it is that my husband gets upset when I leave the toilet seat up. I don't know why I am in the bad habit, but I think it has been years that both of us have not been focused on the issue. It has been just the last several months that he has been bringing it up.

To be honest, I blame the carpet in the bathroom. Travis has always been a little freaky about germs in bathrooms. For instance, he will wear sandals around a hotel room and especially in the bathroom - he never goes barefoot in a hotel room bathroom. The other day he came in the master bathroom, glanced down and accused me of flushing with the lid up. Then he informed me that water (aka germs) splash out of the bowl when the water flushes everything down. I think I finally realized he was totally and completely serious about this issue.

I am happy to report I have been very diligent about putting the lid down prior to flushing, also after flushing if I realize I forgot :). It has been a pretty funny role reversal...And

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You create your own Universe as you go along" Winston Churchill

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day #88 - Light 'em Up

I have to admit I am a bit Scrooge-ish about decorating for Christmas, but I DO love the Christmas Tree. I will just sit and stare at it forever watching the lights blink. I love lots of lights on my trees - the more, the better. My cat loves them too.

The last few years we have had difficulty keeping the cat from climbing the tree. I still find fur stuck in the branches when arranging the limbs after pulling it out of storage. This year she just has a favorite branch she likes to lean on while her back legs are still on the floor. Maybe she is getting too old to climb...? On her favorite branch there is a big red flower she keeps knocking off. She likes to play with it and chew on the plastic stem. At first I made a fuss over it, but now I just let her have it...who cares and she seems to really like sitting by it at night, stretched out in front of the fire.

I do miss a good "REAL" Christmas Tree. We used to always get a real tree. Sometimes it was touch and go by the time X-mas rolled around with the branches drying to a crisp and the lights got so hot. That was always the LONGEST part of putting up the tree. Dad would have us sit and uncoil all the lights from years before and our job was to make sure all the bulbs worked, then replace any that were out. I think Dad used outside lights on our tree. I have one long strand of exterior lights on mine that blink, flash, alternate between colors, etc. I love the variety.

Anyway, Dad always did the lights and it seemed to take an eternity. Once the lights were "perfect" we would get to place ornaments on the tree. This only took minutes compared to lights. Lights always took the longest time, but made the tree as beautiful as it could be. Those trees were always an adventure. Fighting over which one to buy, picking one then deciding it was too much money, trying out a flocked tree one year that looked so whimpy and sad we gave up on it and picked a new one, Dad cutting the trunk 5 times until it was finally level, surprising Mom one year with a new fully decorated tree after our first one died...There was always anticipation and excitement in the air when the Christmas Tree was set up.

Now I do the lights on our tree every year. I am not saying I LOVE it, and I am sure Trav would do them if I asked, but for some reason it feels right that I inherited that responsibility from my Dad. I like them JUST SO...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I dwell in Possibility" Emily Dickinson

My Tree Pictures:

 AND Bart - staring adoringly at Travis (with scary glowy eyes)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day #87 - Right Place, Right Time

I love being in the right place at the right time...Today I got to see the snow come off my roof for what seemed like an eternity. It started with a few bumps as some chunks slid off, a rumble and then a sheet of snow came down and just kept coming. It was like watching a water fall of snow. About half way through the snow fall I thought fleetingly of grabbing my camera, but then I would have missed it, like that time I missed the porcupine waddling down my hill while I frantically scurried around my house looking for the camera.

As I write this post I am trying to think of other moments like this one...times like glancing up at just the perfect moment to see the moose walk by on the trail above our house, or the double rainbow after a storm, getting the last one of that item on sale, getting a check-up just in time to catch that cancer before it really got started, picking up the phone just when that friend needed me...There are all kinds of moments, big and small that are the right place to be in at that instant.

Maybe the truth of the matter is we are always in the Right Place at the Right Time for what we get to experience in this life, but those sweet moments can be pretty incredible...savor them.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Everybody should see kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in you warm greeting." Mother Theresa

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day #86 - Slick Teeth

Don't you LOVE a good clean tooth? That fresh minty tingle after a vigorous and thorough brushing when you can breath in through your mouth and feel the fresh tingle in your nose? And isn't it incredible that I could pull up information about the invention of the toothbrush in 1 minute to share with you???

There are versions of the toothbrush clear back in 3000 B.C. - like the "chew stick". one guess what that bad boy looks like. That's right, a chewed up stick. Mass production of a toothbrush started as far back as the 1700's, but the nylon toothbrush bristles of today came about first around 1938 by way of "Dr. Wests Miracle Toothbrush."

I am so glad I get to brush my teeth to slick clean every night and morning, sometimes in between, with the Miracle stick...sweet and minty fresh.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The virtue of the universe is wholeness. It regards all things as equal." Tao Te Ching

This quote reminds me of a story...I can't remember the story exactly, or even where I read it, but I will try to relate what I remember (based on a true story) and hope the message at least squeaks through.

A Priest decided to retire to a monastery to master self esteem. He believed he could not truly esteem himself the way God intended until he was "no respecter of persons" - or until he no longer felt any individual was greater or less than anyone else, including himself. All are equal, all are one. He studied for many years until he felt he was one with all things/people. For many more years he dedicated his life to teaching others the principles of self-esteem until one day he met the Pope. When he took the Popes hand in his, he realized his palm was sweating with nervous excitement and understood immediately he had not yet fully embraced the principle.

Now, I can't remember if it was a Monk or a Priest, a Monastery or a Church - but I like the principle of self-esteem in the story. It was the first time I understood the term "no respecter of person's" and didn't think of it as just plain rude. I do like the idea of all being equal and know it to be true. It would be amazing to discipline my mind to stay in that space. All I can do is work on it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day #85 - Mommacita

I must write an ode to my Mother. I am sorry it is lengthy, but too bad, this is my Mom I am writing about...It was Mom's Birthday yesterday and I neglected to call her. It was my sweet husband who reminded me today by asking, "please tell me you called your Mom yesterday to wish her a happy birthday...No? You really are not a very good daughter - no wonder you are the sixth favorite." Travis called me "sixth favorite" a while back after some sort of discussion about what everyone 'gets' from our parents. It was hilarious to me and we use the term more as an endearment and joke now.

My Mother is the kindest, forgiving, big hearted, joyful woman I know when it comes to her kids. She is the Mother Bear of defense and works hard to make each of us feel special to her. It is dangerous to call Mom when you want to have a "poor baby" moment, because she gives it to you without question. Today when I talked to her I told her how bad I felt about not calling in a timely manner and she immediately started to make excuses for me..."MOM, you shouldn't feel guilty because I didn't call you..." she just laughed.

I have so many funny and lovely memories to carry with me through my life. I AM SOOO LUCKY to have her as my Mom. I want to share a few of my very favorites...

The TERRIFYING: When I was a snotty teenager I was giving her some lip and she told me to knock it off (yes, she used the gritted teeth, snap and finger point at me for emphasis). I smirked and said "what are ya gonna do, chase me?" When I saw the intent light up in her eyes I did a little double take, then she moved. Ma was QUICK. She hurdled the couch and I gave a squeak and high tailed it down the battle hall into her bedroom. I was too late to close the door before she pushed it open, grabbed me by my shirt, threw me on the bed, straddled me, clenched her jaw and while pointing at my face said, "I can catch you ANYTIME I want to"....I believe I was startled, breathless, nervous, giggly and whimpered a "sorry" and we both had good a laugh about it...she couldn't hurt me, even if she wanted to, but I have always remembered the incident and didn't challenge her to a race again anytime soon.

The ROCK: One time my friends stood me up when I thought we were going to go to a movie together. I realized they had left me behind on purpose and it hurt me badly. No one else was around that night or were doing other things and Mom and I sat to watch a show or movie on TV. I was trying to be brave, but Ma saw through it. She finally told me to come to her. She just put her arms around me and I started to cry. I don't remember her saying much, she just held me and rocked me like I was a baby. It was just what I needed in that moment.

The AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL: My Mom worked off and on growing up. She babysat kids for several years and it took a toll on her. There was also a time when she worked at Nielson's Custard, I worked there too. It was strange to get home from high school and call out "Mom?" and realize she wasn't there. I am grateful I realized at a rather early age how lucky I had been to have her to talk to. She is a good listener and I can tell some long and boring stories, but I always felt she was interested and she was always there.

The COOK: Mom always goes overboard cooking for her kids and their families. At Thanksgiving this year it was disturbing to see the mashed potatoes continue to appear just when I thought we were making a dent in them. I wonder how many she peeled and mashed up? She always DOES for us and rarely expects anything in return. We try to be helpful, but she makes it very easy to be lazy. She also has this incredibly irritating habit of apologizing for her talents - nothing is every just right or good enough. She has been doing better because we have started pointing it out to her, but that REALLY bothers me.

The POOR BABY: Not too long ago I was in charge of watching after a young lady (15 at the time) who completely lied to me. In a nutshell it made me look bad and I felt betrayed and stupid because even as it was happening I KNEW it was happening, but I chose to trust this person and gave them the benefit of the doubt. As I drove home all I could think of was "I want my Mom". I called and Dad told me she was outside...I hesitated to interrupt her yard work, but told him it was sort of important. The SECOND I heard my Mom's voice I broke down in tears...It was hard for her not to chuckle since she went through all kinds of shenanigans with us as teenagers, but she was very sympathetic and I immediately felt better after she gave me just enough of what I was after.

I could obviously go ON AND ON about her. She knows all of these stories, I have talked about them over the years, but I wanted to share them publicly because she is such a special woman and I couldn't ask for a better Mother.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am my Mother after all" - AND THAT IS JUST FINE BY ME!! I couldn't figure out where that saying came from at a quick look...TONS of people site the saying, but no one gets credit for it...Anyone know?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day #84 - The Last Straw

I love straws. My teeth are very sensitive to cold so I used to drink water without ice - my teeth cannot take the hard cold bump of ice rocks and liquid filtering through the cracks and surfaces of my teeth. Just thinking about it makes my front teeth ache.

I finally bought some straws and use them for ANYTHING with ice. I go through straws like nobodies business, but at about $1.69 for a whole package they are pretty affordable. Then one day I ran out. Somehow I made one straw last for about a week and then SOMEONE threw it away. It could have been me in a week moment, but I have other suspicions.

Last week I bought 2 packs and put one in food storage. I don't have any other food storage to speak of, but I am prepared with extra straws...Proud of me Dad??

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the great, singular power of self-respect." Joan Didion

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day #82 & 83 - Clean Goodness

I didn't make it to the Blog yesterday, so thought I would do a twofer tonight.

Yesterday Trav and I ran an errand for my work. My boss contacted a company up here in Park City - Harry and David's - to set up a meeting for me with the store supervisor. I need to pick up some client gifts and that is where we decided to pick them up this year. When we walked into the store, located at the outlet mall, I could not believe how busy it was and I was befuddled at what to get. I located the person I was supposed to meet with and asked if I could come back this morning right when they opened so I could feel good about taking her time. She told me to show up 30 min. before open and she would let me do some private shopping....REALLY? How cool is that.

This morning I showed up right on time, again with Travis in tow, and she gave me some great ideas to choose from within the allotted budget. They even let us sample the goods...I was so impressed with her generosity and she made the experience very easy. Kathy gave me the invoice I need to pick up a check tomorrow and when she walked us to the door she grabbed a package of moose tracks to take home. I looked at her and said, "you are not giving this to us?" she just smiled and said, "yes, I am". WOW - I felt so good when I left that store...I think they might have clients for life. I will ONLY say GREAT things about my experience with Harry and Davids...and the product is DELICIOUS.

The other thing I am grateful for today is living in the Mountains above the inversion. The air up here is clean and fresh. Often when the inversion sets in I will drive down the canyon in the morning and watch the smog getting closer and closer until the colors all around become muted - there isn't necessarily fog, but it is dull. Sometimes the inversion is hard to see until it actually rains and everything turns bright and clean again. The news is saying the storm tomorrow should clear things out, but I am glad we don't need to worry as much about that up here.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continet." John Donne

So Trav told me the other day that blogging is a bit Narcissistic. I know Narcissism deals with self involvement, but because I like to be accurate when possible on my definitions, I looked it up:

Narcissistic: inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.

I'm not sure I agree to the extent of the actual definition, but I suppose one could argue blogging daily about ones life could be considered a bit self-involved. I liked the quote today for this reason - I like reading what my fellow bloggers write. I like to know what is happening in their lives and must relate to it on some level - we are all connected - right? I will try not to be too self-involved...:)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day #81 - Movie Night

Travis and I used to do Movie Night all the time. "Movie Night" in our house is back to back movies - a double feature. Our new TV has an Internet feature that allows downloads from Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, etc. It has been a lot of fun checking things out, downloading shows from our favorite TV series that we missed, finding music videos, etc. The movies we watched were downloaded from the Internet...Isn't technology amazing?

Tonight we just veged out in front of the TV, made some popcorn and zoned out for almost 4 hours. I could argue it was not the best use of our time, but it was nice to just lose myself in a movie and shoot amazed glances at Travis when something weird, scary or strange happened. It was fun.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves". Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day #80 - "Serious?...Seriously?"

My dear friend Kim always makes fun of Travis and I because we overuse the term "serious?"...For instance...If someone says, "I can't believe you don't believe me!!!"....I say "serious?" OR if you say something like, "Did you know the moon is in the sky?"..."Seriously?" Yes, it is obvious, but it is the same as saying, "really" or "like"...It is a term we overuse, but it is just "US". Take it or leave it.

I got home from work today and we were talking back and forth about our day and there was a lot of "serious?" and "seriously?" going on. It made me miss my friend Kim who constantly says "Heather, are you SERIOUS?" - no matter what absurd thing I was saying. I love that.

Sometimes laughing at myself is the best way to get over the "serious" issues. Why does everything have to be such a big deal? Maybe I should implement my "serious?" tactics at the office so everything is not so dire or SERIOUS. Seriously??? Does it really matter THAT much?

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." Mahatma Gandhi

Good quote for today's "serious" business.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day #79 - "Poor Baby"

Some days I just want a little sympathy. Anytime I feel this way and I recognize that I am feeling sorry for myself I turn in my cubicle and tell Sheryle my sob story. She has this way of mothering me when I need it that is JUST RIGHT.

Sheryle taught me the "poor baby" verbiage and now I use it quite often. The problem with "poor baby" is it HAS to be said JUST RIGHT. If it isn't said with the EXACT amount of sympathy and caring it turns sarcastic and snarky. Sarcastic and Snarky is how it sounds whenever I say it, but when I heard Sheryle say it the first time I did a suspicious double take that sounded like this in my head, "she sounds sincere, but...I don't know...Ya know what? I AM a Poor Baby...she is exactly right!"

We have joked about it so much now that I don't think she could ever say it to me again and actually mean it and I could never take her seriously, but I still delight in hearing her say it and encourage it any chance I today.

OHHHHHHHH THE HEART BURN!!! WHY??? I haven't done anything drastically different with my diet. I may have had some diet soda today, but I have had heart burn for the last 3 days...I HATE IT!! I finally ditched the office to get some of this:

No I did not get paid to advertise for Alka-Seltzer...but I should. I can always feel the heartburn coming, I try to take preemptive measures, but it hasn't worked lately. OUCH. I know..."poor baby" right?? Hey, have you ever put a piece of Alka-Seltzer on your tongue just for fun? It's as fun as pop rocks, but doesn't taste as good.

I am happy to report after my 2nd dose of the Alka...I think it is finally going away..."poor baby".

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

Gift: I've decided I will still share random gifts when I feel like it. Today when I went to the store to buy the Alka-Seltzer I passed a bell ringer for the Salvation Army. I knew I would give on my way out because my sister and her kids just got done ringing the bell in Florida...Today I donated for their effort and for all the bell ringers that take the time to ring the bell. Thanks for caring.