Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day #79 - "Poor Baby"

Some days I just want a little sympathy. Anytime I feel this way and I recognize that I am feeling sorry for myself I turn in my cubicle and tell Sheryle my sob story. She has this way of mothering me when I need it that is JUST RIGHT.

Sheryle taught me the "poor baby" verbiage and now I use it quite often. The problem with "poor baby" is it HAS to be said JUST RIGHT. If it isn't said with the EXACT amount of sympathy and caring it turns sarcastic and snarky. Sarcastic and Snarky is how it sounds whenever I say it, but when I heard Sheryle say it the first time I did a suspicious double take that sounded like this in my head, "she sounds sincere, but...I don't know...Ya know what? I AM a Poor Baby...she is exactly right!"

We have joked about it so much now that I don't think she could ever say it to me again and actually mean it and I could never take her seriously, but I still delight in hearing her say it and encourage it any chance I today.

OHHHHHHHH THE HEART BURN!!! WHY??? I haven't done anything drastically different with my diet. I may have had some diet soda today, but I have had heart burn for the last 3 days...I HATE IT!! I finally ditched the office to get some of this:

No I did not get paid to advertise for Alka-Seltzer...but I should. I can always feel the heartburn coming, I try to take preemptive measures, but it hasn't worked lately. OUCH. I know..."poor baby" right?? Hey, have you ever put a piece of Alka-Seltzer on your tongue just for fun? It's as fun as pop rocks, but doesn't taste as good.

I am happy to report after my 2nd dose of the Alka...I think it is finally going away..."poor baby".

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

Gift: I've decided I will still share random gifts when I feel like it. Today when I went to the store to buy the Alka-Seltzer I passed a bell ringer for the Salvation Army. I knew I would give on my way out because my sister and her kids just got done ringing the bell in Florida...Today I donated for their effort and for all the bell ringers that take the time to ring the bell. Thanks for caring.


  1. Man, I am liking the action are a blogger after my own heart.... What happened to your scratched up thumb? Cat?

    Do you wear contacts? are you particular about your solution? I know Amy wears them....I am going through my stockpile.....I have been saving stuff that it is only 15 days until our trip I am going to start rounding up what we will bring out with us. Need any body-wash, deodorant,toothbrushes, paste, hair spray, facial cleanser, it. What about Trav?

  2. HA! I wondered about your message today. I use store bought stuff...I am counting on you to make me super thrifty while you are many days do I need off work? I have the whole week before Xmas off...I am counting on you to spend at least some of that time with me!!

    I use Dove deoderant. Trav is Axe. We use store bought everything - nothing is the problem...what can I trade? I don't have anything to trade with you. If you come up with something (lunch? dinner w/Kev?) I can justify...what is my gift? Don't know.

    Maybe we can go to Amy's and do Pedicure's together. My toenails are Heinous!!! HB

  3. P.S. The 'mark' is from burning my hand making Turkey day rolls...ah, sacrifice!!

  4. I have A LOT of shampoo and conditioner.....Aussie, Pantene, Dove, John Frieda, etc. etc. Any particulars?? Would you like any of it? I am not pushing it on you...just offering it up....want to bring what you will use. Don't want to pack it out there for the "fun" of it. I have plenty of ways of dispersing this stuff here...but it makes me feel good to give to my fam also...get me drift?

    Here is what I would love for you to check into....I have noticed a live theatre up in Park City - Cocoa Playhouse or something or other. I would be super excited to see a live show there. Kev and I, you and Trav. It will be way more than my trade to we will work that out....but you could do the leg work and get the what's what so we can plan ahead and get our tickets now. Let's cross our fingers there is something fantastic playing. We could make a big night of it....dinner and our show???
    Please keep me posted if you like the idea.
    For sure we are hanging out!!!

  5. You don't need to bring anything, but I would use any of it. I will check out the playhouse and let you know. HB
