Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day #96 - Snow, Snow Go Away...

WOW...the storm was so bad yesterday it knocked our Internet cable out last night. I didn't even dare drive down the canyon to go to work and it turned out to be a good thing since it didn't stop snowing ALL DAY. I think it finally let up around 11 p.m. I think we got at least 3 feet.

Today has been better with mostly just flurry's until about 4:00 p.m. when it really started coming down again in Sandy. I actually cut out early to try avoiding the worst of the traffic home. Here are a few photos of our crazy snow...

The snow is almost higher then our fence in the back yard, it is taller then me in some places, the mailbox is almost completely invisible and the poor trees just droop with it. The picture of the driving was actually the "good" conditions of today's drive. I can't begin to imagine what it would have been like to drive to work yesterday...oh wait, yes I can...

Travis decided he wanted to take a drive around 4:30 p.m. to "see what is going on out there". I thought it might not hurt to see how my car drives in this type of storm and agreed to go. I started to have second thoughts as he loaded a shovel into the car. "Just where are you planning to go?," I ask startled. "No where, it is just in case," Travis says while rubbing his hands together. Now picture me driving him crazy with my "going too fasts", round eyed glares and white knuckle grips...I can't help it, I am neurotic about some things.

This story reminds me of my cute sister-in-law Tammie. We met them one night to drive up to Ogden together to attend a viewing. It happened to be snowing quite badly that night, but we were in a huge SUV and Trav's brother Eric was driving. I admit I was uncomfortable and nervous, but Tammie...HOLY COW. By the end of the drive I was about ready to tear HER hair out. She was grabbing onto air handles, making all kinds of unnatural noises, must have said "ERIC!" 3,000 times, I could see her slamming on her passenger break from the back seat and once she even grabbed for the wheel. It was funny for about 10 minutes and then Trav and I could only look at each other with our jaws dropped. Amazingly it didn't seem to faze Eric. He just calmly kept driving along. Travis and I would have been screaming at each other - I was pretty impressed.

Maybe I talk about the snow too much, but it is pretty consuming these days. At least we have a good solid base for our water levels this year and the skiers don't seem to be complaining about it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: I bought this book a while back called Skinny Bitch - I thought it sounded funny and I WAS RIGHT. I was appalled, in the good outrageous way, when I started reading it. Here are few good quotes in honor of setting New Year's Resolutions tomorrow (do not read if you hate "swears"):

"The first thing you need to do is give up your gross vices. Don't act surprised! You cannot keep eating the same shit and expect to get skinny...Soda is liquid Satan...unless you're from Mars, you've heard about the 'eight glasses of water a day' thing...Coffee is for one ever got skinny on junk food. Use your head...Whenever you see the words 'fat-free' or 'low-fat', think of the words 'chemical shit storm'...Give up the notion that you can be sedentary and still lose weight. You need to exercise, you lazy shit."

I had to stop reading about half way through when they go into gory details about the inhumane slaughter of cows, pigs and chickens. I sometimes have to draw the line...


  1. Oh my heck!! I say that in regard to the snow and the super funny...albeit, uncouth quote. Who wrote that book? Jenny McCarthy? Nice snow Collage!!! You are an expert now! Wow! It is hard to believe we thought 8" was amazing. I really do not believe the snow was that deep....was that just piled up? What a place you live in! Do you still fine it hard to fathom?

    "I am neurotic about some things".....yeah.....LIVING!

  2. HA!! So glad you are back - you make me crack up! Book by two former models of course - Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin.

  3. Is that Skinny Bitch in the Kitch? I thought about buying that, but it seemed a little annoying/degrading to me. But the one you posted is funny!
