Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day #87 - Right Place, Right Time

I love being in the right place at the right time...Today I got to see the snow come off my roof for what seemed like an eternity. It started with a few bumps as some chunks slid off, a rumble and then a sheet of snow came down and just kept coming. It was like watching a water fall of snow. About half way through the snow fall I thought fleetingly of grabbing my camera, but then I would have missed it, like that time I missed the porcupine waddling down my hill while I frantically scurried around my house looking for the camera.

As I write this post I am trying to think of other moments like this one...times like glancing up at just the perfect moment to see the moose walk by on the trail above our house, or the double rainbow after a storm, getting the last one of that item on sale, getting a check-up just in time to catch that cancer before it really got started, picking up the phone just when that friend needed me...There are all kinds of moments, big and small that are the right place to be in at that instant.

Maybe the truth of the matter is we are always in the Right Place at the Right Time for what we get to experience in this life, but those sweet moments can be pretty incredible...savor them.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Everybody should see kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in you warm greeting." Mother Theresa

1 comment:

  1. Sweet!!! Sounds cool! I will be in the right place in 3 days.
