Monday, February 28, 2011

Day #141 - Good Idea...

Today was idea day. I had so many people ask me how I was doing after being absent for 3 days last week and my canned response was "much better, not 100% yet". I received some GREAT quick fix ideas from various people.

Sheryle suggested I call the doctor and get cough syrup with Codeine to kick the constant cough attacks.

A lender I work with often suggested an essential oil that she swears relieves her cold symptoms. She just rubs it on her hands and smells them often throughout the day.

An agent in the office told me to get some Emergence "C" from whole foods. It is a powder to mix with water into a "green" drink that is full of antioxidants and a ton of vitamin C to knock out cold symptoms and assist with a quick recovery.

My sister suggested herbal tea with honey, which I am working on right now.

So many great ideas - I can't wait to try them all...I'm game!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go farther than a great idea that inspires no one." Mary Kay Ash

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day #140 - Dreams

Last night while writing my post it became evident my dog was dreaming away on the floor beside me. He wasn't making any noises, although he does bark in his sleep sometimes, but his little legs were moving in an alternate rhythm as if he was running.

I have this picture of Bart - he is running full tilt towards me in long stretching strides. His hair and long black ears are flapping in the wind, his head is up, his eyes are sparkling and his tongue is hanging out the side of his grinning face. It is one of those photos that makes me happy. Bart is free in this moment and his joy is palpable. I like to think this is what his dream looks like.

I have had a lot of dreams the last few days and I figure it is because I am actually getting a lot of sleep since I've been sick. This morning I dreamed I participated in an Iron Man (2 mile swim, 100 mile bike ride & 26.2 mile marathon). This is a secret fantasy of mine and I love to watch the Iron Man's on TV with Travis - we sit and marvel at those people and cry a lot. Anyway, in my dream, after I crossed the finish line I said, "Now I can let my hair go gray"...ah, sweet rewards.

I also dreamed about Bart the other night. The snow outside is as high (higher in some places) as the fence around our yard. Bart has been sitting at the top of the snow piles and observing his kingdom this past week. I often wonder if he will decide to hop over to the other side of the fence...? Last night I was watching him out the window and he started to bark at our next door neighbor. The neighbor looped a hook through Barts collar, picked him up and set him on the other side of the fence - HELLO...I hustled on out there and as I approached the fence heard him telling someone on the phone there was a stray dog in the neighborhood. Some strong conversations ensued after that...

I can tell you my face was HOT and my pulse was POUNDING when I woke up. It wasn't a gentle wake up - I was wide awake and super mother bear angry. I actually love it when this happens; when emotions are raw and real with a rush of adrenaline, but then you realize it isn't real and it just becomes an experience instead of a devastating situation.

One thing is becoming clear to me, I really should be getting more sleep. I took a nap this afternoon and it felt WONDERFUL. Plus I love having and remembering my I have to decide whether or not to analyze them...?

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sometimes what we appear to have lost is simply something it was time to leave behind." Marianne Williamson

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day #139 - Good 'ol Desktop

While I appreciate the hi-tech gadgets of our era including the various laptops on the market, I have to say I love the good 'ol desktop computer.

I think the desktop is the type writer of today. I don't doubt that someday the desktop computer will go the way of the typewriter. In its place the laptop & ipad will reign supreme as the NEW desktop; and typewriters will be sitting in their generational space at some museum waiting for the desktop to join them on the historical milky way.

I was finally able to pick up our desktop from the computer shop on Thursday afternoon - it is so good to have it back. A few years ago I was DYING to get my hands on a laptop of my own. So I mentioned it to Travis and he got me one for my birthday one year. I actually love it, but it seems to be developing bugs of its own. The interesting thing is...we both preferred the laptop until we set up the "official" desk space in the loft. Apparently the claustrophobic computer cabinet is not as enticing to type at as an open desk area.

Regardless, it feels good to have the computer back, the hard drive restored, the solid click of the keyboard, the big box humming away at my feet...things are working like a charm again.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "After all is said and done, more is said than done." Larry Winget

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day #138 - What a Difference a Day Makes...

WHEW - I feel so much better. I couldn't even get out of bed yesterday. I don't think I remember ever feeling so bad. I know there are books and movies that portray a hero or heroin who become bed ridden from illness or accident and it seems so doable. The book or move portrays the trial in weeks or days at a time, but it is only a few pages or a few scenes. I was out of it for only ONE NIGHT AND ONE DAY and I have decided there is nothing romantic about it.

Although...Travis did sit by my bedside holding my hand so that when I woke up from my feverish delirium with one strand of hair artfully draped across my moist forehead; Travis was there, unshaven, unshowered and his hair disheveled from his restless fingers as he stayed up pacing the floor in frustration & worry ALL night long. When I finally opened my eyes and he saw me look at him with recognition and adoration, he broke down in tears and told me how much he loved me...NOT!!! Give me a break - who are they kidding???

I will say Travis was very thoughtful and made sure I had everything I needed. One time I did wake up with him looking at me strangely. When I asked him if I was snoring he said "no, you were whimpering - do you need anything?"...AH, Sweet.

I had a fever of almost 101 degrees. I know that doesn't seem ultra high, but I ached EVERYWHERE. I tried to sleep all day, but I was so hot, then so cold. My knees, neck and back ached and even my elbows felt stiff. I went to the doctor and was told I had the first stages of bronchitis...YEAH!! MEDS PLEASE. Last night at about 9:00 p.m. I started to sweat and realized right away the fever had broken. Schwew!!

I have thought a lot about the people in my life who have been bed ridden for an extended length of time and how desperate it must have felt for them. I admire the strength and courage it takes to work through an extended illness and remain strong in spirit. I hope I never have the opportunity to live up to their example.

What I have learned, once again, is to be grateful for my health, such that it is. For all my bodies short comings and all my bad choices - I have been getting by pretty good. It has been years since I have taken antibiotics, my blood pressure is surprisingly good, today I made it up the stairs without collapsing on the bed to catch my breath and I plan to take one more rest day tomorrow to fully recover from the bronchitis.

This has been a good time of reflection for me...I realize I can do better.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The first wealth is health" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day #137 - Ny Ny

I took a few NyQuil for this darn cold that snuck up on me. I was thinking it would be a good cough suppressant tonight, but I am only SOOOO Tired. I feel like my sentences will not make sense tomorrow and my fingers keep hitting multiple keys at once Maybe I will actually sleep 8 hours tonight. I will have to finish posting tomorrow.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day #136 - Snow Thrower

I meant to blog last night, but my computer shut down on me to re-configure or something...bother. Anyway, as I was thinking about what to write, I asked Travis what he was grateful for today and without any hesitation he said "Snow Blower". Huh. I think I mainly take the snow blower for granted because Travis is actually MY snow blower and I am certainly grateful for that.

I think I may have blogged something about this before, but I am too lazy to look if I wrote about being responsible for blowing the snow away for a few months last season after Travis had shoulder surgery. It really is an amazing thing to push all that snow around with very little effort. I only ever hit a car with snow once....they were cool about it and gave a laughing wave as they drove by...schwew.

Travis is out there right now taking care of the snow this morning. He never acts put out by it and does it so naturally without me even thinking about it that I forget to realize how wonderful it is. This is truly one thing I never have to think about if he is well enough to handle it. Here I sit cozily waiting for him to finish outside while he is busily and happily moving snow around in his long johns and jeans. What a relief and I am so glad I get to take this opportunity to publicly recognize his efforts.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The aim of the great leader is not to get people to think more highly of the leader. It's to get people to think more highly of themselves." Bob Moawad

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day #135 - What Big Eyes You Have

WHEW HEW - the moon is BIG tonight.I need to figure out how to capture a good moon photo. Yesterday when I was driving home the moon was sitting HUGE on the horizon. It was big and full with a yellow glow to it. The light was just fading into dusk; the sky was blue at the horizon fading up to purple and then to pink, almost like a rainbow. It was


I tried to take a picture with my phone, but the moon came out as a tiny spot in the back ground instead of the in-your-face globe it was. I knew if I went inside to grab my camera, the one that isn't lost and is sitting upstairs, I would lose the shot and miss the magic; so I selfishly sat and watched as the light quickly changed and the colors faded to a darker shade of blue, trying hard not to even blink.

Those moments are so fleeting and it is so easy to take them for granted, to forget to appreciate them and neglect to share them. I wish I had called Travis like I thought of doing instead of just trying to get into the garage as quickly as possible so he could have seen it too. Now I have the memory, but it is only time.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Do not look to the ground for your next step; greatness lies with those who look to the horizon." -- Norwegian Proverb

Here is the photo I DID take:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day #134 - Oldie but Goodie

I was trying to come up with a title for my gratitude post and thought for SURE I had used this one before...Apparently not. How is that even possible? How many things are your favorite things because they are familiar, comfortable, nostalgic or perfect just the way they are?

Today I went to lunch with one of my old high school buddies Lori. I met Lori in Jr. High Band. We both played the Bass Clarinet. There were only two of us and I was 1st chair...I like to rub that in now and then, but the best part of that story is Mr. Campbell gave me the news like this...deep sigh, "Heather, you will be first chair, but only because you hit more notes in the try outs. Lori has the better tone." SUPERSTAR!!! Who cares...I was still first chair...HA. I loved band. I didn't love to practice really, but I had a really good time in class and performing with the group. I felt pride in how well we did. I feel bad that I gave it up after Jr. High. I think the only note I remember how to play on the Bass Clarinet is  "b" flat.

Lori and I became friends that year and I also met Amy who moved in behind me. FINALLY someone moved to the neighborhood and was MINE...NOT my SISTERS, MINE. Amy was my same age...she didn't have a chance to escape me. I know Lori loves this story because the first night I introduced my new best friend Lori, to my new, new best friend Amy happened to be the night Amy saved Lori from an embarrassing toilet paper stuck to the shoe fiasco at the movie theatre. That moment has created many laughs and an immediate bonding experience for those two. I am so glad they have remained close ever since that night.

The next memory involves our dejected sleep overs on nights we didn't get asked to prom. I don't know why or how we came up with it, but we dubbed those nights "Lori's, Loner, Loser, Lame" parties. Picture fashioning an "L" with finger and thumb and performing the sign of the cross while chanting the phrase (sorry Catholics - my only excuse is we were in High School). We did have some good times on those nights and didn't mind so bad that we didn't get asked out. There are tons of memories and fun times.

Today Lori said she is realizing lately that she is a "serious" person. I might use a term more like "reserved" or "cautious". Lori is actually quite goofy in her own hilarious way. She may not think she is funny but she is. Lori is also one of the best listeners I have ever known. I think Amy and I used to bug her about asking too many questions. She always wanted EVERY detail. Now I realize that is one of her gifts. Lori makes you feel special when you tell her about yourself and doesn't let you get away with just the cliff note answers. Plus she has the greatest kids ever!! So Jealous!!!

I have been encouraging Lori to start a blog...C'mon girl...let's hear what you have to say!!! I want to get to know you again.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Christopher Robin to Pooh

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day #133 - Long Days

Yesterday when I left the office it was still light we are talking. I love the long days of Summer. We aren't there yet, but it is always encouraging to see the yellow light still glowing at 6:00 p.m. because that means we are getting closer.

Today it has been SUPER windy. The roof keeps creaking, the windows are humming and the snow falling outside is a sideways blizzard that shifts to flurry's, spinning gusts and back again. As I started the drive up the canyon tonight it felt like I was driving through a movie set. It was just starting to snow at the bottom but there was a white smokey film floating in swirls all across the road. It moved like a snake in curvy patterns. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it. It was a constant fog machine, but the smoke all stayed close to the road, very interesting. By the time I reached the top of the canyon it was low visibility blizzard conditions. Glad I came home when I did.

This is February in Utah...50 degrees w/blue skies one day and blizzard the next, but that "long day" sunlight...very encouraging.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have something to say" Plato

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day #132 - My Valentine

I am a day late reporting on the BIG V-Day (expected I suppose). I read my sisters Blog and wished I had written mine first...too many thoughts flying around my head now.

M started out with "I am not a lover of Valentine's Day"...I am a TOTAL proponent of the day in question. I agree it is a commercial farce...why do we need a day to tell us to say "I love you"? Unfortunately, maybe we do need the reminder. I also agree that the fewer expectations one has on a day like V-Day, the BETTER. Expectations in general are a dangerous proposition, but not more so then on Valentine's Day.

I have done so many things over the years for Travis, who HATES Valentines Day!!! Still I persisted for years: hand made coupon books, love letters, stuffed animals, flowers, food/candy and a few years ago I got a ginormous 'I love you' balloon shaped like a gorilla to deliver to his office - kind of like a singing telegram. I lost my nerve and just gave it to him at home after he made it clear I was NOT to do ANYTHING for V-Day.

I think I finally realized I was projecting my Valentines Day expectations onto Travis and decided it was OK if he didn't want a big deal to occur and I should stop expecting the day to mean as much to him as it apparently does to me. I did set the expectation a few years ago very clearly that I want a card EVERY year. Travis always writes the best cards - it is how I fell in love with him, reading his chicken scratch, I adore it and I ALWAYS love the cards he gets me and he always writes the best things.

I have been thinking about what makes the day important to me? My sister wrote about one year on Valentine's Day how the door bell rang at home and we all ran to the door and on the front porch sat 6 cookie sheets, one for each of us, loaded with goodies and presents. WOW, HOW EXCITING! So unexpected and unnecessary, BUT we BOTH remember that Valentine's Day and it is a happy memory.

I also think the public display that a person is thinking about you can be a powerful boost - those flowers sitting on your desk are a pretty big deal. More than a public display a personal effort performed specifically in the name of LOVE, designed to send a message - "I hear you" - "I value you" - "YOU are special to ME" - "Thank you for BEING" - is so valuable.

Several weeks ago I told Travis I would really like him to cook some scallops for me. I have this thing for them is like a mouth party every time I eat them. I got home from work yesterday, later then planned of course, and I walked into a romantic table and the smell of something delicious in the oven, which turned out to be potatoes, asparagus, fennel (?) and carrots roasting away. When those were nearly done in went the scallops - was sooooo good, a perfect surprise and Trav's message got through loud and clear - "I hear you" - "I value you" - "YOU are special to ME" - "Thank you for BEING".

My smile was big and never ending last night and my heart is still full to bursting.

Thanks Babe - I Love YOU!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away." Bil Keane

Some photos from the big dinner - all from the camera phone...come back my camera, come back. One lucky girl....That is me... 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day #131 - Half Baked

Today I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies from scratch. I think this is the first time in over a year that I actually baked cookies that weren't from pre-made dough. I made oatmeal for Travis since he loves them and chocolate chip for me (as opposed to raisins). Travis hinted at coconut as a possibility...whatever, that will NEVER happen.

I pulled out the Betty Crocker cook book and ended up using the recipe on the lid of the oatmeal bucket instead. It had less lard in it and LOTS of oats; these cookies are DENSE. Travis even said they would make a good treat for riding long rides - like a power bar I guess. Anyway, they are yummy.

The best part of baking is, of course, the smell. I guess licking the spoon would have to be a second and cleanup is definitely the worst, but it feels like an accomplishment to throw ingredients all together and finish with something good to share with someone you love.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "So inner happiness actually is the fuel of success." Dr. John Hagelen

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day #130 - Variety

Today had a lot of variety in it and it felt like everyone got what they wanted from the day (everyone being Travis and me). Travis got to go for a bike ride outside with my brother Jason and their neighbor Jim and I got to go shopping (for fun) and go see my parents new house.

Just as Travis was leaving I told neighbor Jim to take Travis down (wink at Trav). Jim always thinks he is bad to the bone and I knew Travis could probably whale on him if he decided to. Travis always thinks he is so out of shape when he is just not in PERFECT shape. There is a HUGE difference between the two. Travis works very hard on his cardiovascular ability and has already set his summer goals for biking. I am very excited to see how he does and will no doubt write about it.

While Trav was out kickin' butt and takin' names, I went to the store to pick up a pair of jeans and found a few shirts on clearance for $4 each...schwew - Now I will not continue to be temped to buy stuff online. This temptation seems to occur every 6 months or so and it is irritating. After I got back to Jason's house I hopped in the car with Mel (sister-in-law), Josie (niece), Mom and Dad to see a home my parents made an offer on in Fruit Heights. There are many things about the home that are perfect for them and many things to be desired, but all in all I think it will make a good home for them. I think it will be good for everyone to have them back in Davis County. Travis and Jason joined us and then we all went to dinner at Ho Ho Gourmet to celebrate Dad's Birthday, which is tomorrow.

It was great to get home and now we are relaxing before bed. It was a sweet day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: " The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark" Michelangelo

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day #129 - Sleeping In

I had the longest day today. It wasn't a bad day, just a long one with no breaks. There was just too much to do. I also realized my good friend Neti may be letting me down. I have a sore throat, a headache, my eyes are burning and I had a hard time unplugging my ears going to work today. I think I might be getting...gasp...SICK...dun, Dun, DUN...

That being said...I think I just need some rest. This time of year is very busy at the office; 'tis moving season and it involves a great deal of reading, talking, thinking, talking, listening, prioritizing, etc. The phone just keeps ringing all the time. When I get home I just want to curl up in the fetal position and sleep. Tonight I plan to do just that...sleep, sleep, sleep. Heck, I might even take a nap tomorrow.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The only time 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary" - I read this quote on the biography of an agent that was requested by a transferee. I commented to the agent that I liked the quote - he confessed it wasn't really his. Ricky...don't you think you should give the real author credit?? I believe it was Vince Lombardi...?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day #128 - Less Salt

I am on day #128 of my 365 days of gratitude posts and have felt lately like I am running out of things to be grateful for. I think I lost my head for a minute there. I was just sitting on the couch in the family room running through my day wondering if there was ANYTHING I could post about that I haven't already used and immediately came up with about 4 things...I choose the Car Wash.

Today I filled up gas and put my car through the "gentle touch" cycle. It seems more like the "slap the car with rubber, careful of the side mirrors" cycle. I have been waiting for the weather to clear up a bit to get it done and today decided my black coat was white enough from accidentally leaning against it to get the groceries or take out the garbage, etc. It actually made me itch to look at my car with how deep the salt was on it. One friend even asked me why my white car had gray spots on it - not really, but my car is silver and that is how covered in salt it was.

It seemed growing up we would wash our cars at home a lot, but my Dad always carried around these coupon books for the Slim Olson's car wash in Bountiful. He would drive up to the car wash put the car in neutral and it would move forward on its own with just the push of a button. I would pretend I was under water and the scrubbers were fancy sea animals. It was especially easy to imagine the strips hanging from the ceiling swishing back and forth was an octopus. It seems to me we would all joke it was eating the car.

I love the calm feeling of sitting in a car wash. Maybe it is the sound of the water, the silence between the soap spray and the scrubbing action or the fact that I get to sit and do NOTHING for a few minutes and receive such a huge payoff in return - It always feels like my car drives better when it is clean. I know I feel better when it is.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Energy rightly applied and directed can accomplish anything" Nellie Bly

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day #127 - Super Bowl Recap

I have run into some computer problems at home. Yesterday I took the computer box into the vendor's office and he immediately started to up sale me to a new desktop computer...sigh. I told him to call Travis as I want nothing to do with it. We called late yesterday to get an update and were told it may be 3 more days before they can get to it.

We do have a laptop computer, but it is also slooooowww. PLUS, I took lots of good photos at the Super Bowl Party (from Keri's camera, since somehow I lost mine..again - and NO it is not in the Bracket) and couldn't get them to upload to my desk top OR the laptop. DOUBLE SIGH. Keri promised to post them instead.

So today I am doing a quick post at work...I am on lunch break...The Super Bowl party was fun, but NUTZ. The kids actually did really well, but it was noisy and distracting at times. The funnest part was keeping track of the games - we played the "pick a square" game that relates to the score at the end of each quarter; every time there was a score someone asked "whose square is that?" The prizes weren't FABULOUS, but they were still prizes and everyone wanted to win.

The food was also very good. One surprise was the fruit went faster then the chips...maybe not faster, but I was surprised the kids dove in wholeheartedly on the strawberries and clementines. I was pleased. The meatballs and mom's bacon wrapped smokies were delicious and Keri brought up beef stew....It was SOOOO Good. Of course there were all kinds of chips/dips and cheese.

The game was LOOOOONG, the commercials were OK, the half-time show only good because I people watched the whole time and afterward the whole family disappeared within 15 minutes, which was fine because I was exhausted.

I do have one regret - I went up to the loft to download Keri's photos and Avery came up (my 5 year old niece) and started to tell me some story about Indiana Jones that I "uh huhed" and "Oh'd" through without really paying attention. I thought later that I missed an opportunity to get to know her better because I didn't stop, look and listen for a few minutes, but chose instead to remain unfocused and unpresent in the moment. I really feel bad...mostly for myself, especially because I have made a conscious decision to be more aware and present. I obviously need to try harder and am grateful for the blatant recognition of the missed opportunity.

All-in-all the Super Bowl bash was a success.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." Maria Robinson

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day #126 - Big Plans

Tomorrow is the BIG Super Bowl Holiday - It might as well be an official Holiday the way it is anticipated for weeks, for months really. We normally have a big bash with our friends and had invited some to our house, but two moved this year, two canceled and the others were family. Color me surprised when Travis looked at me and said, "Why don't we just have a family party this year?" - Really? OK!!

That very Sunday most of us met at Mel and Jason's (Brother) house to celebrate Seth's Birthday (Nephew) and I asked Mom and Dad if they would like to join us...Mom did a double take and asked, "Are you sure?" The siblings also seemed on board, so we immediately started to divie out food jobs and game ideas. I think the whole family will be here tomorrow, sans Melissa in FL (you and yours will be missed).

We will, of course, have tons of food and I bought some prizes to give out with Super Bowl games. I am gearing myself up to embrace the chaos and just enjoy being with people I care about. I hope Travis will not regret his suggestion, but can't imagine he will...:)

I am determined to take photos and post some tomorrow.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." John Wooden

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day #125 - Ground Hog Day

I realize I should have written about the Ground Hog on the actual day, but Phil didn't see his shadow...or did he? I don't know, but the point is, spring is supposed to come early this year. That would be such a relief.

Having only lived in Summit Park for one spring I am not sure what that will mean for us, but I am hoping it will extend our summer-ish weather by another month. I happen to remember the date of the last snowstorm this past winter because I blogged about it and took photos - May 25th. We will see.

Our pipes did freeze the other night - let that be a lesson to me. I was THINKING about leaving the water dripping, but decided it would only be 6 hours before Trav woke up, so why waste the water. Next water came out. It was stuck in the pipes until almost noon. Needless to say my water is dripping away downstairs right now. Maybe it will start to warm up and stay warm - Good job Phil!!! I hope your shadow is correct!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You need to learn to level with people, without leveling them." Foster Davis

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day #124 - Dress Code...NOT

I am so glad I am not required to wear a dress EVERY day of the week. On Friday we even get to wear jeans to work...WITH tennis shoes.

Whenever I go to meet our Corporate Clients I dress as the corporate culture dictates. For instance, if you are meeting with IT people that wear golf shirts and jeans everyday, a suit and tie may feel pompous and overdressed, Just as a "Sunday Best" corporation would most likely not feel they are on the same page with a shorts and T-shirt guy.

Today I wore a black skirt that has a built-in slip lining and is quite long. I spent the bulk of the morning running over the darn thing and practically slipping off my chair to the floor every time I tried to roll closer to my desk. For some reason my chair is tilted down in front just enough to cause trouble when I wear this particular slippery skirt. ARGH it was irritating.

I cannot wait to put on slacks tomorrow - one day away from Jean Friday!!! Super Sweet.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When people show you who they are, believe them." Maya Angelou

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day #123 - Baby, It's Cold Outside...

According to it is currently -11 degrees out and "feels like" -27. I never noticed I don't have a degree symbol on my keyboard...there must be a short cut or something, but I don't know it. I had to walk out some mail at the office today and was planning to walk around the building...NO WAY!! It was FREEZING and the wind was blowing - I actually lost my breath like I had jumped into a really cold lake.

The drive home was strange also - The wind was blowing so hard it was a fight to keep the wheel straight. Tonight we have been hearing all kinds of creaking and wind sounds and it is just so cold. I have an extra heat source on downstairs to keep the pipes from freezing up and am considering keeping some water dripping tonight just to be sure.

I was thinking earlier tonight about the homeless people. What do they do on nights like tonight? I don't think the shelters actually have room for ALL homeless people, although I am sure they fill them beyond capacity, but what do people do? I was wondering if I would rather be super hot or super cold? Of course I decided I was happy to not have to pick, but I know I could not tolerate this kind of cold. I think the heat would just make me angry and irritable, but this is bitter.

Tonight I pray for those without a home that they might find shelter and I am grateful for my imperfect, perfect home.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you." Oprah