Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day #123 - Baby, It's Cold Outside...

According to weather.com it is currently -11 degrees out and "feels like" -27. I never noticed I don't have a degree symbol on my keyboard...there must be a short cut or something, but I don't know it. I had to walk out some mail at the office today and was planning to walk around the building...NO WAY!! It was FREEZING and the wind was blowing - I actually lost my breath like I had jumped into a really cold lake.

The drive home was strange also - The wind was blowing so hard it was a fight to keep the wheel straight. Tonight we have been hearing all kinds of creaking and wind sounds and it is just so cold. I have an extra heat source on downstairs to keep the pipes from freezing up and am considering keeping some water dripping tonight just to be sure.

I was thinking earlier tonight about the homeless people. What do they do on nights like tonight? I don't think the shelters actually have room for ALL homeless people, although I am sure they fill them beyond capacity, but what do people do? I was wondering if I would rather be super hot or super cold? Of course I decided I was happy to not have to pick, but I know I could not tolerate this kind of cold. I think the heat would just make me angry and irritable, but this cold...it is bitter.

Tonight I pray for those without a home that they might find shelter and I am grateful for my imperfect, perfect home.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you." Oprah

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture. Your house is very easy on the eyes! It would be fun to see it from all angles...hint, hint....maybe a sweet collage. Just an idea..... I wonder that a lot to....the would I rather.....I can never lock in on one or the other....they can both be soooooo miserable. But truly, being too cold, FREEZING....as you mentioned can be life threatening. Yes, we count our blessings for this old girl we are in each day as well. Might not be perfect but I wouldn't trade her in this economy....well, unless someone paid us to do so. Certainly if we struck it rich I'd be outta here faster than a speeding bullet....but yes, very grateful to have a home.
