Friday, February 18, 2011

Day #135 - What Big Eyes You Have

WHEW HEW - the moon is BIG tonight.I need to figure out how to capture a good moon photo. Yesterday when I was driving home the moon was sitting HUGE on the horizon. It was big and full with a yellow glow to it. The light was just fading into dusk; the sky was blue at the horizon fading up to purple and then to pink, almost like a rainbow. It was


I tried to take a picture with my phone, but the moon came out as a tiny spot in the back ground instead of the in-your-face globe it was. I knew if I went inside to grab my camera, the one that isn't lost and is sitting upstairs, I would lose the shot and miss the magic; so I selfishly sat and watched as the light quickly changed and the colors faded to a darker shade of blue, trying hard not to even blink.

Those moments are so fleeting and it is so easy to take them for granted, to forget to appreciate them and neglect to share them. I wish I had called Travis like I thought of doing instead of just trying to get into the garage as quickly as possible so he could have seen it too. Now I have the memory, but it is only time.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Do not look to the ground for your next step; greatness lies with those who look to the horizon." -- Norwegian Proverb

Here is the photo I DID take:


  1. Definitely not selfish to sit and take in nature. Did that the other day my self at the beach!! It was so has been a few months and it was exciting to have a warm day to enjoy it again. The moon....yes it is full and gorgeous right now. I forget we are looking at the same one. My favorite is when it is huge and red...maybe it is the sun that turns red as it goes down...we were driving the other day and I was frantically trying to get Ethan to snap an "awesome" photo w/ my phone as well. was not the same as looking at it.

  2. Huge, red moon?? That is interesting. Would love to see that photo. I am sorry to say the phone's never do as much justice. I HAVE to find my small camera today. Lately the photos I have taken with my phone look old and dingy. Oh well.
