Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day #125 - Ground Hog Day

I realize I should have written about the Ground Hog on the actual day, but Phil didn't see his shadow...or did he? I don't know, but the point is, spring is supposed to come early this year. That would be such a relief.

Having only lived in Summit Park for one spring I am not sure what that will mean for us, but I am hoping it will extend our summer-ish weather by another month. I happen to remember the date of the last snowstorm this past winter because I blogged about it and took photos - May 25th. We will see.

Our pipes did freeze the other night - let that be a lesson to me. I was THINKING about leaving the water dripping, but decided it would only be 6 hours before Trav woke up, so why waste the water. Next water came out. It was stuck in the pipes until almost noon. Needless to say my water is dripping away downstairs right now. Maybe it will start to warm up and stay warm - Good job Phil!!! I hope your shadow is correct!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You need to learn to level with people, without leveling them." Foster Davis

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwww Geeeeeeeeeezzzzzz. No damage though right? Just the inconvenience of not having water for a while??
