Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day #134 - Oldie but Goodie

I was trying to come up with a title for my gratitude post and thought for SURE I had used this one before...Apparently not. How is that even possible? How many things are your favorite things because they are familiar, comfortable, nostalgic or perfect just the way they are?

Today I went to lunch with one of my old high school buddies Lori. I met Lori in Jr. High Band. We both played the Bass Clarinet. There were only two of us and I was 1st chair...I like to rub that in now and then, but the best part of that story is Mr. Campbell gave me the news like this...deep sigh, "Heather, you will be first chair, but only because you hit more notes in the try outs. Lori has the better tone." SUPERSTAR!!! Who cares...I was still first chair...HA. I loved band. I didn't love to practice really, but I had a really good time in class and performing with the group. I felt pride in how well we did. I feel bad that I gave it up after Jr. High. I think the only note I remember how to play on the Bass Clarinet is  "b" flat.

Lori and I became friends that year and I also met Amy who moved in behind me. FINALLY someone moved to the neighborhood and was MINE...NOT my SISTERS, MINE. Amy was my same age...she didn't have a chance to escape me. I know Lori loves this story because the first night I introduced my new best friend Lori, to my new, new best friend Amy happened to be the night Amy saved Lori from an embarrassing toilet paper stuck to the shoe fiasco at the movie theatre. That moment has created many laughs and an immediate bonding experience for those two. I am so glad they have remained close ever since that night.

The next memory involves our dejected sleep overs on nights we didn't get asked to prom. I don't know why or how we came up with it, but we dubbed those nights "Lori's, Loner, Loser, Lame" parties. Picture fashioning an "L" with finger and thumb and performing the sign of the cross while chanting the phrase (sorry Catholics - my only excuse is we were in High School). We did have some good times on those nights and didn't mind so bad that we didn't get asked out. There are tons of memories and fun times.

Today Lori said she is realizing lately that she is a "serious" person. I might use a term more like "reserved" or "cautious". Lori is actually quite goofy in her own hilarious way. She may not think she is funny but she is. Lori is also one of the best listeners I have ever known. I think Amy and I used to bug her about asking too many questions. She always wanted EVERY detail. Now I realize that is one of her gifts. Lori makes you feel special when you tell her about yourself and doesn't let you get away with just the cliff note answers. Plus she has the greatest kids ever!! So Jealous!!!

I have been encouraging Lori to start a blog...C'mon girl...let's hear what you have to say!!! I want to get to know you again.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Christopher Robin to Pooh


  1. LOVE THE QUOTE!!! And yah for old friends :)

  2. I am in a blog!! I feel so privileged!! Oh how many memories reading that brought back. Like the time you broke my pencil in band and I got so mad. Man what was my deal. :) And the time I went on my "I wont ask anymore questions" kick. LOL!! What good times!! Thanks for the compliment on my kids. I have to remind myself that they are pretty good kids because they sure have their moments! Maybe one of these days I will break down and start a blog. If I do, you will be the first to know. Thanks again for going to lunch yesterday. It was nice to get together. And just for the record, I was the one who saved Amy from an embarrassing toilet paper incident. :) LOL

  3. Ah Man!! I can't believe I got that wrong. I mainly remember how funny the TP on the shoe was. I have no recollection of breaking your pencil in band. Did I do it on purpose to bug you? Sounds like something I might do...I must have if you were mad. Sorry about that. I look forward to the day you start writing!! :)

  4. Nice memories ladies. Thanks for the "sneak Peek" into the "Lori's, Loner, Loser, Lame" parties, I don't remember ever hearing about those. I don't remember you not going to dances....quite frankly I probably wouldn't remember going myself if I did not have the pictures to prove it.
    Here is something I do know that theatre down town, maybe it was the dollar theatre....maybe it had the name "castle" in it....not sure on that. Anyway, they sold soft jolly rancher candy....I loved those so much. I have never seen them anywhere, ever again....! I wish they would make and sell them. I wonder if I tried them now if I would even like them. Do you know what I am talking about HB?

  5. The Sandcastle?? That is where the TP story took place. I loved that place. I do not remember the jolly rancher candy, but I will ask around at work. I have a friend that I would call the "candy" expert...I am more of a chocolate person myself.
