Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day #130 - Variety

Today had a lot of variety in it and it felt like everyone got what they wanted from the day (everyone being Travis and me). Travis got to go for a bike ride outside with my brother Jason and their neighbor Jim and I got to go shopping (for fun) and go see my parents new house.

Just as Travis was leaving I told neighbor Jim to take Travis down (wink at Trav). Jim always thinks he is bad to the bone and I knew Travis could probably whale on him if he decided to. Travis always thinks he is so out of shape when he is just not in PERFECT shape. There is a HUGE difference between the two. Travis works very hard on his cardiovascular ability and has already set his summer goals for biking. I am very excited to see how he does and will no doubt write about it.

While Trav was out kickin' butt and takin' names, I went to the store to pick up a pair of jeans and found a few shirts on clearance for $4 each...schwew - Now I will not continue to be temped to buy stuff online. This temptation seems to occur every 6 months or so and it is irritating. After I got back to Jason's house I hopped in the car with Mel (sister-in-law), Josie (niece), Mom and Dad to see a home my parents made an offer on in Fruit Heights. There are many things about the home that are perfect for them and many things to be desired, but all in all I think it will make a good home for them. I think it will be good for everyone to have them back in Davis County. Travis and Jason joined us and then we all went to dinner at Ho Ho Gourmet to celebrate Dad's Birthday, which is tomorrow.

It was great to get home and now we are relaxing before bed. It was a sweet day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: " The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark" Michelangelo


  1. You're parents are moving?? Are they moving so they can be closer to family or are they tired of Utah County. I know so many people who are moving lately that I now have the bug and keep thinking I want to move. But alas, it's not really a feasible option.

  2. Yes - the parents are leaving Utah County to be closer to their grandkids. They originally moved down there to be near their parents - looks like it has come full circle. It will be good to have them closer to some of my siblings. Your house is so perfect for your family right now - I loved it. It seems you also have a great support system in the neighbors as well. It is always tempting to want something "different" - I am the same way. Hows the baby doing?? We really should try to meet for lunch soon. HB

  3. I want to hear more of the house. Mom didn't seem very excited about it on the phone the other day.....I wondered why they were settling for something they were not in love with. Seemed odd. I was shell shocked to hear they actually sold their home. I never really thought they would move. Maybe I knew that they would deep down over Christmas as I was out w/ dad that day. I took some good long looks around. Glad I did. Makes me kind of sad they are leaving that place. Not that the house itself was any big deal.... I guess it is just the thought of leaving behind those memories. I hope the new place feels like home to.

  4. I am sorry to say Mom is pretty much on the fence. There was a home she went gaga over and the offer did not work out. I'm not sure what to make of it either. I made Dad promise they would paint and re-carpet the main level of the house so Mom can make it her own. I think this will go a long way toward warming the place up. Right now the paint is that gray/blue/white...know what I mean? Here's the deal with Mom; if Dad bought a home she really loved, but he didn't, Mom wouldn't be happy if she wasn't sure Dad was happy.
