Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Travis and I were the first ones to arrive at my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday. We immediately proceeded to talk to them about politics....ugh, whyyyyyyy? I am glad Trav tried to listen to my parents opinions so he can better understand where they are coming from, but I have mixed feelings about talking about things people get so worked up about. Apparently my Dad and Travis were both on good behavior in honor of the special day. I Am Grateful.

Once everyone arrived we ate dinner. I swear my Mom makes the best stuffing in the world; I got some of the crispy bits, YUM. We talked and reminisced, made plans for Melissa's visit from FL next month, gave each other a hard time, listened to the kids make noise at the kids table in the next room and really just enjoyed each others company. I Am Grateful.

After dinner the guys went downstairs to watch football and the rest of us sat upstairs, cleaned and talked. I love spending time with my mother and sisters. We were missing most of my oldest brother's family. His wife, Mel, took her two oldest down to Las Vegas with a neighbor family to take a gun class. On the drive to Vegas the car broke down so my brother popped in long enough to grab some turkey for the road and drove down to Filmore, UT to rescue them. My Dad was ready to jump in a car to follow-him down if need be to bring Jason home...I guess that is what families are for. I Am Grateful.

Once we got home Trav and I had a leisurely evening at home and woke up early Friday morning and both of us cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Trav did all the bathrooms and vacuumed the entire house. I cleaned the kitchen. Doesn't sound like a very even trade, but with Trav's help I could actually do a deep clean of the oven and fridge instead of just a surface swipe. It was so amazing to get it all done on Friday and still have two whole days with no chores to worry about. That night Keri, Golden and Seerie Wren Bird came to our house and Keri did my hair...so good to get it done and so fun to spend time with them. I Am Grateful.

Saturday (and thruout the weekend), Trav and I watched the first full season of "the Walking Dead". We keep hearing about it all over and decided to give it a watch. I am not the most exuberant horror movie fan and especially do not love zombie movies, but heck, why not. That night when I took Bart out to go potty, I have to admit I was a bit jumpy...you never know when a zombie is going to sneak up on you. I Am Grateful.

On Sunday I was sitting on my couch thinking to myself, "it really seems like there is something I should be doing"...this was nagging me all weekend, but I decided it was because we did all the chores on Friday. BOOM - it hit me...DUH, the Christmas Tree!! Too late now, we were on our way to the Mother-in-laws house to eat some of her delicious pumpkin pie. Not a bad trade off to be sure. It was great to see Joleen. I Am Grateful.

I suppose this does not seem like the most exciting weekend, but it was perfect for me.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” --Deitrich Bonhoeffer

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day #81 - New Book

I have decided nothing makes a month go by faster than a book of the month club, ESPECIALLY when you meet once per week. I am scrambling tonight to catch up on my reading of our new book called "The Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane. The book teaches that charisma can be learned and is not just an innate quality one must be born with.

I have to admit I was not looking forward to reading this one and I am still not completely certain why. I think it is because I think of "charismatic people" to be bigger than life or maybe a bit conceited or untouchable - like Oprah, the President, Faith Hill or a smooth talking Wall Street tycoon - I have never reached for this status in my own life and so did not really relate to the book title. I have been pleasantly surprised at how quick this book reads and the good tools I am learning from it.

Have you ever gone to a meeting or a party and felt incredibly confident? When I feel this way I am wearing an outfit I feel good in, my hair is done just right, I am prepared and ready to present or in a good mood and at the end of the meeting or party I know I made a good impression. Have you ever felt the opposite? There are days I go into the office and feel stellar and there are other days that I feel schlupy and blah. Most of the time this happens I didn't get up early enough or I didn't wear a shirt that fit right or my hair is 1 day past due for a wash. Well, this book is laying out some technique's to counter those feelings when they come up and I'm going to put the tools into practice...once I learn them :).

In the meantime, I will pick out something awesome to wear to work tomorrow.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Few things impact people's performance more than how they feel about themselves." Olivia Fox Cabane

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day #80 - Which Pain to Choose?

I have been getting mighty lazy about my posts. I am determined to do better when I get back from Las Vegas. We are heading out tomorrow to use the last nights of our timeshare we have there. We will be meeting with the customer service people to turn the time share back to them. It has been fun to have, but the cost has become too high to balance the benefits and we are not world travelers and no longer see the point. It seems we can get a better deal on a weeks vacation by bundling airfare, hotel & car than the one weeks worth of hotel. Granted, there are other benefits of exchange and memberships allowed by a timeshare, but we do not take advantage of them and so it is of little worth to us.

In the meantime, I have been sitting on something I heard in one of our meetings the other day that I wanted to write down. The idea goes something like this...

It seems that most of us are more willing to experience the pain of regret and indecision, than the pain of self-discipline and action; both encompass a certain amount of pain, but each has a very different result. This seems like an obvious scenario, but I have never thought about it in this way before and it has been in my mind all week long. If feels a lot like something my sister wrote once..."I never regret exercising, I only regret it when I don't."

I am very well versed in regretful pain, which leads to all kinds of self-degradation. We have been talking a lot lately about the voices we listen to inside our own minds and I have to say, I would never be so cruel to someone I cared about, let alone a stranger, as I often am to myself. I'm not depressed or anything, but this is another observation I have been thinking about often in the past weeks.

Last night I was happy to spend with my sisters who went with me to help at a fund raiser for a battered women's shelter in Davis County. Our job was to be spotters among a bunch of tables where people were bidding on pre-decorated Christmas Trees. We were told to "YIP" loudly and point when we saw someone in our respective sections hold up their bid cards. I LOVED the precious looks on Amy, Keri & Melanie's faces when we were told we had to do this. Add to this the fact that we were dressed pretty casually and when we got there found out it was practically a fancy dress ball event. My sisters are beautiful, so it didn't really matter they were wearing jeans, but it was still pretty funny.

We all had at least one opportunity to "YIP" and Keri was involved in the final tree bid and I was so proud watching her do her job like a pro and the final tree went to her table for $1,600. I am pretty sad I didn't take some pictures that I could have posted here - oh well, just one more missed opportunity.

I bring this up because Amy and I were chatting and she told me she has decided to live without regrets...she tells me it is easier said than done, but she is being very mindful of her choices lately and continually reminds herself that certain decisions are ok and there is no reason to look back. I also noticed she was talking about the different choices she has been making within this same effort; so she is doing more than just not regretting her bad or not best choices by actually taking action and making choices that create better results toward the life she wants to live. She is a great example to me of this principle and I am inspired to do the same in my own life. I will be thinking more about this while I am on vacation.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” --Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day #79 - Snow Day

We are in the middle of the biggest storm we have experienced this early in the season since we have lived here in Summit Park. Since yesterday morning Trav has snow-blowed 3 times and will be doing it again tonight. I think we have a foot and 1/2 so far. I came home from work early yesterday so I didn't have to drive in rush hour traffic and now it feels like we are tucked away in our warm house and it is time for chicken soup and hot chocolate, I mean choffee :).

Days like today are great...once in a while. A big snow storm is beautiful and enjoyable when you don't have to be anywhere. I keep thinking about the people in New York who got hit by Hurricane Sandy and are only just starting the process of recovery. I can't imagine what those families back East are going thru...it is impossible to know what we can do to help except to donate money.  It does make one think more and more about emergency preparedness and what something like loss of power for a few weeks would look like in our situation.

We have shelter, but how do you stay warm? We have a few weeks worth of food, but what about water? We have batteries, flashlights, blankets, propane stoves, dutch ovens, back packs...My parents let us borrow a propane heater last year and we still have that in our storage unit and I keep thinking it wouldn't hurt just to get one we can have around for emergencies. I think often how much I love having a gas fireplace, but in an emergency it would be better to have the log burners.

Anyway, something to think about and being prepared certainly makes sense. For tonight, I am going to count my blessings and enjoy snuggling with my Husband, my dog and my cat w/some choffee, while we watch football and read.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "All things are ready, if our mind be so.” William Shakespear

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day #78 - Just Jump On!

I told you our monthly Summit meeting was held this week. Well, my boss, George, did speak again this month, but a different John, not boss John, but agent John, spoke for the first 20 minutes.

John has cerebral-paulsy, a neurological condition that creates short circuits in the brain's communication to the body. John explained normal brain function as high definition television and his brain he characterized as more like a walkie-talkie.

This condition has created many challenges in his life that he has been able to overcome from riding a bike, running a 12 minute mile, getting a college degree in Economics & English while serving in the student body government to creating a successful experience in real estate.

John had us tearing up and rolling on the floor laughing. One story he told was how he seriously injured his back just over a year ago in an over-exuberant weight lifting exercise. John already has a limp and some difficulty getting around easily, but this injury made it so he had to crawl from his car to his house and/or office. As a result, several of the guys we work with started to meet him so they could piggy-back him into the office where he could use his wheel chair to get around more easily.

One of these agents, Curtis, went on a listing appointment with John. When the homeowners agreed to list with them, John said, "Great - may I lay down on your floor while Curtis reviews the paperwork with you?" Once the paperwork was signed and John had made his way to the couch, Curtis knelt down on one knee and said, "Hold on" while he started to gather his bag and things up off the floor. John thought Curtis said "Jump on" and proceeded to jump onto Curtis, knocking him to the ground while John flipped over his head. This story only gets funnier the more I think about it.

During this period of unbelievable pain, John said he had a lot of reasons not to work or to ask "why me?" Instead he asked and answered the following 3 questions:

1) In order to get where I need to be, what HAS to be done?
2) Out of this list, what am I still capable of doing?
3) Who can help me with the items I cannot do on my own?

From these 3 questions John came up with the plan that would take him from 2 listings to 8 in a matter of a few months. These listings transitioned to buyers and sells that ultimately paid his medical bills.

John is upright again and I am so glad I had the opportunity to hear his story and learn more about him. I hope they will invite other agents to share with the company - it is inspiring and very interesting to learn about the people we see each day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” --Winston Churchill

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day #77 - Election Day

Well - it is the big election day...who will it be? Obama or Romney? It has been so interesting at the office; mainly because most everyone believes the same thing. I smile a bit when I hear them going at it over an issue when they are on the same side just getting more and more outraged and worked up.

I was thinking about being President the other day...who in their right mind would even WANT that job? Ugh. My overall impression of the position is...the President is responsible for everything with no power to really DO anything. My Dad will probably have a heart attack when he reads this and will no doubt find me a book concerning Presidential powers that he will require me to read in exchange for yard work or something. Regardless, it is a more ambitious job than I would ever be interested in.

Ope...Obama just came out the winner. At least it is looking that way. I know most of my family will believe this will usher in the end of the world...maybe it will, but I do not envy the man his job. I wish him the best.

Yesterday, Trav and I went to a movie called "Argo" about the American Embassy that was taken hostage in Iran several years ago when Carter was President. These poor people were held hostage for 444 days!! I cannot imagine what that would have been like. I mean to ask my parents if they remember this.

On a completely different note...I just took my dog out for his nightly ritualistic 10 p.m. potty break and smelled the firewood burning, keeping the houses cozy and as I looked up into the dark night sky I saw a long, bright falling star...make a wish.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I have had many troubles in my life, but the worst of them never came." James Abram Garfield

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day #76 - Definitely Brunette

It is so funny the comments people make when there is a big change, like my new dark hairdo. I am finally getting more used to the color and it has lightened up, but today an agent did a double take and said, "did you change your hair" - I said I did, he said, "did you do it on purpose? or was it an accident?" I said, "you like it that much, huh?" It was fun to watch him squirm. I decided it was time for a photo:

Compare this to my profile picture and you will see the huge difference. I think mostly people are just surprised...thank goodness the shock is wearing off.

I have been negligent in writing lately...not very inspired of late, which does not mean inspiring things are not happening all around me. I will try to come up with something better to write about tomorrow - shouldn't be too difficult since the monthly Summit meeting is tomorrow.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: - hair joke...
Why is the brunette considered an evil color?
When was the last time you saw a blonde witch?