Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day #81 - New Book

I have decided nothing makes a month go by faster than a book of the month club, ESPECIALLY when you meet once per week. I am scrambling tonight to catch up on my reading of our new book called "The Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane. The book teaches that charisma can be learned and is not just an innate quality one must be born with.

I have to admit I was not looking forward to reading this one and I am still not completely certain why. I think it is because I think of "charismatic people" to be bigger than life or maybe a bit conceited or untouchable - like Oprah, the President, Faith Hill or a smooth talking Wall Street tycoon - I have never reached for this status in my own life and so did not really relate to the book title. I have been pleasantly surprised at how quick this book reads and the good tools I am learning from it.

Have you ever gone to a meeting or a party and felt incredibly confident? When I feel this way I am wearing an outfit I feel good in, my hair is done just right, I am prepared and ready to present or in a good mood and at the end of the meeting or party I know I made a good impression. Have you ever felt the opposite? There are days I go into the office and feel stellar and there are other days that I feel schlupy and blah. Most of the time this happens I didn't get up early enough or I didn't wear a shirt that fit right or my hair is 1 day past due for a wash. Well, this book is laying out some technique's to counter those feelings when they come up and I'm going to put the tools into practice...once I learn them :).

In the meantime, I will pick out something awesome to wear to work tomorrow.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Few things impact people's performance more than how they feel about themselves." Olivia Fox Cabane


  1. This blog is so spot on for me right now.
    I just got done telling lance it's such a bummer that men age like wine, or gemstones, and women age like fruit, or flowers.
    It's lame that when you start to workout or eat better the first place to always lose is the one place(s) you'd care to have a little extra.!!
    Shortly after my b-day last month I was in such a funk lance had to wrestle me to the ground and pin my arms so I could'nt move, he kept asking what my problem was. Why I wasn't working out (since I usually like to but haven't for MANY months) and why I was so grouchy.
    I could only say I don't know but I feel like I'm going to cry.
    Then I did cry and talked about feeling really unauthentic an upset with myself. When I thought I was actually going to be crushed to death I made him get off and I drove down to Crossfit Race in centerville to start working out.
    Personal goals are great, but I think having to be accountable to others is a major key for me. (Like a weekly book club mtg. )
    I've been liking that book the one percent solution.
    If you can just improve the smallest amount from where you were yesterday!! You'll make such improvement. Also action leads to motivation, and increased motivation leads to greater action. So just start. And the last part I've gotten to so far is to become truly great at something you need dedicated practice of it in huge amounts.
    Life's a journey right?
    Love you Huggie

  2. Perhaps I should recommend the one percent to my book club. I will need to chat with you more about it tomorrow.

    One thing that does NOT ring true...You are one of the MOST authentic people I know. I don't even know where that feeling might spring from, but it is not from your families perspective. I think if I went around to our siblings (I'll go ahead and leave Mom out of it, because of course she would agree :) you would know we all think you are absolutely authentic.

    Life IS a journey. I sometimes think about what life would be if I really did have it all figured out...I'll tell you what it would be...BORING! We are here to learn...we are here to mess up...we are here to excel...we are here to make things right...we are here to help each other grow. I'm not even sure we can really mess things up.

    I am so glad I have you for a sister. How could I possibly be so lucky? Thank you for your example, your friendship and for being so perfectly imperfect so you can help me be better. You continue to inspire me. Sorry for the cheese...I can't help it.

    love you,

    1. I love cheese... Thank you! See you guys at moms.

  3. I love sounding like the grand master...love it when you sound that way and your great insights even better.

    The book club I speak of is my work book club. We read one book per month and meet once per week at 7:30 a.m. to discuss said book. There are usually about 30 - 40 people there including staff, agents, title people, etc. The books we read are picked by the bosses and are all about self improvement of some form or other. Nothing we have read since I have been there is completely related to real estate, but they always help us apply the tools to our trade...it is pretty nifty.

    I have talked to a girl at work about doing a "fun" book club. I picked Jane Eyre for our first book since she hasn't read it, but LOVES Pride and Prejudice. Not that they are anything alike, but these are my two most favorite books.

  4. If we ever move to Utah, will you ask your bosses if I can work where you work?
