Thursday, February 28, 2013

Big Mac Daddy

Wow...I am typing on the smallest keyboard ever, while looking at the biggest computer monitor I've ever used. I think it is bigger than my last TV...just kidding, but it is almost too big to sit directly in front of. It is 27 inches of lovely, fast, clean and virus free computer...Oh, AND it is a Mac.

Travis has been dying to get a Mac computer. Everyone who has one loves them more than life, so I bet it will be pretty cool to own this big Mac daddy computer. I am certainly excited to be re-connected.

Last night I spent an hour on an important project for work and just as I was putting the finishing touches on the document a virus popped up telling me the FBI was going to confiscate my computer and I was going to jail if I didn't pay up. I knew immediately what this was because it happened to my Mom a few weeks ago. It froze my computer and even starting the computer over would not reset the desktop...all was lost. Normally this would be an inconvenience and SUPER irritating, but after working overtime these last few weeks and then working from home at night, it was disheartening and upsetting. I wasn't even connected to the least I thought I wasn't.

This morning I was talking to Travis about it and started to tear thing I know he is telling me he is picking up this big guy and bringing it home with him and now here I sit looking at a galaxy of opportunity (the background on the desktop is a star lit sky).

I know this is not something he wanted to spend our money on for another few months, but I can't tell you what it means to me that he bit the bullet and handled it. I feel so much better with some options and I'm glad we got what we wanted instead of just settling for a temporary fix.

We also moved the computer to the family is taking some getting used to, but I kind of like the idea that I can do stuff while Trav is watching a football game and we can still be in the same room together.

Now I just need to learn how to use everything...piece of cake. :)

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Home is where you hang your @." Author Unknown

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lunch Break

I've decided to take a minute to check in during my lunch break...I have been eating very good for the past few weeks and yesterday I went home early to meet some installation guys who put together an elliptical for our home.

As Trav and I were out shopping for them this past month we realized they are too big to put in our studio apartment (7' ceilings) I might have gotten away with it, but Trav is too tall to use the machine in such a short space; so we put it up in our loft instead...I've been crying for an elliptical for about a year now and Trav said this morning, "Be careful what you ask you have to use it." Good point.

I got up this morning and sleepily got ready to jump on the Elliptical...about 2 minutes in at level 1 I began to realize just how out of shape I really am. I'm sure it will only take a few weeks to work up to the 20 then 30 minute intervals I want to do each day, but it was pretty embarrassing to be wiped out after 15 minutes. At least I was not at the gym...I would much rather be by myself at such a time.

I'm super excited to finally have a machine that I REALLY like. It is private, convenient, good quality...I'm starting to run out of excuses for not exercising...that is for sure.

This leads me to mindset...we just finished the book "As a Man Thinketh" and it runs along the same lines as other mindset books, nothing really new here, but this book is pretty old. It was first published in 1910. Isn't it crazy that this philosophy or universal law has been around for so long and we are still trying to figure it out?

One thing I have known for quite some time and still struggle with (so many years of 'wrong' thinking) is how important mindset is as regards our health. There is an agent on my team that has seriously been reinventing himself over the last year and is so intent on changing his mind set, he changed his name from Robert to Bob...being known by clients by a different name helps him to remember to think in a different way. Bob is assertive and fearless where Robert has 40 years of baggage he drags around in his mind; it sounds weird, but it is interesting to think about.

Anyway, here are some affirmations that are meant to be said out loud daily that I now don't need to cringe from saying:

* I get stronger with every step
* I take excellent care of my body
* I start each day with an abundance of energy
* I exercise daily
* I eat healthful foods
* I feel outstanding
* I drink water daily
* I am healthy and strong

At least I know there are no more excuses about exercise...I'm on it!! Now I just need a new computer!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed." James Allen, As A Man Thinketh

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dog Gone Computer Virus

I have so much good stuff to write about and my computer at home got the bug again. I SWEAR I didn't do ANYTHING!! I am just taking a few minutes before I head home to make a book recommendation:

"A Fatal Grace" by Louise Penny

I listened to the book on CD and it started out kind of slow, but I soon found myself getting wrapped up in the characters, thinking about my own close friendships and how they compared to the ones in the book, considering how getting older may be just as good as being young, how diversity in character is so interesting and creates so much dimension in our lives and above all, how there is NO WAY I could write a book with so much depth and how I need to take a class on character development.

The other thing I loved about this book is how much I relate to the portrayal of the concept of God. I found myself tearing up in the most unexpected places and feeling the rightness of how God is in all of us and how we are tools in each others lives. This book was so elegant in the expression of love...I was really moved.

It was our monthly Summit meeting today. John talked a lot about being in control of our lives and the subsequent outcomes and how we need to make our journey about others - looking outward makes us powerful, whether it is in sales or relationships - when you are concerned with what another person's wants or needs, lives change and success happens. It's a different way of looking at love, but I like that it can be related to a sales environment.
In the book there is a moment when a rescue is necessary and one of the rescuers says, "Let's go, she's NOT worth it!" The other man looks at him and says, "Who do you love?"...eventually the man realizes that if his wife or child or even his Captain was in that situation, he wouldn't hesitate and he wouldn't stop until he got to his loved one. Think of how powerful this is when we apply this to everyone we come into contact with in our daily lives...if we placed everyone in that same category of love and would our interactions change? Wow...hard to imagine.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Our worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.” -- Jerry Bridges