Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dog Gone Computer Virus

I have so much good stuff to write about and my computer at home got the bug again. I SWEAR I didn't do ANYTHING!! I am just taking a few minutes before I head home to make a book recommendation:

"A Fatal Grace" by Louise Penny

I listened to the book on CD and it started out kind of slow, but I soon found myself getting wrapped up in the characters, thinking about my own close friendships and how they compared to the ones in the book, considering how getting older may be just as good as being young, how diversity in character is so interesting and creates so much dimension in our lives and above all, how there is NO WAY I could write a book with so much depth and how I need to take a class on character development.

The other thing I loved about this book is how much I relate to the portrayal of the concept of God. I found myself tearing up in the most unexpected places and feeling the rightness of how God is in all of us and how we are tools in each others lives. This book was so elegant in the expression of love...I was really moved.

It was our monthly Summit meeting today. John talked a lot about being in control of our lives and the subsequent outcomes and how we need to make our journey about others - looking outward makes us powerful, whether it is in sales or relationships - when you are concerned with what another person's wants or needs, lives change and success happens. It's a different way of looking at love, but I like that it can be related to a sales environment.
In the book there is a moment when a rescue is necessary and one of the rescuers says, "Let's go, she's NOT worth it!" The other man looks at him and says, "Who do you love?"...eventually the man realizes that if his wife or child or even his Captain was in that situation, he wouldn't hesitate and he wouldn't stop until he got to his loved one. Think of how powerful this is when we apply this to everyone we come into contact with in our daily lives...if we placed everyone in that same category of love and importance..how would our interactions change? Wow...hard to imagine.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Our worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.” -- Jerry Bridges


  1. Thanks for the recommendation HB. I will check it out. Currently I am LOVING Ayn Rands, Fountain Head. Mostly listening to it, but when that is not an option I have a copy of the book also. You would enjoy it on your commute I bet. It is a long one.

    Sorry to hear about your virus......very frustrating. The Mac does not get them, but our other four computers (laptops, etc.) are always coming down w/ some annoying issue.

    So, did you ever get word on the contract?? Still waiting to hear about that.

    Geeeeeeeee, I really like it when you are on here more often. You must be way too busy. You need to slow down and sip some Choffy and type a little more.

    Can you believe E is 16? Very strange. Turning 16 is different for girls than boys. Not as big a deal really, it didn't seem.

    I am coloring my hair right now. It was kind of tricky, sort of ran out of color before I was totally through. Could be a disaster. I tried to stretch it, we shall see.

    I spoke w/ mom a few days ago......COME ON! I keep expecting to call and she is going to be doing great again, or at least a little better. I feel so bad, especially the dizzyness. How horrible. Spoken to her in the last day or so?

    Love you!

  2. Hi, does it feel weird to be computer less? It's a pretty standard norm for me you know. But I will say I like having you guys tapped in all the time... just because I'm too lazy to commit!
    At times it's so easy to feel God truly is over all things with His hand in all flesh, and other days the very thought seems so foreign.
    What brings it home in a hurry is when a totally random neighbor will swing by or call, directly answering a prayer and saying I just had a feeling I should contact you today. !?
    No accidents huh?

  3. Maybe you could not write a book with so much depth on your first try.....but could you, would you, write a book???

    Nice input Aim and Hb. I read something today that I really like.....I had never thought it before..... The second we get done praying, our prayers are being answered. Isn't that cool? Things are set in motion in answer to our plea. I.e. your random neighbor.......

  4. Nice, I believe that 100%.
    But I know also that sometimes the "preparation to receive" said answers is often a very undesirable experience.
    I watch myself fluctuate greatly with my willingness to completely trust a higher power, a hand far more capable than my own, and the fear that ensues when I'm asked to LET GO...
    My friend who passed away last year (breast cancer /brain tumor) her prayers were always with concern for the family she'd leave behind. Others prayed for her to be healed. I know she is and her sweet little family has recieved the sought for comfort she wanted for them. They are full of understanding, and fearless with regards to "they're turn on earth" . Her six year old reminds all of us (teachers and leaders) we need to become like little children. (Plus, she found peace with it before she passed away)
    I had so many examples of this type of "heard immidiatly" answers to prayers when I was called to be YW pres. However many of the answers I did not recognize until looking back in retrospect...!?!
    Why is my faith so unwilling to accept immidiatly?
    Lots to learn I guess.
    The whole purpose.
    Love you guys.
