Friday, December 30, 2011

Day #328 - NAILS

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch...don't take acrylic nails off yourself!! I did this the other night in lieu of blogging and now 2 of my fingers hurt with each key stroke I make. I put the nails on for the Holidays and they were pretty, but there are a few problems with them:

1 - I had long nails, but they were useless except for making that tapping noise when striking the keyboard at work. I tried to use them to pop open a can of Diet Cherry Pepsi and felt like a confused monkey attempting a new and unique puzzle at the lab. I finally learned to use a spoon or knife or scissors to initially pry the tab up...lame. Try opening a string cheese or a bandaid or lifting off the back paper of a Christmas bow with acrylic's not as easy as it should be.

2 - I had to fill them every 3 weeks. I only did this once and then let them grow out until I was ready to remove them. I originally planned to paint them when they got longer, but I never found the time to get it done and then they just got too long and it was time to remove or redo...I decided to remove.

3 - I painfully removed the nails and now my natural nails are as thin as paper. They bend and rip and tear...I know they will get back to normal eventually, but still...what a pain (literally AND figuratively).

I bought the necessary tools at Walmart and set up at the kitchen table. I felt like a surgeon. I am just glad the job is done. This entry will need to serve as a reminder for any future desire I might have for long elegant, artificial nails.

Bye, bye pretty nails...Hello shorties but goodies!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.” Henry David Thoreau

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day #327 - Orbs

Do you ever wonder if orbs in photos are dust particles or spirits? Lately there seems to be a lot of dust around me in photos and one of my friends insists it is evidence of my guardian angels. I noticed there were a lot of orbs in our Xmas photos and the thought that maybe our grandparents on both my parents sides decided to join us in our celebrations was actually pretty cool. I personally feel it is evidence the basement at my parents house needs a little more use, but why not think about the grandparents caring enough to join in the activities?

It has been different having NO grandparents around. I was making a Christmas list this year and it was a rather short one since we no longer exchange sibling gifts on either side of the family. It just reminded me that things don't stay the same and we need to enjoy the time we have with our loved ones. I do think it is nice to think of them floating around us as evidenced by dust mites - ya never know.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I don't have to look up my family tree, because I know that I'm the sap." Fred A. Allen

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day #326 - Merry Christmas!!

Another year has come and gone so fast. This year Christmas seemed relaxed to me. I know there were some planning glitches and 3 of Melissa's kids got the flu and couldn't do Christmas Eve with the rest of us, but it didn't feel too stressful this year. Mom and Dad made it clear it would be a "small" year with very few gifts to open, but Mom somehow found time to make all us girls a scarf - I was pretty impressed:

We ate a huge dinner and Melissa prepared a Christmas program with songs highlighting the gifts of the Savior and all the things Christmas represents. Mom and Dad bore their testimonies and shared some kind words with all of us, making us cry a bit and then gave us $$ to pick out our own gifts. It was a great night. I tried to take some photos - here is my kiss collage:

When Trav and I got home Trav commented how our neighbor's houses were SOOO dark, then the garage door wouldn't open. AW SNAP!! The power was out and we did not have a house key with us. Travis tried to go around the side of the house to get in a window, but it was locked up tight for the winter. I tried to text my neighbors to see if any were home and could let us borrow a ladder and neighbor John text us back to let us know he was just down the street and came home to rescue us.

As I sat in the warm car waiting for Trav to climb a ladder and break into our house, I thought to myself, "this is one of those times I can be grateful to be a woman." I was happy to sit there and let Trav take care of things. I did learn a few lessons last night:

1) put a house key on the car rings
2) stash a blanket and a flashlight in your car at all times
3) get all those flashlights and night lights Mom and Dad give me every year for Xmas in a place they can actually be useful in an emergency

I did have 2 flashlights ready to go and one of the night lights was on in the loft, which was handy, but I know there are about 5 others I could have had plugged into the wall and would have provided good light when we got home.

Today we headed back down to the valley, with house keys in the console, to visit Trav's Mom and Brother Eric and family. We had a REALLY good dinner and opened presents again. We don't see much of Trav's family and it is always good to catch up.

I am home now and super sleepy, but I will resist taking a nap since I only have one more day off before I go back to work and want to enjoy every moment here at home. Travis got me a nook for Christmas and I have been learning how to work it. I am super excited and am off to explore what the gadget can do.


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Christmas is a necessity.  There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves."  ~Eric Sevareid

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day #325 - Party at My House

I took on a puppy this weekend. His name is Kingston and he is a mini-pin w/a high energy disposition. He is actually a pretty good puppy when he isn't chasing the cat or pooping on the floor. I intercepted him mid poop this morning and threw him out the door (gently, of course). We just had a successful visit outside and I am very proud of him. I think he goes home on Monday when his Mom gets back from Arizona.

Yesterday, my sister Keri brought her little girl Seerie up to go Christmas shopping with me. I texted her in the morning to let her know it might be best if she left her dog, Aesop, at home. It was suspicious that I did not hear right back from her since we had been texting back and forth all morning and, just as I suspected, the little guy showed up with his Mommy. I just shook my head and let the craziness ensue.

It always takes some time for dogs to accept each other and it was pretty funny to watch old man Aesop try to dominate baby Kingston with his tail wrapped under his leg when it wasn't wagging, but eventually, everyone calmed down and got along. The only one still undecided is the cat, Echo, but I think she is even coming around (although she is wearing her evil eye like a protective coat, even with me).

I got most of my shopping done and had a great 'catch up' day with Keri. I am so glad she called me to hang out for the afternoon.


Seerie is old enough to understand Christmas and Santa Clause (don't worry her favorite song is "Away in a Manger", well after "Party Rock Anthem") and she has been asking Santa for a "suit". She wants a full body snow suit like her Dad uses when he shovels snow. I think this is the cutest thing ever and can't believe how single minded she is being about it. This is her telling Trav what she wants for Christmas:

Kids are so great...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Party Rock is in the house tonight, everybody just have a good time; and we gonna make you lose yo' mind, everybody just have a good time...every day I'm shuffelin" Now - do the shuffle...not as easy as it looks!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day #324 - Flip Sisters

I wanted to call this post the "Moron Sisters" because this post will make us look foolish, but it was too funny not to share.

Today my sisters and I got together to work on the family calendar we do every year. We were at my sister Amy's house from 10 a.m. until almost 5 p.m. working on that thing and still have 2 months to go and some touch ups. Lance (Amy's husband) was good enough to provide pizza for lunch and I managed to spill sausage on April, but all-in-all it was a good, productive day.

I guess we started to get loopy at the end when I caught my sister in a candid camera moment when she flipped around to get her photo taken and her hair had that "caught in the wind" look. I showed my sister Keri and she decided she wanted a wind blown photo - it only took 5 shots before I got her face in one; and then we decided we all needed one. It was pretty funny because my camera has a super slow shutter response time, so we had to sit there shaking our heads for like 2 minutes before we could get a few good shots off.

FLIP SHOTS (oh yes, there are more):

You can see it was hard to resist capturing this moment. I do have beautiful sisters...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sisters don't need words.  They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks - expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief.  Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs - that can undermine any tale you're telling."  ~Pam Brown

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day #323 - Jane Eyre vs. Jane Austen

I had the funniest conversation with Travis today. We were lounging around having a lazy morning and he asked me who my favorite character in "Pride & Prejudice" is...I didn't have to think too hard to say "Mr. Collins, of course"...snicker, ha, ha...I told him it was probably Elizabeth Bennett the heroine of the book w/William Fitzwilliam Darcy a close 2nd. He scoffed at the name "William Fitzwilliam" and after I thought about it for a minute I told him it was probably just Fitzwilliam, but I was mostly certain that was at least correct (it has been a while since I read the book and who really cares what his first name is when 'Darcy' is all that REALLY matters).

Then Travis asked me if Jane Eyre was my favorite author...WHAT? "Jane Eyre" is only my OTHER favorite book of all time. I happily (and a little haughtily) informed him that Jane Austen wrote "Pride and Prejudice" and Charlotte Bronte wrote "Jane Eyre" (then I thought 'or was it the other Bronte?' but failed to mention it). I then made it a point to share with my dear husband all the broad differences in the stories and there were several more minutes of confusion between Jane Eyre and Jane Austen, but I THINK he has it straight now.

It was a most fascinating conversation. Looking at it from your point of view I can see it may not seem so, but it begs the question "Why would this suddenly come up when he detests talking about any book I have or am currently reading?" Hopefully he has some secret surprise planned for Christmas, but even if he doesn't, I LOVED this conversation and felt in the know for all of two minutes.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable." Mr. Collins (Pride & Prejudice)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day #322 - Movie Mystery Night

Today was a bit out of the ordinary - Trav and I drove to work together so we could attend his companies Customer Appreciation Party without driving all the way home and back. To facilitate this "date night" we had to make arrangements for our kid (Bart) by putting pee pads down all over the family room.

I have to say it was a success, just barely, but a success still the same. I don't know why Bart feels like he needs to pee on the VERY edge of any sort of intentional barrier. I guess it is like the edge of a bush, or the edge of a snow bank, or the edge of a fire hydrant...maybe that is just what they do. Lucky for me those pads are designed to hold the edge from leaking over - it was flawless.

Tonight we went to a movie premier sponsored by Trav's company out at the District (11400 S. & around 2700 W). There is a fairly new theatre there and on the way Trav informed me they would be serving turkey dinner...I couldn't picture how they planned to do it...boxed dinners to eat in our laps while the movie played?  Little TV trays to sit in the cup holders? I asked if he was sure it wasn't Kentucky Fried Chicken.

When we got there we were directed to the upper level where and a banquet room where they had a catered turkey dinner with all the trappings - it was delicious. After dinner they raffled off a bunch of prizes and then took us to the movie "Sherlock Holmes". I liked the movie ok, but Travis kept leaning over saying "this is stupid"...I think he was just sad to be up past his bed time.

I will say this - XO Communications knows how to throw a party. It has been YEARS since I have been able to really show my customers a fancy time. I'm glad I got to go see what it was all about tonight and not have to wonder if the movie was really as bad as Trav said it was until I got a chance to see it for myself.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day #321 - I'm Baaaack

My Sister is here from Florida and she reminded me I have not written for a while. It is that time of year that one must plan ones time or lose it easily. To be honest that girls trip took it out of me - I was more tired when I got home than when I left. I guess that is what happens with conversations into the wee hours of the morning and not much sleep to boot, but I have not laughed that hard in a long time.

I knew 4 of the 6 girls that were there and the two I didn't know were just as fun as the others. It seems almost always in a group of girls for an extended period of time there is some problem or other - someone gets emotional or acts irritating or catty, but these girls were all easy going and fun to be around. The fun part of spending time with people you haven't known your whole life is learning the stories that make them who they are today. Boy, did I hear some good stories. I laughed so hard I almost threw up all that bean dip I ate.

Speaking of dip - I cannot believe how much food those girls brought for a two night stay. I think we dragged as much home as they brought with them. We certainly did not starve.

After the first night I really wanted to get home; not because I wasn't having fun, but I wanted to see Travis and hear about his trip to Dallas and I wanted to snore in my own bed. I was so worried about snoring that I inadvertently woke myself up every hour or so worried about it. Everyone assured me they hadn't noticed anything. Schwew.

What else is there to say except Lava Hot Springs is a small historical town with friendly people and the whole thing can be walked, end to end, in about 15 minutes...that is a stroll, not a brisk walk. We walked 1/2 a block to the grocery store, another block to the hot spring pool, another 1/2 block to restaurants and shopping and the post office was across the street from the house we rented, which incidentally is for sale with "potential to convert into a Mexican Restaurant" - isn't that odd to say it that specifically? The house was very old, but quaint w/many special architectural treasures like arched doorways, plank hardwood floors and built ins throughout. It was very comfortable and perfect for the 7 of us.

I had a great time and was super honored to have been invited to be part of the group. This trip took me out of my comfort zone, which is always good I think, and gave me time to just have fun with nothing else on the agenda and at the same time made me super happy to get home.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." Dr. Seuss

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day #320 - Girl Trip

Trav gets home tomorrow night and I leave for a trip to Lava Hot Springs before I get to see him. I am bummed about that, but pretty excited to go on a girl's trip. I have become pretty good friends with my across the street neighbor Kathy and through Kathy I have become friends with Susan and Cynnamon. These 3 are headed up to Lava with about 5 other's (most I have met) to celebrate Cynnamon's birthday. I waffled about whether or not to go, but it sounds fun and why not?

I just got off the phone with Kathy to get my food assignment - sounds more like an eating fest than anything. Everyone is bringing "hearty" appetizers for dinner on Friday, French Toast and bacon for breakfast, eating out for lunch, not sure about dinner, but it sounds like food is key. We have also been tasked with bringing our favorite game and plan to sit in the hot pots....Oy - we will see.

I think it will be good for me to spend some time with some girlfriends for once. I keep thinking about my sister and her once per month night out with her girlfriends and it always sounds so fun. There is just something rejuvenating about being with other like minded women (thinking of you Lori - I'll be in touch soon). I just wish this outing wasn't on back of Trav's trip to Dallas - oh well, absence makes the heart grow fonder I suppose.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I'd much rather be a woman than a man.  Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they're the first to be rescued off sinking ships."  ~Gilda Radner

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day #319 - Happy B-Day Mom!!

As you know I have made it a point to make a list of 10 things I love about my Siblings on their Birthday this year - why wouldn't I do the same thing for my Mom? But I thought it would be fun to use my Siblings words to contribute to this particular list and I think Mom will enjoy it.


Oh dear Mother! How did she raise all of us and keep her sanity? Or did she? I'm so funny. Mom is always willing to help any of us kids with anything, always putting us first, ahead of herself.  I love that mom always has coke at her house and is ready to share whatever she may have. I love when mom used to get mad or frustrated and yell "hells bells" while gripping her temples.(she doesn't do that anymore. or maybe we just don't see it.) I love that she likes to laugh and have fun, which has led to kids that all enjoy getting together and teasing and laughing with and at each other. I love the example mom is to us to follow the Christ even though it puts her in uncomfortable situations at times.

Mom may not be the fanciest mother, or thinnest or a mother of the year candidate. She is more than that. She is a REAL mom, who leaves no doubt in her kids that she truly loves us all. Thanks Mom, hope you have a great birthday!


What we like about Trish.  I asked Josie, Seth and Abbie at dinner and they all said she is nice, kind, thinks of others, always has treats for us, funny.  Seth said   sometimes she gets stressed and Josie said she likes that she likes coke and Abbie said sometimes her leg cramps, when her leg cramped in Nephi over the summer it was scary and she hopes in never happens again.

I like that Trish is a mama bear, just like me, she is always looking out for her kids, all of us.  If we need something geez it's suddenly at her house for whoever needs it.  She is always thinking of others and willing to help out when she can.  Trish teaches us all kinds of things.  We all now know what a trillion is, thanks!  She is a great example to us all, we love her and wish her a very Happy Birthday!


One of my favorite things about mom is that she always has good food.  There is never a shortage of food at mom's place.  I like, and I don't like at the same time, that mom spoils the kids while we are in town visiting. It seems like anything the kids request she will run right out and make their dreams come true.....FOOD DREAMS that is.  Ethie wants corn doggies?....Eth gets corn doggies.  What?  Rykman wants some GingerAle....coming right up Dear Sir.  I know they LOVE this also.  They will wait weeks and longer at times until I find a deal I am willing to go with on their requests here in the real world.  (oh please don't shed any tears for them....they still have Kevin to make their every food, soda, and Gatorade whim come true around here.)  

I really love that mom always has great intentions.  Maybe she over shoots sometimes, maybe ends up biting off more than she can chew.  But like they say.....shoot for the moon and you just might land on a star.  Still a dang awesome accomplishment!  Mom is a great hostess, I love staying there when we are visiting.  I always feel so pampered and taken care of.  When I am sick, or stressed....which really isn't too often (very grateful for that), my mind goes to mom.  I need advice and sympathy....she heaps on both.  She does not skimp or short change me on any codling or showing of empathy for any given situation I may have.  

Here is a quote I think is so true from a book she actually gave me -

"You never get over being a child, as long as you have a mother to go to." Sarah Orne Jewett  

I love you mom!

HEATHER & The Barker:

There are MANY things to love about Mom (as is obvious) but I love to HUG my Mother. My Mom hugs so sincerely. It is not just a pat on the back or a token embrace it is an exchange of feeling - at least when she hugs us kids. She wraps you up and murmurs something in your ear like "hi huggie" or "I love you" in her Mom voice and her light perfume smells so good & comforting - like fresh flowers...I didn't realize 'til several years ago that my Mom doesn't actually like hugging outside the family - it certainly doesn't stop her from doing it, but somehow it made me feel more special knowing I (we) are the exception. Even Travis gets a hug from Mom every time we see her - she likes to force hugs on Travis because he is more like her when it comes to hugging - I love it and Trav just rolls his eyes.

Truth be told Travis loves my parents and Mom has a special place in his heart. He loves to tease her because she can take a joke and give it right back. Mom laughs easily and often - there is a lot of joy around her. Mom knows all our faults and "heck" loves us anyway. It is comforting to know we are accepted and loved unconditionally - Mom gives all of us that blessing. She always points out our special qualities and makes us feel unique and capable.

I Love You Mama!!


The kids like to play at Grandma’s house because she is "cool " and they like her toys and Grandma always has treats around.

I love the example Mom is of thoughtfulness and generosity to family AND strangers (for example the cake experience Monday night, giving her birthday cake to total strangers) – she is so dedicated in her Church service and callings and no matter how uncomfortable it makes her she gets it done and does it well even though she hates being the center of attention. She is a great example to all of us. Mom is brave – it takes courage for anyone to step out of their comfort zone and mom shows up when it counts.

Lance and I agree Mom is so supportive of all of us kids no matter what the circumstance and we love her for that. Happy Birthday!


My MOM. She is the most amazing, selfless person I have ever known. My mom has always put herself aside..  For my dad, me, my brothers and sisters. At times I wish my mom would take into account what it is she wants, but then looking back at the things that make my mom happy...  It is her family! That's what she lives for. From buying tires for my grandpa and grandma when she was working in high school, to supporting dad threw college, to staying home with us kids and not spending any money on herself so that she could get us what we wanted. 

Although when you mess with my mom, or rather, mess with one of her kids.... YOU BETTER WATCH OUT!!!  My mom is a Momma Bear! She is always jumping to her kids defense, and I must admit. It feels good to know that my mom has my back. No matter what! She has a crazy eye. It's a look, then a snap and point, and you know Trish means business.  I told Golden before Seerie was born, "I gotta get the crazy eye down. If I can do that, I'll be successful... As I have found it has come rather natural to me. Seeing as when I am "using the crazy eye", I really do feel crazy in that moment. So it's not something to master, it's a state of being.

I am grateful for my parents setting boundaries. I know that it is crucial in life to have a balance. I love that my mom would lay down the law when it was necessary, and then love me unconditionally. As I see myself growing older, I also see that " I am my mother after all" is an amazing thing to be. I would love to be the mother that you are to me. I love you! Thank you for always, always being there for me. You and dad are a pillar in my life that I would never be the same with out.  I love you with all my heart and soul, thank you for being my parents.  love Kerilyn lynn

What I love most about Trish is her example of unconditional love, grace, beauty and service.  She makes it seem so easy to raise children to be faithful, intelligent, creative, grateful, balanced and full of life.  I hope that I can some day be half the parent and spouse she is to her family and everyone that interacts with her.

--golden bair--



Mama Bear: One of the things I love about mom is that she always has my back! And all of her kids for that matter. Whether defending us against false accusations, telling us that we are smart enough or capable enough to accomplish a task or goal, or encouraging us to go after the neighbor girl or boy we had a crush on because we are definitely good enough looking for them, Mom always made us feel protected and instilled confidence in us.

Simple Beauty: Mom is a beautiful woman. She was a heart breaker growing up and is a big part of why us kids are so dang good lookin' haha. She caught the eye of Cort Dana and our great family was the result. Mom sacrificed her hot body having us 6 kids but is still a beautiful woman. Pretty blue eyes and a smile that is always ready at a moment's notice to light up the room. Mom is not vain or conceited in the slightest. She has never had a desire for expensive clothes or jewelry but instead has chosen to be frugal and humble in her attire. She never asks for money to spend on herself but instead always preferred to spend her share of family funds on her kids. She often wears the same shirts or shoes for years and years and draws a lot of giggles and jokes from us kids and from the grandkids but we love the consistency! A humble human being, mom always put her kids above herself with selfless love. thanks Mom!

Pretty great legacy you've got here Mom - we are all so blessed to have you for our Mother. Even in our combined effort we barely touched the surface of who you are and what you mean to all of us. We hope you know how much we all love you, how much you inspire us, how proud we are to call you Mom.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Day #318 - Ma's Party

I couldn't wait to get home and blog about Mom's Birthday party tonight. It is not her Birthday until Weds., but it was the best night to get as many people together as we could.

This is a big Birthday for Mom - she is 65 and has been counting down the years...that's right, the YEARS before she qualifies to receive Medicare. It is ironic because she hates government spending, but I guess this is ok since they have paid into it all these years.

At first we were going to have a big shin dig at her house and invite all the extended family and friends, etc. Then the siblings got to talkin' and we decided this would actually only cause her stress and anxiety...DUH - that sounds like a FABULOUS Birthday party. Instead we got together her favorite people in the world...her husband and her kids (& spouses) to celebrate. We were missing Melissa, Kevin & Travis, but they are all out of the state at the moment and it couldn't be helped.

I thought it would be funny to put together a Medicare Welcome Kit - & it was pretty funny:

A closer look at some of the stuff inside:

I think Mom loved it - the only thing in there I don't think they will use, and incidentally the first thing she pulled out, was some denture cleaners and brush. I think she shuddered at the thought she might need it someday. I just told her to clean her grout with the brush. The funniest part for me was when she pulled out the "Fortify Plus" and catching her look at Dad like she was very interested in trying it - like they had discussed it before. She liked all the gag gifts too - It was awesome; time and money well spent.

We all had a wonderful dinner and opened a few small presents and then they brought out the cake. Dad and I originally planned for him to do the cake. Travis asked me why I didn't put one of my Sister's in charge of that and give Dad a break...good idea, so I got Amy to work with Dad on it. Dad told Amy to get a sheet cake from Dick's Market (Mom's favorite cake maker) and Amy did - it serves 96, but it was beautiful and HUMONGOUS!!! A very impressive display...

It was also very delicious. After we served up 1/4 of the cake around the table Mom took it upon herself (since Amy chickened out) to go to two adjacent tables and ask them if they would like a piece. We were all laughing and a bit proud when we heard her say, "it is my Birthday and I am wondering if you would like to share a piece of my cake with me?" There were takers at each table and our servers each took a piece at her invitation as well.

It was such a nice night. Olive Garden was quiet on a Monday night and it was nice not to have the grand kids there so we could all chat and no one was distracted or needed to leave early, etc.

Now, just because Melissa is going to read this, I have to say, "yes, we were originally going to go to Chuck-a-Rama (One of Mom's favorite places), but we wanted a more quiet atmosphere so decided on Olive Garden instead. I got the gift cert for OG's and you bought Mom's dinner for her."

I Love My Family:

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "And thank you for a house full of people I love.  Amen."  ~Terri Guillemets

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day #317 - Missing Trav

The house feels so empty. Trav left to go out of town for a week and it is weird to know he won't be here tonight. I still have my trusted guard dog so no worries there; I thought it would be awesome to just sit and read all night, but I got bored after about 2 hours so decided to blog instead.

I suppose I should start one of the many projects I need to get done, but I don't want to start something tonight. I am thinking about watching Transformers III since Trav refuses to watch it with me, but I never really like watching movies alone. This next week is going to be super busy and there is a lot going on even in the evenings so the week will pass quickly I am sure.

Times like these reminds me that the rhythm of my life with Travis, while not always super adventurous (not that I'm complaining mind you), is perfect for me. We have been talking a lot lately about coming up with new things to do on the weekends and I am excited to come up with some things to try out...any ideas??

The best part about dropping him at the airport at around noon was when he called me about 40 minutes later to say he was bored...that guy. Then he called me 20 minutes after that to let me know his plane was due to leave an hour earlier then he thought. I had to laugh because we got him there soooo early; we almost turned around to go to Barnes & Noble to burn some time we were so early, glad we didn't. Turns out that would have been a bad idea.

I'm glad he will be back in a week and I do plan to make the most of the time I have to myself.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Some people care too much, I think it's called love."-- Winnie the Pooh

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day #316 - Tree Time

I had a super hard time getting the tree up this year. Travis and I were lazy Thanksgiving weekend and didn't feel like bringing all the bins and tree up..."We'll do it Monday night" we said to ourselves. I for one knew that was unlikely. By the middle of the week I was done kidding myself. Trav ended up taking Friday off and I jumped at the chance as well. We brought everything up and got the tree in the stand and one of the perma-strands on the tree didn't work and I couldn't figure it out. I also ran blinking lights around the bottom of the tree and realized I didn't have another the the store we went.

The store had run out of white lights so I couldn't replace the ones that didn't work, but we bought some colored lights with the blinking feature. When I got home I decided they were too different (one had colors mixed with red and the others were colored mixed with bright pink) ARGHHH. I took off the blinkers and ran them up the middle of the tree, then put the others around the rest. I ran OUT AGAIN!! At this point I kind of wanted to cry and certainly didn't feel much like Christmas cheer. I rustled up one more strand of colored lights and stuck them on the top and it looks fine. Regardless I ran out of time since we had to go to a dinner for Trav's work and didn't finish putting up the tree until today.

When I finally got around to putting on the ornaments I started thinking about where some of them came from. I was surprised to note many of them had stories. Trav's Aunt Carol made us the snowflake doilies, Grandma Dana's glass slipper from last year, my sister Amy who made the tin ornament and gave me the ice cycle ornaments that I love, one I bought Trav for his Xmas stocking with his name on it, the one my Aunt Diane put on a present of popcorn one year that I still have, the new butterfly ornaments I bought on the cheap this year that turned out to be very delicate (I broke two of them) and rather lovely even though they seem sort of plain, the Santa ornaments I have collected over the years when I thought I wanted a theme tree...on and on.

Here are a few:

Then I realized how many decorations I put out at Christmas were given to me as gifts from people - the moose my Mom gave me last year in honor of X-mas in Park City, the candle holder lamp my old boss, Anne Lee, gave me years ago (actually she gave me the tree one year for Christmas - probably 10 years ago), the nativity scene that used to be Trav's parents, the Santa I got from Mel when we used to pick names, the snow globes from my sister Melissa and other people (I have a thing with snow globes), the wreath I got from Arla Westinskow one year, etc. I started to realize that 80% - 90% of what I have to display at Christmas came from other people. It feels good to remember when people thought about you.

I also love the coziness of Christmas. My cat will rotate from stealing my chair, to laying on her back in front of the fire to resting under the tree when the lights are on. This photo is how I feel about Christmas time - it isn't so bright, but just laying in your favorite spot in the glow of the Christmas Tree and a fire blazing lovely.

I am glad I finally got the tree up - now we get to enjoy the fruit of our labor...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'" Charles M. Schulz

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day #315 - Shelter from the Wind

WOW - the wind really blew through Davis County. It is a very unusual condition when there is low pressure to the South and a high pressure from the North (or visa verse) pushing against each other creating a wind tunnel of extraordinary power. We got that in Utah today.

When Travis and I turned on the news this morning there were 5 Semi's turned over on I15 between Bountiful and Layton. While the news was on we saw the wind pick up a trailer (like a horse trailer without windows) being pulled by a truck and flip it onto it's side. Lucky for the guy in the truck only the back of the truck lifted up off the ground and the hitch broke with the pressure so the truck didn't go with it. The poor guy had just pulled over off the highway in front of a Semi truck that was teetering back and forth in the wind as well.

I called my Mom and sister Amy today to see how they were faring. Mom and Dad lost 1/3 of the shingles off their extra garage and the power was out for about 13 hours. Amy's trampoline took flight and broke down one side of their fence and frisbeed into the neighbors yard where it still sits. She also lost one side of her chicken coup and the chickens got all excited and could not be contained. Amy's power is still out tonight so they are camping at Mom and Dad's to stay warm.

Mom told me the news reported hundreds of trees that have been uprooted by the wind in more than one golf course, trees are down in the streets and electric poles are snapped in half. There are estimates that some places won't have power for 48 hours or longer...all from a little wind.

This of course puts me back in mind of that book I read and wrote about in an earlier post - in today's situation all that went out was the power. Mom and Dad went to the store and bought a chain saw, but the store had sold out of them and had to back order it for them. They also sold out of generators and other emergency items. The only reason they had power for the cash registers was due to their own store generators. Mom and Dad were just about to hook the fridge up to their generator when the electricity came back on. I can't imagine, even though this was a small scale emergency, what it would be like to not be able to reach my parents to find out if everyone was doing ok.

Travis talked to my brother Jason who told him their neighborhood was getting wrecked, but it sounded like they are doing alright and he also checked in with his Mom to make sure she was doing ok. Keri is in Vegas, so not much to check on there for now. The only other house to find out about is our rental in NSL...we called the property manager and I am praying the roof stayed put....fingers crossed. The important thing is that everyone is safe.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great." Mark Twain