Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day #320 - Girl Trip

Trav gets home tomorrow night and I leave for a trip to Lava Hot Springs before I get to see him. I am bummed about that, but pretty excited to go on a girl's trip. I have become pretty good friends with my across the street neighbor Kathy and through Kathy I have become friends with Susan and Cynnamon. These 3 are headed up to Lava with about 5 other's (most I have met) to celebrate Cynnamon's birthday. I waffled about whether or not to go, but it sounds fun and why not?

I just got off the phone with Kathy to get my food assignment - sounds more like an eating fest than anything. Everyone is bringing "hearty" appetizers for dinner on Friday, French Toast and bacon for breakfast, eating out for lunch, not sure about dinner, but it sounds like food is key. We have also been tasked with bringing our favorite game and plan to sit in the hot pots....Oy - we will see.

I think it will be good for me to spend some time with some girlfriends for once. I keep thinking about my sister and her once per month night out with her girlfriends and it always sounds so fun. There is just something rejuvenating about being with other like minded women (thinking of you Lori - I'll be in touch soon). I just wish this outing wasn't on back of Trav's trip to Dallas - oh well, absence makes the heart grow fonder I suppose.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I'd much rather be a woman than a man.  Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they're the first to be rescued off sinking ships."  ~Gilda Radner


  1. Yeah!!! Good to hear. Sounds like so much fun. I am so intrigued with the one ladies name....Cynnamon. How cool. I bet there is a fun story behind that name. Have a blast!!! Just had my last GNO before our trip last night. Super delightful. K is out of town, and the kids are always extremely accommodating and on their best behavior making sure they do not delay my departure a minute more than necessary. Yes, I am saying they LOVE GNOs as much as I do.

    Lets be sure and have our own SNO while I am out there!

  2. Hey......where are you???? When are you coming home? It has been two days short of one week. That is far to long to be away from your blog and mine Sista.

    See you later today if I'm lucky!
