Friday, December 30, 2011

Day #328 - NAILS

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch...don't take acrylic nails off yourself!! I did this the other night in lieu of blogging and now 2 of my fingers hurt with each key stroke I make. I put the nails on for the Holidays and they were pretty, but there are a few problems with them:

1 - I had long nails, but they were useless except for making that tapping noise when striking the keyboard at work. I tried to use them to pop open a can of Diet Cherry Pepsi and felt like a confused monkey attempting a new and unique puzzle at the lab. I finally learned to use a spoon or knife or scissors to initially pry the tab up...lame. Try opening a string cheese or a bandaid or lifting off the back paper of a Christmas bow with acrylic's not as easy as it should be.

2 - I had to fill them every 3 weeks. I only did this once and then let them grow out until I was ready to remove them. I originally planned to paint them when they got longer, but I never found the time to get it done and then they just got too long and it was time to remove or redo...I decided to remove.

3 - I painfully removed the nails and now my natural nails are as thin as paper. They bend and rip and tear...I know they will get back to normal eventually, but still...what a pain (literally AND figuratively).

I bought the necessary tools at Walmart and set up at the kitchen table. I felt like a surgeon. I am just glad the job is done. This entry will need to serve as a reminder for any future desire I might have for long elegant, artificial nails.

Bye, bye pretty nails...Hello shorties but goodies!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.” Henry David Thoreau


  1. Oh my. Painful is right. Lesson learned for sure. A first and last. They looked pretty before, and I think they look pretty shorter as well. I have damaged my nails also. I have gotten in the habit of peeling them, and now they practically peel on their own. Do you know what I am talking about? When you can split off the top layer? I'm pretty sure I have ruined my nails. I am a LAMEO.

  2. That's weird - your nails are always so strong and beautiful. I guess you have to have at least one vice!!

  3. Heather! I thought I told you how to painlessly remove acrylic nails! Floss! Like dental floss. It sounds weird, but I've done it and it works like a charm. You just slide it under one of the edges, then pull it up towards your fingertip :)
