Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day #322 - Movie Mystery Night

Today was a bit out of the ordinary - Trav and I drove to work together so we could attend his companies Customer Appreciation Party without driving all the way home and back. To facilitate this "date night" we had to make arrangements for our kid (Bart) by putting pee pads down all over the family room.

I have to say it was a success, just barely, but a success still the same. I don't know why Bart feels like he needs to pee on the VERY edge of any sort of intentional barrier. I guess it is like the edge of a bush, or the edge of a snow bank, or the edge of a fire hydrant...maybe that is just what they do. Lucky for me those pads are designed to hold the edge from leaking over - it was flawless.

Tonight we went to a movie premier sponsored by Trav's company out at the District (11400 S. & around 2700 W). There is a fairly new theatre there and on the way Trav informed me they would be serving turkey dinner...I couldn't picture how they planned to do it...boxed dinners to eat in our laps while the movie played?  Little TV trays to sit in the cup holders? I asked if he was sure it wasn't Kentucky Fried Chicken.

When we got there we were directed to the upper level where and a banquet room where they had a catered turkey dinner with all the trappings - it was delicious. After dinner they raffled off a bunch of prizes and then took us to the movie "Sherlock Holmes". I liked the movie ok, but Travis kept leaning over saying "this is stupid"...I think he was just sad to be up past his bed time.

I will say this - XO Communications knows how to throw a party. It has been YEARS since I have been able to really show my customers a fancy time. I'm glad I got to go see what it was all about tonight and not have to wonder if the movie was really as bad as Trav said it was until I got a chance to see it for myself.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - from Ferris Bueller's Day Off


  1. I've been looking forward to the new Sherlock Holmes! Is it really not that good? I sort of shut down when it's bedtime, too (which is around 8....hmm).

    I like the idea of you guys eating KFC in your seats. That sounds like a way better party (o:

  2. If you liked the first Sherlock Holmes, you will love this one. I liked it - Trav didn't like how they slow down the motion in a preview sort of way, but it was entertaining and worth watching.

    I wouldn't have minded some KFC action either - quite a good idea if I do say so myself. :)

  3. I did, indeed, love the first one. Except the part where you watch him, like, break that guy's kneecaps. That was a less-loved part.

    Tell Trav he needs to embrace the director's artistic vision (o:
