Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day #323 - Jane Eyre vs. Jane Austen

I had the funniest conversation with Travis today. We were lounging around having a lazy morning and he asked me who my favorite character in "Pride & Prejudice" is...I didn't have to think too hard to say "Mr. Collins, of course"...snicker, ha, ha...I told him it was probably Elizabeth Bennett the heroine of the book w/William Fitzwilliam Darcy a close 2nd. He scoffed at the name "William Fitzwilliam" and after I thought about it for a minute I told him it was probably just Fitzwilliam, but I was mostly certain that was at least correct (it has been a while since I read the book and who really cares what his first name is when 'Darcy' is all that REALLY matters).

Then Travis asked me if Jane Eyre was my favorite author...WHAT? "Jane Eyre" is only my OTHER favorite book of all time. I happily (and a little haughtily) informed him that Jane Austen wrote "Pride and Prejudice" and Charlotte Bronte wrote "Jane Eyre" (then I thought 'or was it the other Bronte?' but failed to mention it). I then made it a point to share with my dear husband all the broad differences in the stories and there were several more minutes of confusion between Jane Eyre and Jane Austen, but I THINK he has it straight now.

It was a most fascinating conversation. Looking at it from your point of view I can see it may not seem so, but it begs the question "Why would this suddenly come up when he detests talking about any book I have or am currently reading?" Hopefully he has some secret surprise planned for Christmas, but even if he doesn't, I LOVED this conversation and felt in the know for all of two minutes.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable." Mr. Collins (Pride & Prejudice)

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