Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day #317 - Missing Trav

The house feels so empty. Trav left to go out of town for a week and it is weird to know he won't be here tonight. I still have my trusted guard dog so no worries there; I thought it would be awesome to just sit and read all night, but I got bored after about 2 hours so decided to blog instead.

I suppose I should start one of the many projects I need to get done, but I don't want to start something tonight. I am thinking about watching Transformers III since Trav refuses to watch it with me, but I never really like watching movies alone. This next week is going to be super busy and there is a lot going on even in the evenings so the week will pass quickly I am sure.

Times like these reminds me that the rhythm of my life with Travis, while not always super adventurous (not that I'm complaining mind you), is perfect for me. We have been talking a lot lately about coming up with new things to do on the weekends and I am excited to come up with some things to try out...any ideas??

The best part about dropping him at the airport at around noon was when he called me about 40 minutes later to say he was bored...that guy. Then he called me 20 minutes after that to let me know his plane was due to leave an hour earlier then he thought. I had to laugh because we got him there soooo early; we almost turned around to go to Barnes & Noble to burn some time we were so early, glad we didn't. Turns out that would have been a bad idea.

I'm glad he will be back in a week and I do plan to make the most of the time I have to myself.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Some people care too much, I think it's called love."-- Winnie the Pooh

1 comment:

  1. What is he doing for a week?? Is this trip for work? I just dropped K off for a trip as well. YES......enjoy the time. Read, projects, don't squander it for sure....unless you want to, it is your time my lady. I can't believe the plane was suddenly going to leave an hour earlier???? Meaning he just wrote it down wrong, sorta thing? You guys must have been inspired to get there so early.
