Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Travis and I were the first ones to arrive at my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday. We immediately proceeded to talk to them about politics....ugh, whyyyyyyy? I am glad Trav tried to listen to my parents opinions so he can better understand where they are coming from, but I have mixed feelings about talking about things people get so worked up about. Apparently my Dad and Travis were both on good behavior in honor of the special day. I Am Grateful.

Once everyone arrived we ate dinner. I swear my Mom makes the best stuffing in the world; I got some of the crispy bits, YUM. We talked and reminisced, made plans for Melissa's visit from FL next month, gave each other a hard time, listened to the kids make noise at the kids table in the next room and really just enjoyed each others company. I Am Grateful.

After dinner the guys went downstairs to watch football and the rest of us sat upstairs, cleaned and talked. I love spending time with my mother and sisters. We were missing most of my oldest brother's family. His wife, Mel, took her two oldest down to Las Vegas with a neighbor family to take a gun class. On the drive to Vegas the car broke down so my brother popped in long enough to grab some turkey for the road and drove down to Filmore, UT to rescue them. My Dad was ready to jump in a car to follow-him down if need be to bring Jason home...I guess that is what families are for. I Am Grateful.

Once we got home Trav and I had a leisurely evening at home and woke up early Friday morning and both of us cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Trav did all the bathrooms and vacuumed the entire house. I cleaned the kitchen. Doesn't sound like a very even trade, but with Trav's help I could actually do a deep clean of the oven and fridge instead of just a surface swipe. It was so amazing to get it all done on Friday and still have two whole days with no chores to worry about. That night Keri, Golden and Seerie Wren Bird came to our house and Keri did my hair...so good to get it done and so fun to spend time with them. I Am Grateful.

Saturday (and thruout the weekend), Trav and I watched the first full season of "the Walking Dead". We keep hearing about it all over and decided to give it a watch. I am not the most exuberant horror movie fan and especially do not love zombie movies, but heck, why not. That night when I took Bart out to go potty, I have to admit I was a bit jumpy...you never know when a zombie is going to sneak up on you. I Am Grateful.

On Sunday I was sitting on my couch thinking to myself, "it really seems like there is something I should be doing"...this was nagging me all weekend, but I decided it was because we did all the chores on Friday. BOOM - it hit me...DUH, the Christmas Tree!! Too late now, we were on our way to the Mother-in-laws house to eat some of her delicious pumpkin pie. Not a bad trade off to be sure. It was great to see Joleen. I Am Grateful.

I suppose this does not seem like the most exciting weekend, but it was perfect for me.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” --Deitrich Bonhoeffer

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding? It sounds fantastic! All of it. Is your tree up yet? Great to chit chat today sis!
