Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day #79 - Snow Day

We are in the middle of the biggest storm we have experienced this early in the season since we have lived here in Summit Park. Since yesterday morning Trav has snow-blowed 3 times and will be doing it again tonight. I think we have a foot and 1/2 so far. I came home from work early yesterday so I didn't have to drive in rush hour traffic and now it feels like we are tucked away in our warm house and it is time for chicken soup and hot chocolate, I mean choffee :).

Days like today are great...once in a while. A big snow storm is beautiful and enjoyable when you don't have to be anywhere. I keep thinking about the people in New York who got hit by Hurricane Sandy and are only just starting the process of recovery. I can't imagine what those families back East are going is impossible to know what we can do to help except to donate money.  It does make one think more and more about emergency preparedness and what something like loss of power for a few weeks would look like in our situation.

We have shelter, but how do you stay warm? We have a few weeks worth of food, but what about water? We have batteries, flashlights, blankets, propane stoves, dutch ovens, back packs...My parents let us borrow a propane heater last year and we still have that in our storage unit and I keep thinking it wouldn't hurt just to get one we can have around for emergencies. I think often how much I love having a gas fireplace, but in an emergency it would be better to have the log burners.

Anyway, something to think about and being prepared certainly makes sense. For tonight, I am going to count my blessings and enjoy snuggling with my Husband, my dog and my cat w/some choffee, while we watch football and read.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "All things are ready, if our mind be so.” William Shakespear


  1. Wowsers! So much snow in so little time. Sounds beautiful....and oh yeah, COLD!! I like your plans....snuggle, relax and Choffy! Yum. You spell it that because you mix it with your coffee? or just your special way? JC. I'm happy you are enjoying it however you spell it.

    If only I could get Anonymous on board. She has a litteral gold mine at her spa, Mother In Law, Judo, etc. Not to mention the health bennies for herself. Man....I wish there was some way I could get that message to her.

    Any YOU! Have you shared it at work yet?? PLEASE get brave and go for it! Use your big press, 1 cup of grounds, boiling water, brew for at least 10 min. serve w/ International Delight French vanilla creamer. Make it your special treat for over the holidays for your workmates when they visit your office. I PROMISE IT WILL BE A MASSIVE HIT. What is not to love about a delicious, healthy, steaming hot cup of chocolate?? They will love you for it. You can keep it in your office space w/ bags to sell. See....?? YOU have the perfect set up. You need some flyers for it don't you.....I could send you some 4 Reasons to love Choffy cards if that would help. You need a large 5lb bag of DARK IC.....and some 12 oz bags on hand.

    You to have a huge gold mine to tap....without leaving the comfort of your office. Your people will want to purchase Choffy for their home buyers for gifts. I KNOW IT.

    .....just a few ideas from your loving sponsor.

  2. I know you are be honest, I probably shouldn't have signed up for it. This type of sales does not really excite me. It probably would not hurt to bring it to work to try or at least share it with my work mates. There is no way to really heat up a pot of water though. I have tried to just microwave a cup of water and use a single serving tea pouch to brew it, but it didn't really work. We'll see...I hope your sales are going strong. I keep looking for a post about how your recent event went.

    Love ya - HB
