Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day #77 - Election Day

Well - it is the big election day...who will it be? Obama or Romney? It has been so interesting at the office; mainly because most everyone believes the same thing. I smile a bit when I hear them going at it over an issue when they are on the same side just getting more and more outraged and worked up.

I was thinking about being President the other day...who in their right mind would even WANT that job? Ugh. My overall impression of the position is...the President is responsible for everything with no power to really DO anything. My Dad will probably have a heart attack when he reads this and will no doubt find me a book concerning Presidential powers that he will require me to read in exchange for yard work or something. Regardless, it is a more ambitious job than I would ever be interested in.

Ope...Obama just came out the winner. At least it is looking that way. I know most of my family will believe this will usher in the end of the world...maybe it will, but I do not envy the man his job. I wish him the best.

Yesterday, Trav and I went to a movie called "Argo" about the American Embassy that was taken hostage in Iran several years ago when Carter was President. These poor people were held hostage for 444 days!! I cannot imagine what that would have been like. I mean to ask my parents if they remember this.

On a completely different note...I just took my dog out for his nightly ritualistic 10 p.m. potty break and smelled the firewood burning, keeping the houses cozy and as I looked up into the dark night sky I saw a long, bright falling star...make a wish.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I have had many troubles in my life, but the worst of them never came." James Abram Garfield


  1. That was a nice genteel election day post. shhh, shhhh, shhhh.....there now.

    I agree w/ you.... who would want the brutality of being president? My opinion is this: either a very bad man or an exceptionally good one. No one would be willing to take the constant thrashing if they did not hold the highest love and belief for his country, or the opposite.

    The end of the world? nah, but the end of something, and the beginning of something else entirely......but how is that going to look? We have only had glimpses. Now we will get the entire feast laid out before us.

    I am sad.....but not defeated. Not hardly....I can see by the color out there in the United States that I (we) are not alone in our mind set. I would not want this next four year term either. I don't think anyone is going to sit down and shut up and simply take what is given.

    I am sure we are in for a ride. Time to hunker down. That is what is the most frightening.....the time has come to take those hard stands. To speak out. Unite. I keep thinking of the phrase, "Who is John Galt"?....but I believe the phrase for our time will be, "God Bless America". We'll see.

    I'm rambling.....still trying to process I guess. I think many will be working through the mourning process. I believe there are 5 stages or something like that. Denial. Shock. Anger. Sorrow. Sadness. Fear. Emptiness.....oh wait, that is more than 5.....but I am just guessing anyway.

    Love you HB.

  2. Hey - I love that you take a stand; that you have strong opinions. I am terrified of change and I LOVE change - it is the only thing that remains the same...change happens.

    The thing I dislike is hypocracy in dissension - like, my opinion matters, but yours doesn't; I am right and you are wrong. This is all I hear in politics and it is tiresome and frustrating. I think it is good to disagree, nothing would ever change otherwise, but why does it all have to be so negative & disparaging? Just for clarification purposes, your comments are not what brought this on - I have been shaking my head at facebook posts all last month.

    Today in the elevator a woman got on and just started going on and on about how she couldn't get passed the results of the election and how aweful things were going to be - she doesn't know me, we have never met, yet she assumed I wasn't sitting across the isle from her with my own set of beliefs that are just as profound as hers.

    One thing is for sure...times are interesting.

    Love you M. HB
