Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day #131 - Half Baked

Today I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies from scratch. I think this is the first time in over a year that I actually baked cookies that weren't from pre-made dough. I made oatmeal for Travis since he loves them and chocolate chip for me (as opposed to raisins). Travis hinted at coconut as a possibility...whatever, that will NEVER happen.

I pulled out the Betty Crocker cook book and ended up using the recipe on the lid of the oatmeal bucket instead. It had less lard in it and LOTS of oats; these cookies are DENSE. Travis even said they would make a good treat for riding long rides - like a power bar I guess. Anyway, they are yummy.

The best part of baking is, of course, the smell. I guess licking the spoon would have to be a second and cleanup is definitely the worst, but it feels like an accomplishment to throw ingredients all together and finish with something good to share with someone you love.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "So inner happiness actually is the fuel of success." Dr. John Hagelen


  1. Yes, love baking from scratch. It is satisfying. Man, reading the author of your quote....I read Dr. John Galt.....only it said John Hagelen....I am reading Atlas Shrugged, so the question, "Who is John Galt"? is on my mind. Have you read it? It is very good. Almost half way through the 1070 + pages, it is weird because it feels like it is winding down....what in the world will be in the last 500 pages?? I am sneaking in a lot of reading when I should be baking from scratch for my little valentines!

  2. That intimidates me. Not even half tempted to read it...looking forward to the high points when you do a book report on it though. HB
