Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day #140 - Dreams

Last night while writing my post it became evident my dog was dreaming away on the floor beside me. He wasn't making any noises, although he does bark in his sleep sometimes, but his little legs were moving in an alternate rhythm as if he was running.

I have this picture of Bart - he is running full tilt towards me in long stretching strides. His hair and long black ears are flapping in the wind, his head is up, his eyes are sparkling and his tongue is hanging out the side of his grinning face. It is one of those photos that makes me happy. Bart is free in this moment and his joy is palpable. I like to think this is what his dream looks like.

I have had a lot of dreams the last few days and I figure it is because I am actually getting a lot of sleep since I've been sick. This morning I dreamed I participated in an Iron Man (2 mile swim, 100 mile bike ride & 26.2 mile marathon). This is a secret fantasy of mine and I love to watch the Iron Man's on TV with Travis - we sit and marvel at those people and cry a lot. Anyway, in my dream, after I crossed the finish line I said, "Now I can let my hair go gray"...ah, sweet rewards.

I also dreamed about Bart the other night. The snow outside is as high (higher in some places) as the fence around our yard. Bart has been sitting at the top of the snow piles and observing his kingdom this past week. I often wonder if he will decide to hop over to the other side of the fence...? Last night I was watching him out the window and he started to bark at our next door neighbor. The neighbor looped a hook through Barts collar, picked him up and set him on the other side of the fence - HELLO...I hustled on out there and as I approached the fence heard him telling someone on the phone there was a stray dog in the neighborhood. Some strong conversations ensued after that...

I can tell you my face was HOT and my pulse was POUNDING when I woke up. It wasn't a gentle wake up - I was wide awake and super mother bear angry. I actually love it when this happens; when emotions are raw and real with a rush of adrenaline, but then you realize it isn't real and it just becomes an experience instead of a devastating situation.

One thing is becoming clear to me, I really should be getting more sleep. I took a nap this afternoon and it felt WONDERFUL. Plus I love having and remembering my I have to decide whether or not to analyze them...?

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sometimes what we appear to have lost is simply something it was time to leave behind." Marianne Williamson


  1. Hug I love your quote! That's a great way to look at things. There are no accidents! haha... No really, it's true though.
    I also love to see frosty burger dream. He barks this tiny lil bark, like he wants to go after somebody, but I'm prob there telling him to stop barking...lolol. I wonder if bart is dreaming he is running and romping around in his glory days, with his knees all in tact and super limber!

    Speaking of tv, crying, and health (from your last posts) Golden and I rarely take a viewing in of teen mom 2, on mtv.... I'll wait while you guys roll your eyes... Anyways, we have a hard time watching it because the girls are so lame, the babies usually get second fiddle while they deal with their lame high school-ish drama. It sucks because it is real life, and it makes us want to find these girls and punch their faces for not taking care of their kids....

    There is one girl, she has twins... I am crying already... Her one baby is fine, healthy little sweetheart. Her other baby, Ali, isn't doing so good. Her legs are bowl legged, but something is wrong with her spine they think, and she can't put any weight on her leg. So they are running tests to see what the deal is. Then she notices that her eyes look a lil crossed.... So she takes her in to the eye specialist. He tells her that she's got to wear glasses and that it may correct the problem, if not, then its surgery in 4 months.. Then he says that if something is wrong with her eyes it has nothing to do with the spine. It's the brain.. So she is all by herself at these appointments although she is now engaged to the father of her babies, but to imagine dealing with this...

    Golden and I break down bawling when we see her. It is hard to imagine dealing with that, and even so at her age.

    We Thank God everyday for our health! And for Seerie's health! Life is so precious!!!!!!

  2. Before I get side tracked by reading Keri's blog post inside your blog post I wanted to comment on yours.....Bart, Bart, Bart....when I was reading your dream I forgot it was a dream and was like dang, what the heck w/ that neighbor, I bet he was surprised to see you coming round the corner, to "chit-chat". Thank goodness it was a dream. One time I analyzed a dream...remember, the one where my teeth were falling out and I couldn't find anyone to help me. I had asked what it meant on I get comments or what? It was not good what it meant. I received phone calls etc. on that one. People worried for me. I guess I am saying just beware when you start digging and trying to "figure out your dreams".

  3. ok Ker, glad I put that off. um, teen mom 2...huh. To each his own, to each his own. Did you ever READ Atlas Shrugged....did you finish it?? I am 100 pages from finishing....I am sad....I'm not ready to be through.

  4. I'm wondering if Keri actually updated her blog...? I will check it out. I am at lunch so thought I would take a moment to respond.

    What is this Atlas Shrugged comment in the middle of the Teen Mom 2 response??? Is this a side track or is there something about Atlas Shrugged that would make it relevant? Just curious.

    I hate that Teen Mom TV - I hate Jersey Shore also, but MAN it is easy to get sucked into reality TV. I don't know how it happens - one minute you don't know anything about anyone and the next you can't wait to find out if Snooky's Dad is going to pull her from the show for beating on a cop. Rediculous!! It's a "situation" for sure.

    I DO love that Golden and Keri watch it together and they BOTH cry...that is awesome. It does create a certain closeness to relate together on any level...HB

  5. Ker was reading Atlas Shrugged at one point....that was one of the first times I saw the book. It was a few years ago...I just wondered if she ever finished it. Not really relevant to the teen mom thing at all.
