Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day #133 - Long Days

Yesterday when I left the office it was still light we are talking. I love the long days of Summer. We aren't there yet, but it is always encouraging to see the yellow light still glowing at 6:00 p.m. because that means we are getting closer.

Today it has been SUPER windy. The roof keeps creaking, the windows are humming and the snow falling outside is a sideways blizzard that shifts to flurry's, spinning gusts and back again. As I started the drive up the canyon tonight it felt like I was driving through a movie set. It was just starting to snow at the bottom but there was a white smokey film floating in swirls all across the road. It moved like a snake in curvy patterns. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it. It was a constant fog machine, but the smoke all stayed close to the road, very interesting. By the time I reached the top of the canyon it was low visibility blizzard conditions. Glad I came home when I did.

This is February in Utah...50 degrees w/blue skies one day and blizzard the next, but that "long day" sunlight...very encouraging.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have something to say" Plato


  1. Hug....that sounds cool, but I am confused by your quote. Fools and Wise men seem like they are the same.....true? This is the first quote stumper for me....

  2. I liked the quote because it is basically saying we ALL have something to say, foolish or no. I have heard a lot of "foolish" things lately, but they may just be foolish to me.
