Monday, January 31, 2011

Day #122 - Mighty Bright

At Christmas time Trav and I rearranged our living room furniture so we could put the tree in a new more relevant spot; we liked the arrangement so much we have decided to leave it. The unfortunate thing is the arrangement changed the placement of lamps, so now when I want to read instead of watch football I have been reading in the dark, well almost dark.

I was standing in line at Costco the other day and suddenly noticed the packages in front of is the typical "last chance" buy that I fell for. There was a stack of night reading lamps - the kind that hooks onto the book - 2 for $12. I picked it up and took it home with me.

They are called "Mighty Bright" - there are two heads on it that move every-which-way so you can use one or both as needed. I think this will be a great solution to my problem and I think I will even try reading in bed...GASP...If the lights are off why should Trav care...We will see.

I Am Grateful,

I know I have been very lax on photos - I lost my camera battery charger, but believe I found it. Hope to make up for the lack of visuals soon.

Diva Quote: "You can do anything, but you cannot do everything." Don Ward

1 comment:

  1. Kev and I love our little book lights. Every night we are reading in bed....I usually only last a page or two, but still. Enjoy those little guys. I am reading Atlas Shrugged right now!!! Yipes. It is a biggie. I will let you know what I think in a few weeks.

    PS - why don't you try rearranging your lamps??? Just no good spot now?
