Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day #98 - New Year's Resolve

AH - New Year's Resolutions...In trying to determine how much information to share about mine I decided to look up the word to see just what I was actually committing myself to; how big is the word anyway?

Resolution: the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose; the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.

Well, that sounds pretty serious to me. As I look over my list of "Resolutions" for 2011, I feel tired instead of energized. I think most of it is because my list doesn't really change that much year to year and I keep writing down the same old things. I just took some time to alter the list a bit and yet I know better then to eat an elephant...

Eat an Elephant: Biting off more then you can chew

Everyone knows when setting a big goal one should set little ones to meet first.

Resolve: to be reduced or changed by breaking up or otherwise, to break up or disintegrate; to come to a determination; make up one's mind

Over the last week I have considered my weight loss goal in particular. I think this has been at the top of my New Year's Resolution list since high school. Most of the time I am the cliche' New Yearer and do great for the first few months and then whack my efforts to shreds spending the rest of the year beating myself up and ruining all my good work.

So I will break it up into smaller pieces this year and say "lose 15 lbs." then I will set the next goal. I worked out a daily checklist for myself today and think that will break down the steps enough to begin gnawing on that Elephant skin (yuck).

Some of the other goals I am excited about is sewing a quilt for my bed and re-organizing the living spaces in our house. Travis and I have done a decent job keeping the place up from week to week, but when I REALLY look the place over I notice all the little piles...on and in the hutch, under the kitchen counter, stashed in a corner behind an end table, littered in a basket hidden on a shelf, stuffed in a drawer by the table...on and on. Why do I need these piles? What purpose does it serve? I want to get to the bottom of it and find a place for everything to live or chuck it. I am also determined to use daily affirmations and positive thinking to help with these goals.

I would be interested to know if you have a Resolution you are going to work on this year...Please share. Here's to ALL the possibilities 2011 has to offer us!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see." Barry Neil Kaufman 

1 comment:

  1. Hug, I think your resolutions sound excellent and doable. I would be most excited to tackle the piles.....something that I can see a difference in instantly. I know you can reach all of your goals. Break it down further if needed....take it to one day at a healthy new habit each week. Start weeding out the bad.

    I have found a few things that have really helped me stay on track w/ my physical goals and resolve to stay as fit as I can. It is a daily on going process, every single day. Call and chit chat any time you want. I would love to be one of your sounding boards and will offer you all the ideas and support I have. I believe in you girl!!
