Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day #113 - Game Night

So, I am not a super game person, but my neighbors across the street, John and Kathy, are super game freaks. They have asked us a few times to play with them and we are like....sure??? The last two times we have hung out they brought over a new game to play. Tonight they brought a game called "Things". I cannot tell you how fun it was!! We were laughing our guts out!! My stomach hurts, I laughed so hard. I am going to buy the game soon so I can play it with my family.

Just for example..."Things you should not do at a circus." Everyone writes down a "thing" and turns it in to the reader. Then you take turns guessing who wrote what...I was super surprised at the results. Sometimes I just KNEW Matt wrote "blank", but it was really weird and totally funny. One question was "Things that would make high school better"...I am sorry to say every person at the table wrote something about "hot for teacher" references (really? Mrs. Riley???)...not me...I actually wrote "colored pencils"...WHAT?? Total Dork!!! It was a lot of fun.

My family loves to play cards. I never "feel" like playing, but when I do I LOVE IT. I am going to try to be more open to 'game night' in our lives. There is too much joy to be had not to.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When you're through learning, you're through." Vernon Law


  1. Man, that sounds like a blast. That is our families problem right there! We need to start playing GAMES....not just cards. OK?!!! Buy that game and lets play this summer.
