Sunday, January 16, 2011


Not the sleeping kind of zzzzzzzzz, although that is great as well, but the kind that is alarming at first and turns out to be...not so bad after all.

Travis called me into the kitchen tonight to listen for an odd sound he kept hearing. It was a quiet zzzzzzzz sound, like the low hum of electricity. Ah, it was by the, not the fridge, the dishwasher. I leaned my ear close and it stopped, but only for a few seconds...under the sink? I opened the door, but it stopped again...I didn't hear it anymore and neither did Travis.

I shrugged my shoulders and head back to the family room where I get all tucked up in my blanket again so we can watch the Golden Globe Awards. Trav also gets settled, but then the cat starts perking up and looking toward the kitchen. She tenses up like she is going to sprint on in there and Travis says, "That's it...let's go back in there and figure out where that sound is coming from."

Sigh...Once again we head in there and flip on and off the lights, put our ears to the oven? Nope. The dishwasher? Nope. The fire alarm? Nope. The oven? Wait a that a bug? "Hey, Travis, could it be this little guy?" - squish, sorry little fella...YEP!! It was a stinking CRICKET!!! How random is that? Crisis averted, no going to bed fearing the house might burn down from some sort of electrical short...

I Am Grateful - & a little sorry for the cricket,

Diva Quote: "You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made." Michael Bernard Beckwith

1 comment:

  1. Happy ending....for two of you anyway! Ha! That little turkey. How were the Golden Globes?....I had kinda hoped to watch that....check out all the outfits, etc.
