Monday, January 24, 2011

Day #115 - Cup, cup, cup, cup, cup, of, of, of, of, of, tea, tea, tea, tea...

That is a My Fair Lady reference for those of you who did not watch it a million times as a teenager - the one with Audry Hepburn. Hmmmm...makes me want to change my gratitude post to "old movies" - another time perhaps.

One of my favorite things is a cup of herbal tea. I just bought some new flavors recently and tonight I sip on Acai Berry tea w/hibiscus, rosehips, lemongrass, orange peel, chicory root, blackberry, acai fruit & licorice powder. Sounds good, yes?

I've been trying to drink more water and sometimes I just get watered out. The tea is a good alternative without resorting to Crystal Light , other fake sweet drinks or diet soda. Plus a warm cup of tea is like a warm cup of hot chocolate or milk...makes me feel cozy and sleepy.

I have this dream of growing my own herbs to make my own tea flavors. I don't think the growing season here is conducive to growing any kind of producing herb, but maybe I will give it a go in the spring and see what happens. The other alternative is to grow it inside, but my cat has a plant eating fetish that is aggravating. If it is alive and green (or pink, orange, yellow, etc) she eats it and then picks the worst spot on the carpet to barf it up. Not cool Kitty!

Tomorrow night I shall try Orange Peel...looking forward to it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Why is it that when anything goes without saying, it never does?" Marcelene Cox


  1. To true on the quote. Way too true!

    How fun...did you buy them all in a set? I enjoy a natural herbal tea now and again also.... definitely some goodness in them. They are so tricky to drink first you have to let them steep, then you try it and it is scalding hot, you wait, now I have waited too long, not hot enough, I add more boiling is kind of a process....sometimes I end up watering it down so much that I am pretty much just drinking hot water any way....which is still good. So I guess it is a win win situation either way...just a little annoying.

  2. I too run into the too hot, too cold scenarios. Travis bought me a small tea pot last year that I sometimes use for a more authentic tea drinking experience. The pot allows for freshening a smaller cup with the warm tea and the pot keeps the tea hot and strong. I usually just heat water up in my cup microwave style, but sometimes I take the time and enjoy it more thoroughly.
