Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day #112 - Exercise to Energize!!

...Or to get UNANGRY.

MAN I had a bad morning. The first thing I got to take care of today is a house that flooded one week before closing. ARGHHHH! My poor agent. I called just as I finished reading his email and the flames hadn't finished racing to my face yet. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!!!" It is what it is, but then I wonder at all the ways it could have been avoided. Not really much more we could have done when you come right down to it, so we moved on and hope we can resolve the issues before closing in 1 week.

Ya know how when you are super irritated at one thing and the next thing that happens is SUPER BIG when it is really no big deal - that happened when I went into the break room to eat lunch and it was FULL of about 20 agents - standing room only. It was 2:00 p.m. for crying out loud. I grabbed my coat - TACO BELL here I come. When I started to head out it sounded more quiet, so I went in and cooked my left over spaghetti instead and shifted my bad energy enough to enjoy the women still in there. I got to brag about my sister's new exercise class and got to get to know people better that I normally only pass in the hall.

Then I took a bill down to the 1st floor to put in the mailbox outside - still wearing my coat - might as well walk around the building - super nice crisp day - then I took the 5 flights of stairs back up to my office. My forehead didn't stop sweating for about 20 minutes and my left calf cramped for a second, but it felt good to stretch my legs and made the afternoon feel much better!! Shake it off Heather!! I will try to do this more often.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." Herm Albright (HA)


  1. I love it! Way to shift it, now lift it...., just four more, come on, you got it!! Just kidding. It's just that you started talking exercise and I couldn't help but jump in. A few things:
    I enjoyed the opener - ....Or to get UnAngry. Hope to use that sometime, because it is so true. Helps get things back in perspective, burn off steam....even after you stop moving!....which can be annoying....! but worth it.
    Your Diva Quote really cracked me up. That is a keeper for sure. Made me think of Kevin.
    I hope the flood deal was worked out! Sounds awful.

  2. Can I just tell you I look forward to reading your blog like every day :) I did not know you went on a walk :) Good Job!! We should start walking on warm days together... I still have my walking shoes in the drawer and now I HAVE to get in shape for my Dirty Girls course :)

  3. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I too have had walking shoes under my desk everyday for years and have probably only used them 5 times. I will take on that challenge Carrie!! We start Monday...around the building twice and up 5 flights of stairs!!

  4. I'm sorry you had a crap day. Next time you have one and you need a break just let me know.

    When I first started and I was overwhelmed I would walk around the whole block on my lunch. It was nice to get my blood pumping and get away from the office for a few minutes!
