Friday, December 17, 2010

Day #90 - The Visitors

Some days are harder then others to find time to blog...I have the best excuse the last two days. Matt and Kim are visiting from Boston and they are staying with us. It feels like they were never gone. I have decided this is one of the best weeks of my year...not only are Matt and Kim here, my sister Melissa and her family will be here all next week from Florida and my Debi will be visiting from Denver next weekend.

What this week points out, yet again, is sometimes you have to miss something to realize how great it is. It also points out how things just keep changing; nothing stays the same so it is important to appreciate the every day gifts that are relationships...not only appreciate, but recognize them as the gifts they are.

This Holiday I am going to focus specifically on the people around me. In all honesty when the whole family gets together it can be distracting - lots of noise and chaos happening all around. I am hoping to create opportunities to focus on the individuals.

For instance, my sister Keri called me tonight and in conversation mentioned she wants to come up to Park City next week and shop at the outlet mall. I really do not enjoy shopping for shopping's sake, but I decided to go for it so I get to spend some time with her. I know it will be hectic busy and baby Seerie will be interesting to cart around, but I am really looking forward to spending some time with Keri doing what she enjoys.

Another opportunity will be with Melissa, her kids and hopefully Kevin to go watch the Sunday broadcast at Temple Square. It will be inconvenient to travel to downtown for a short program, but it is something she is really looking forward to attending and I want to experience that time with her.

These things may or may not happen depending on what comes up for everyone, but these are the type of opportunities I hope to capitalize on - I'm looking forward to it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Take the first step in Faith. You don't need to see the whole staircase just to take the first step." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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