Friday, December 24, 2010

Day #93 - It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Last night we took small gifts to a few of our neighbors...'tis the Season. This morning I have been reflecting on the new people that have come into our lives this past year. It is an interesting experience inserting myself into a new area. We lived over 12 years in our last house and felt very comfortable with our neighbors; it was one thing I was loath to leave behind. I have felt mostly lucky in our new acquaintances - Neighbor John, Lynn, The Muellers...these are the people we have come to care about in our new place.

Neighbor John was the first person to talk to us when we moved in. We call him that because there are actually quite a few John's in our life and we didn't know his last name when we first moved in - the nic name stuck and it is clear who we are talking about when something new happens. The first time I met John he told me he was using his facilities late at night when he noticed our motion light come on across the street. When he looked out his window he saw a HUGE cat by our stairs. He thought it was a small cougar/mtn. lion as it was too big to be a house cat. Now we are not sure what he saw, but that was the first meeting with him and it is a funny and good memory.

Lynn moved into the house next door about one month after we moved in. We actually looked at the possibility of purchasing his house when we bought ours. Lynn is crazy friendly. He threw his own welcome party, oh he might call it a neighborhood party, but he took it on himself to strongly assert himself into his new area. I admire him for it - he basically worked his way up and down the street to meet all the new neighbors. He is a little like an old school free love and peace type hippie - minus the promiscuous sex and drugs that sometimes follow the title. I feel lucky to be his neighbor and know he would help in any way we might need him if asked.

The Mueller's have lived in the neighborhood the longest of our new friends. They moved here from Sugarhouse and seem to love it snow and all. They always invite us over when they are having a party and even to play games and just hang out. Whenever we have gone we usually end up singing Karaoke - hard to resist the set up they have over there. They are very fun and down to earth people.

Just like in the old neighborhood our new neighbors are very different in personality, age, situation in life and just like in the old neighborhood we have begun to find our unique place as well. I thought today would be a good chance to honor them and Thank them for their friendship over the past year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation." from The Alchemist

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