Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day #66 - Homonyms

I am sure I learned about Homonyms in school...didn't I? Words that sound the same but have different meanings...The scent of cookies drew me to spend my hard earned cents before I boarded the plane to be sent to school. Cool, yes?

OR - Words that are spelled the same, but sound different...Don't tear up over a tear in your sweater. Just the other day my brother, Chuck, submitted a post on facebook making fun of a bread package that had a "Home Maid" sticker on it. I didn't realize there are so many words like that. Honestly, if I had days to write this post I would find a way to insert as many homonyms as I could...maybe I'll be able to throw a few in here for fun.

I have been keeping an eye on my attitude lately...I realized I have not been as focused on an attitude of gratitude as I used to be. Today I bought a pad of paper and stuck it to the fridge. I wrote something I am grateful for on it...I am hoping Travis takes a minute to notice it and write something he is grateful for as well - there is no right or wrong thing he can write down, so I am hoping he takes the hint. I feel we both can use a dose of "we really do have it good" in our lives. I plan to write a minimum of one new thing per day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.” --Harlan Ellison 


  1. Dang it, I just made a really long comment and erased it!
    Bottom line - I love you, I am grateful. and Homonyms are as hard for me to come up with now as I'm sure they were in my youth!
    love- A

  2. Bear with it Aim, everything does not come easy for everyone. At least we have a right to bare our mid-drifts in the USA.....I don't, at least not in public. I was a bear yesterday to Kevin....just kidding (for once).....just trying to show off.

    Good luck on Trav just picking up on your little hint HB....K would not be phased by my fridge note, maybe because our fridge is too crowded w/ too much stuff to notice. Hints are dangerous is all I am saying, at least in relationships. You might need to clue him to your great idea with a word or two.

    See you later, hopefully at the Sea.
