Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day #75 - Report

Yesterday was a good day. I did get my hair done and now it is SUPER dark. I'm not sure how I feel about it...I decided to do an all over color over the super blond highlights because the bleach was really starting to make my hair crispy and Keri and I decided doing an all over could start to mellow out the dryness. I knew it would be dark, but it turned out darker than I expected. Oh well, I know I will get used to it eventually and the next time I go the plan is to start adding back in lighter brown highlights. The thing I really dread is going to work and having everyone comment on it. Sigh.

After the hair do, I went to Fashion Bug to get my coat...they were two days away from closing...WHAT?!!! Argh. I bought 2 bras for $8...thought I better stock up. After Fashion Bug I went North to visit my Mom. Found out my Dad just left to go hunting with the Florida family in South Dakota, so Mom and I had a little girls time. I always feel so lucky when I get my Mother to myself. While I was there we got to see Chuck's Halloween ensemble...oh my. He was a 'Sports Enthusiast' - Chuck is certainly enthusiastic about Halloween.

I got home at about 9:00 p.m. dreading the mess I expected to find from Bart...nothin', nada...good boy.

The best part of today was my brother Chuck came up to watch football. He got here and was somehow surprised not to see Travis...HA HA - how else am I supposed to get one on one time with my baby bro? I am super ready to get Travis home. I expected him around 4 or 5 and found out they JUST left at 4...probably won't see him until 9...double sigh.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "How can you know what is missing if you’ve never met it? You must know of something’s existence before you can notice its absence.” --E.L. Konigsburg


  1. Dark!! I bet it looks great. Might I recommend a dark brown mascara wand to help w/ the side burn greys that will come is annoying, and can be a little messy, just dab it a little on a tissue and then go to town where needed. This is how I am stretching my darker hair.

    No coat?

    You need to try the new IC Dark.....are you still drinking your Choffy?? Hope so. : )

    Where has Trav been again? How did I miss that part?

  2. Trav was in Moab - on a bike trip. No coat...yet. Thanks for the gray coverage tip...sounds like a winner and one I will need to put to good use.
