Monday, January 30, 2012

Day #341 - Words w/Friends

Dang that Kathy Mueller...she introduced me to "Words w/Friends" on facebook and now I have one more thing to distract me at night. I am currently playing a game with Kathy and a game with my cousin Devin...seriously thinking about roping Lori and Melissa in for a friendly game...Anyone?

The problem is...I spend so much time looking for the perfect word. I find a word that sounds like it might be a word and then I look it up in the dictionary and if it is truly a word I will often score large points, if it is not a word, I spend 10 more minutes looking for something else.

Example: I could use just "long" or "gone", but no...I have to find "Flong" - the material of which a stereotype mold is made (in case you are wondering).

Who knew?

I figure I can maybe learn some new words while I'm playing the game - perhaps I can impress my new online grammar teacher with my prowess in vocabulary.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Why do boys say someone acts like a girl as if it were an insult?” Tamora Pierce


  1. The boys have just started playing that....I think E added the App to his phone. Rope them in. They play against each other in different rooms of the house. That was a big thing around here for a while, everyone I knew had about 8 games going at all times. That phase has passed. It is not my cup of much work for this brain of mine.

  2. I totally hear you about trying to find a big word to get more points. I play with Tory and one other friend. I would love to play a game with you. I am sure I will get creamed since you read a ton and you are now in a grammar class, but I'm okay with that. :)

    1. I used to play that and I could never beat my mom, so I got one of those apps that helps you cheat, TOLD HER I was using it and she still beat me. That was a sad moment when I realized I would never be as good at word games as she is. You're always welcome to play with her. She's so addicted!
