Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day #334 - Nookie

I am so happy with the Nook Trav gave me for Christmas. I love that I can read it without a light bulb shining down on me. When we are watching football, excuse me, I mean - when Trav is watching football, I can comfortably get some read time in without creating a big glare on the TV and without straining my eyes for lack of light. Plus, the words are in bigger print.

I still went to the library last weekend to get some books on CD and picked up a few library books as well and now I switch from nook to book, but I am loving the nook more and more. The nook also came with my FAVORITE game, Sudoku, on it. I keep playing the "easy" games and can't believe how bad I am at it. I am sure I will get better with time, but I love having it there to play anytime I want to.

The other REALLY cool thing is all the free books you can download. I am still figuring this out, but have managed to download a few from Barnes and Noble and there were over 3,000 free books listed on the web site. I am currently reading the 2nd book in the "Hunger Games" series...the first books sets up the 2nd book so cleanly that you almost feel like you HAVE to read it. There is just too much that needs to be cleared up and too much left undone, I just can't stop at the first book. I did have to buy those books, but soon I plan to "share" my books with other readers. This is also something I need to learn to do, but you can actually get friends and "lend" the books to them and they can lend their books to you. Pretty cool.

I also still need to figure out how to download the library nook books...they download to your nook for 2 weeks and then deactivate. How cool is that?

I also love the case Trav picked out for me. Even though Trav doesn't get why I like to read so much, he acknowledged it and gave me the most thoughtful gift he knew I would use and enjoy. I am a super lucky girl.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Choose an author as you choose a friend." Sir Christopher Wren (on the cover of my Nook)


  1. When I saw the title of this post I was a little scared to read it... You know what nookie is, right? Haha!

    Hey, I thought we were going to read the hunger games books together! I started the first one... But I don't think I'll ever catch up now!

  2. HB - that is very cool. I am glad you are loving your nook. I really like the cover as well. Excellent color choice. I can't quite read the last word of the quote.....Choose your authors like you choose your friends......? carefully? I read the Hunger game series also. Enjoyed the first book....they sorta went downhill from there for me. You will have to let me know what you think.

  3. K - I thought I replied to your comment already...Did I and it just doesn't show? Anyway, of course I know what Nookie means - that is why it is a funny title.

    M - I just finished book 3 of the Hunger Game series. As I told my pal K at work, I liked the books, but i don't enjoy books when the main character is an accidental hero and inside they fight it so hard. I don't know how to explain it, but it bugged me.
