Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day #332 - Runnin'

Well, my sisters should be done with their marathon by now...I am sitting here thinking about them and what they must be feeling...relief, triumph, satisfaction, camaraderie, gratitude, pain...OY - so much going on for them in this moment.

There are really big things that happen at events like this. When you have a group of people with a common goal come together there is a lot of power in it. I remember the solitude of training; all the great and hard experiences on long distance runs and how internal it all was; then on race day, when thousands of people are gathered at the starting line, a wave of people moving forward as one, how the feeling of being part of something so big is incredible and overwhelming - at least that was my experience so many years ago.

There are many ways to experience this kind of community and partnership. Just last Friday I met with some clients (one of which was one of my 3 blog readers, whew hew, whom I finally got to meet in person - Thanks Chilly) and had a similar feeling of shared experience. I am glad I connected the dots in my own mind so I can appreciate my job and the partnership in a common goal toward serving the people we move. It is easy to get lost in the day to day minutia and forget the larger goal and purpose.

I am headed into the new move season within the next few weeks and pretty soon I will be overwhelmed and wanting to tear my hair out. I think I will take my finish medal to work as a reminder to stay focused on the big picture - I haven't done anything else with it all these years...maybe it can serve a purpose in my daily life.

There was a time I thought about just chucking the's not like I wear it around or put it on display and it was so long ago, but I just couldn't do it. Instead it has been buried within all the other 'stuff' I have accumulated over the years (think I have enough necklaces?). I also kept one of my Grandma Joyce's necklaces in memory of her. I ran the Honolulu Marathon for the Leukemia Society in my late Grandma's name. She was the first Grandparent we lost and died too young from the disease. I am happy to remember her again today.

I am so proud of my sisters and cannot wait to hear all about their experiences on this special day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character” T. Alan Armstrong

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Your medal is really cool and should definitely take it to work and display it. Even if it is just in a place for you to see, like you said, then when the going gets tough and you want to rip your hair out, you will be able to remember another time you had to dig deep to accomplish your goal and finish the race. Plus is fun just to sit back and remember.
    It is weird that it already seems like so long ago that we ran....but in reality it was only a week ago today. Weird.
